Ji Lei did not expect that shallow would directly say such a thing.

Is it true that Xin'er has already told shallow about the feelings between the two of them?

Also, Xin'er is a very simple child. She doesn't have a little experience in such things as feelings! In addition, the man she likes was once the one her sister-in-law wanted to marry her.

To deal with such a problem, she naturally wants to ask shallow questions!

Moreover, shallow understands better, like children living in Xin'er's family! What should we do when dealing with feelings?

"Shallow, do you think I'm a man who wants to change? It hasn't been long since we were separated. It seems that I have feelings for other women in my heart."

Shallow heard Ji Lei say such words, her heart was very happy.

Because she has been with Ji Lei for so long, even as a friend, she knows what kind of person Ji Lei is.

"I think I stayed with you for so many years and you never fell in love with me. The reason why you marry me now is that your mother is ill and may not live long in this world, so you don't want your mother to have regrets. Only when you leave this world will you choose to marry me."

"When ah Si appeared, you still told him again and again that your heart would marry me because of your love for me, but there was always a sense of inferiority in your subconscious mind. Because you obviously felt that ah Si was a very powerful person, and you didn't want to lose a little face."

"Ji Lei, don't care. At this moment, the reason why I speak such a fact so directly is because I want you to face up to your own heart. I have been with Xin'er for so long, and I love her like my own sister. So I hope she can find happiness in life."

In fact, a person does not say that he has mind reading skills.

Just because of another person, she knows very well, really when she is a friend, a lover, because she cares. Because of such a care, he will pay wholeheartedly.

So at this moment, almost every word shallow said spoke to Ji Lei's heart.

"Shallow, you are really a very smart and delicate person. No wonder Gu always loves you so much!"

Ji Lei really sighed at this time.

It turned out that in the past, shallow had understood himself so thoroughly.

Maybe at that time, they were just using each other and completely something in their hearts.

But I never thought that things would go on until now, like this, but such a way is also a kind of perfection.

"Ji Lei, tell me what you think of Xin'er! If you feel it, say it out loud. If you don't feel it, make a decision and don't give Xin'er hope. Because I have obviously felt Xin'er's feelings for you."

"Because there are many good men in this world. If you don't like her, I'll let her bury this relationship. Then go out alone, maybe you can meet a more perfect man."

Say something like this without any threat or intimidation.

I just hope Ji Lei can be more clear about his mind.

Xiner is a very simple girl. In a relationship, shallow doesn't want her to be deeply hurt.

Although in many cases, an outsider in a relationship may not be able to help. However, shallow felt that they should be reminded when necessary!

"However, xiner is a very excellent person. She is so kind and lovely. Especially her identity and background are unattainable to me. So I don't know how to choose. I don't know if I can give her that happiness."

Shallow heard Ji Lei's worry, her own worried heart was put down in an instant.

"Now to deal with this problem, let's put aside everything. If you want to be qualified to stand by Xin'er, then let yourself become stronger. In fact, what I want to say is a relationship, without those worldly things that are worthy of each other. Love is love, no love is no love, no right, no wrong, no first come, no later come."

Ji Lei may be because this relationship has just begun. Although he heard shallow words of encouragement, his heart still lingered. He didn't believe in himself, but was afraid.

"Ji Lei, we've been together for so many years. I believe you know very well what kind of identity and background I have. Maybe you don't know what our life together is like after I met ah Si. I can tell you very clearly that ah Si's family is very good. They don't care about those worldly people who are equal to each other. The only thing they care about is two people True love is enough. "

Shallow sincerely said such a long paragraph, but she still saw hesitation and worry in Ji Lei's eyes.

Maybe in such a relationship, men and women choose different.

After all, a man has too many responsibilities to bear. Because of a love, he must work harder.

To treat his beloved girl, he should give her the most powerful guarantee and the happiest material conditions.

Xin'er doesn't live in his family. He can finish it or get it after a few years of hard work.

Perhaps in Ji Lei's heart, I feel that such a responsibility is really heavy, but such a person loves him and doesn't want to let go.

At this moment, there will be hesitation and hesitation, which is also a person's normal psychology.

Because no one knows what will happen in the future.

"Ji Lei, in my heart, I think you have always been a very excellent man who will move forward bravely, have a sense of responsibility and responsibility. So I hope that in this relationship, if you determine your mind, don't give up lightly. Because both xiner and their family will be very good."

Shallow may not understand why Ji Lei is still so afraid at this moment?

But at this moment, one thing she wants to do is to give Ji Lei some encouragement, comfort and courage.

"You should be going abroad soon! You are a very smart person. Since ace has given you such a good opportunity, you will try to cherish it. Ji Lei, as long as you grasp and make good use of such an opportunity, when you come back. Give yourself another three years, I believe you will be qualified to stand beside Xin'er. For such an opportunity, I believe you will be ready to do it The love you can get, you should make yourself work harder. "

"Some feelings, once missed, can be difficult to recover. In this world, not everyone will be like ace. No matter how time goes by, his heart will still not change."

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