Ji Lei listened to every word of comfort and encouragement he said at this moment! I really think it's a very happy thing to be a shallow friend!

Because she is really a very good person, and that kind of good can't be expressed in words many times.

"Thank you, shallow! I think I know what to do."

In an instant, shallow saw the light from Ji Lei's eyes!

"I knew you would never let me down, let alone xiner. Come on, give yourself a five-year struggle period, and I believe xiner is willing to wait for you."

Yes, five years!

As long as they are willing to work hard, as long as they are willing to pay five years, it is enough.


Shallow smile!

Suddenly I felt that a very important thing had been solved.

Because for shallow, how can xiner's lifelong happiness not be a very big thing?

"Shallow, treat your mother's affairs, I heard xiner say! Don't care too much. Maybe, in your mother's heart, because she has experienced too many painful things, and there is an unforgettable hatred in her heart. Therefore, she will be particularly extreme when doing everything, and she may feel very contradictory many times. Maybe In her heart, because there is only too much hatred and she doesn't know how to love, she doesn't express her love for you. "

Shallow heard Ji Lei's comfort, her body was slightly stunned!

Because, up to now, all the friends around me will comfort themselves, but today the comfort of distance is the most unique.

Maybe it's really because everyone's living environment and educational conditions are different. So when you open your mouth and say comforting words, it will be different.

But only what Ji Lei said at this time deeply touched the shallow heart.

"So many friends around me finally heard a different comfort. Ji Lei, thank you very much. Hearing your explanation, my heart was suddenly relieved. Next time, I knew what I should do!"

Shallow smile!

Originally, in her heart to treat her mother, she was very tangled. She wanted to face it, but her heart told herself to escape.

Then the two people talked about a lot of things. For example, after going abroad, he should prepare something. What should he do? Every day should have a detailed plan.

By the time they left the coffee shop, it was time for lunch.

The reason why arth didn't call today was that he had a very important thing to deal with.

After parting ways with Ji Lei, shallow took out his mobile phone and called Xin'er.

Tell her what kind of mind Ji Lei is, so that she can be prepared to wait. I believe xiner is willing to wait for five years.

Then I went to the western restaurant that they liked best.

She didn't eat. She just ordered to pack.

Because when he left this morning, arth said that he might be very busy today and had no time for lunch at all.

That's why shallow came here. Pack!

Because there are many dishes here that both of them like to eat very much.


Xiner can't stand the happiness in her heart. She can't wait to call Ji Lei.

"Ji Lei, where are you now? I want to see you."

"Shallow and I talked just now. We haven't had lunch yet. We're ready to have something to eat."

"Then tell me the address. I'll come to you later and order me something to eat. I'm not full at noon."


Ji Lei hung up the phone sweetly!

So this is the feeling of happiness.

Once lived with shallow, they didn't take the initiative to make such a phone call or send a message, unless there was something very important.

Sure enough, such an emotion is only added to each other's subconscious, not love.

At this moment, this sweet and happy feeling is love!

Ji Lei is not a rich man now, so the conditions and environment where he goes are not very good. However, Xin'er never cares. She will be very happy when eating, and such a happiness is not dress, not hypocrisy, but from the heart.

"You slow down, and no one grabs you."

"Maybe you should eat too well at home every day. Suddenly, you feel very delicious when you eat such fried vegetables."

When Xin'er finishes saying this sentence, she may be too excited because she is too anxious.

She felt that this sentence was wrong.

"Ji Lei, I don't mean to look down on you. You won't think you have no money. I hope that sentence just now doesn't hurt your dignity. I believe you have to work hard. You will be able to hold up your own sky in the future."

Xin'er hurriedly put down her chopsticks and, in a hurry, explained what she had just said.

Ji Lei looked at Xin'er so anxious at this time!

His heart felt pain at this moment.

Ji Lei sat down directly beside shallow!

"Fool, you didn't say anything wrong about this sentence. It doesn't matter what you want to say or do in front of me in the future. You must live the most real yourself."


Xin'er feels that many men can't accept it. Women have more money than themselves, and their identity background is more powerful than themselves.

Therefore, when she just said this sentence, she couldn't wait to explain.

"Xin'er, you know the agreement between me and your brother. Tomorrow, I'm going to the United States! After going there, I may not have much time to call you, give you videos and give you MSN. I may spend all my time on learning. Because I want to come back two years later, I can not only help your brother, but also be qualified to stand in the world By your side. "

"Well, I understand! Don't worry! My sister-in-law has called me and said these things. Don't worry. If I really miss you very much, I'll take a plane to see you."

Xin'er is a girl. Of course, she has her own reserve and shyness. But at this moment, she can't care so much. She just wants to show all her heart and strength.

It's time to separate. They haven't been together for less than 24 hours. Girls can be hypocritical, but this is definitely not the time.

"Xin'er, when I come back, I hope you can give me another three years. In these three years, I will make myself stronger. In the future, I will give you everything!"

"Yes, not to mention five years, even fifteen years. I'm willing to wait."

Ji Lei looked at Xin'er's firm tone, and his heart was really moved for a moment. At the same time, he also made up his mind. He will make great efforts in the future. Let yourself have the qualification to stand beside Xin'er.

"Thank you!"

When Ji Lei said these three words, he was very excited to hold Xin'er's slender hand in his palm.

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