Xin'er felt that she really understood what happiness was like in an instant.

No wonder, as long as my brother and sister-in-law stay together, I will see your smile and tenderness on my brother's face.

Almost every moment, my brother wants to stick with his sister-in-law.

So this is the feeling of love.

Suddenly, Xin'er thought of a lot of questions.

Her beautiful red lips began to chatter in an instant.

"Ji Lei, after you go to the United States, there must be many beautiful women there. Moreover, you are so handsome and sunny. You will be very popular. Those women will try their best to hook up with you. Can you stand it?"

"I heard that foreign women are very open and easy to deal with such things. Do you have poor self-control? Can't stand their seduction. Otherwise, I'd better go to the United States with you. Suddenly, I don't have confidence in myself."

"Thousands of miles away from you, in addition to being able to call you and video with you, this situation must also be on the premise that you have time. The rest of the time, I simply can't know your things and your news. When I miss you, I can only look at the sky quietly and be in a daze alone."

"Moreover, I think my figure is certainly not as standard as those foreign women. They must be very tall and sexy. Ji Lei, I..."

Ji Lei looked at Xin'er's small mouth and was very restless. He chattered and kept talking. Moreover, every word she said at this time was very moving.

Suddenly, just before xiner's words were finished, he directly blocked xiner's red lips with his mouth.

Xin'er was stunned.

Because it was her first kiss, and such a first kiss was still in public.

Xiner's white face turned red at this moment.

She had never kissed, so she didn't know how to respond. She just looked at Ji Lei dumbfounded.

I never knew that a man living in the countryside could have such good skin.

Maybe it's because I fell in love with you in my heart, maybe it's because a heart is surrounded by a kind of sweet happiness.

Anyway, I feel that at this moment, no matter how I look at Ji Lei, what is he like? Charming, how handsome?

In fact, it's also very interesting, because this is not only Xin'er's first kiss, but also Ji Lei's first kiss.

Because he doesn't know how to respond or continue.

But a man is always more flexible than a woman in this regard.

It seems that as long as you meet the woman you love, you can master this aspect more flexibly.

Until he felt that xiner couldn't breathe, he reluctantly put down xiner!

At this moment, Xin'er was very embarrassed to put her head directly on Ji Lei's chest.

At this moment, she really heard Ji Lei's chest, the powerful heartbeat.

I believe at this moment, Ji Lei's heart beats for himself.

"Young lady!"


Because shallow has been working here before.

At that time, ah Si brought her here openly. At the same time, when he came here, his title was young lady.

"Madam, the president will be very busy today. Will you be bored here?"

When the lady at the front desk said this, she found that Mrs. Shao was carrying a lunch box in her hand.

The lady who carried forward was a very intellectual and elegant woman.

Suddenly she understood why the president's young lady was so good and loved.

If it is an ordinary woman, she will never come with food at this time.

However, it's almost a little faster, but Mrs. Shao still comes with her food, which shows that Mrs. Shao loves her very much, president.

"Young lady, please!"

The front desk lady helped shallow press the elevator directly to the president's floor!

"Thank you!"

Although he has rarely dealt with Mrs. Shao, all employees of the company have unanimously praised her.

Sure enough, Mrs. Shao really doesn't have the same airs and temper as those golden ladies. She is really approachable and gentle.

Shallow came to the door of the office and saw the assistant standing at the door all the time.

When the assistant saw the little lady coming, he felt his eyes glow.

Although it will be busy today. However, the president can't work without eating.

"Young lady, are you here?"

"Is ace in a meeting now?"

"Well, the office meeting will take about an hour."

Qian Qian heard the assistant say something like this. She looked at the lunch box in her hand. If it takes another hour, these meals will be cold. And it will be more than lunch in another hour, which is very bad for the stomach.

Shallow didn't take too much into account, so she knocked directly on the door of the office.

The assistant stood by and watched quietly.

Of course, at this time, the assistant has carried all the lunch boxes in his hand.

"Come in!"

Shallow heard a very cold voice from the office.

"You'd better have something important, or you'll leave the company directly."

Gu Siyu was very cold and heartless to say such a sentence. When he said this sentence, he didn't look up, so he didn't know that the person who came in was shallow!

"Fortunately, I'm not an employee of the company. If you dismiss me like this, it's really not worth it."

Gu Siyu heard such a familiar voice, he looked up slightly.

Suddenly there was such indifference in the eyes, which was replaced by tenderness.

"Shallow, why are you here!"

"When you came to the company this morning, you told me that you would be very busy all day. I was afraid you wouldn't eat lunch, so I sent it here. Ace, I haven't had lunch yet. Would you like to have some with me?"

Gu Siyu heard what he said. Suddenly, he was a little angry.

"Break up the meeting and continue at two o'clock in the afternoon."

All the executives left because of the arrival of Mrs. Shao.

It seems that each of them has this gratitude, gratitude, gratitude in their eyes.

Because they haven't had a rest since the morning. Because the president carried out a lot of work in advance, they were so tired that they didn't even have time to breathe.

"Shallow, you just said you haven't eaten yet."

"Hey, hey!"

Shallow know, ah Si must be angry, but she doesn't know how to answer? So there were only two awkward smiles.

"I'm outside. I've been solving something. Just now I just remembered that I'm going to be busy and won't eat lunch, so I'll pack up and eat with you."

"Shallow, not another example!"


Shallow answer!

She quickly and skillfully opened all the meals and.

Every dish is what the two of them like to eat.

When Gu Siyu was holding chopsticks and preparing to pick up vegetables, he suddenly remembered a very important thing. He should tell shallow!

"Shallow, I have bad news for you."

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