Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 79 After Escape

Fortunately, Xu Dong didn't fly too high. He was stuck to the ground by the spider silk and was stunned for a moment, but he woke up immediately.

The spider silk ball hit Xu Dong's tail and stuck him firmly to the ground. No matter how hard Xu Dong tried, he couldn't break free.

Seeing the big spider moving its long legs and rushing toward him, Xu Dong raised his claws and cut his tail without hesitation.

"Hiss~" The severe pain made him grin.

Gritting his teeth to hold back the severe pain, regardless of the blood flowing from his tail, Xu Dong flapped his wings and fought Luffy back and forth desperately.

The pronucleus plus regenerated cells in Xu Dong's body soon helped Xu Dong stop the bleeding from his tail. This can be regarded as a prehistoric version of tail-cutting to survive.

But even if Xu Dong could fly, he couldn't completely get rid of the big spider behind him. This guy ran very fast and kept falling behind Xu Dong. He even had the energy to keep shooting spider silk.

There was flat ground in the big pit, and there was no obstacle for the big spider. There was no way to continue like this. Xu Dong raised his head and looked at the sky. For now, he could only fly upward.

The red-scaled flying dragon is still a cold-blooded animal, which is commonly known as a cold-blooded animal. Although it has been developing towards a constant temperature, it cannot be completed in a short time.

Theoretically, the ectothermic system is not suitable for high-altitude flight, because the temperature at high altitude is very cold, and it is difficult for ectothermic animals to adapt to such cold.

So the path Xu Dong chose was to step on the tightrope. If he didn't pay attention and didn't hit the balance point, he would fall to pieces, but now he couldn't care less about escaping.

He flew upwards diagonally, getting further and further away from the ground, and the air became colder and colder. Xu Dong was trembling all over, and his body temperature dropped rapidly. Sauroptera was already more afraid of the cold, and he was still injured.

But there was no way. This was the only place where he could escape from the attack range of the pseudo-legendary spider. Even because he was too small, the big spider with poor eyesight actually started to have trouble finding him.

It was not a matter of physical strength, but the fact that Xu Dong's figure could not be seen clearly, which made him hesitate in the direction of pursuit. This hesitation was naturally pushed further and further away, and in the end the big spider could only return in frustration.

It sleeps here just to avoid being targeted by nature, and acts as low-key as possible. If it weren't for the temptation of the mutated pronucleus in Xu Dong's body, it wouldn't be happy to show its face.

Now that he has been lost, the big spider can only return to sleep under the stone pillar, waiting for the day when he will become a legend.

Finally getting rid of the big spider that was chasing him, Xu Dong could finally land at a suitable height. The low temperature at high altitude almost froze him into a popsicle. Fortunately, he had two mutated prokaryotes and reborn cells in his body, otherwise he would definitely not be able to survive. of.

But after this trip, the body's energy consumption was excessive, and it was necessary to replenish energy and calories as soon as possible.

Xu Dong immediately thought of the two Triassic dragons yesterday. As giant thermophilic creatures, their flesh and blood had far more heat than ordinary creatures. This was what Xu Dong needed most now.

With the target in mind, he became more motivated to fly. It was as if the cold and pain in his body did not exist. Xu Dong relied on this will to fly for most of the day, and finally saw the two complete corpses that were incompatible with the surrounding corpses.

The wings behind Xu Dong's back lost their force and became unstable in flight, causing him to stumble and fall onto the Triassic dragon.

After a day and night of fermentation, the dragon's body was no longer as energetic and tough as yesterday, and the blood no longer flowed, making the outer skin loose and loose.

Xu Dong reluctantly raised his claws and stabbed the dragon's body, but there was no cut. Xu Dong stabbed again, but there was still no cut.

Even after death, the skin was still so tough. In order to eat the flesh and blood of this giant dragon, he added ten points of source of energy to his strength, so that he could cut open the skin of the Triassic dragon.

After peeling off the fat layer and seeing the bright red flesh and blood inside, Xu Dong's stomach pouch began to secrete acidic water continuously, urging Xu Dong to fill it up quickly, and the hungry Xu Dong started eating without hesitation.

[Get 10 points of source quality]

[Get 6 points of source quality]

[Get 12 points of source quality]

What a wave of fat. You will get a system reminder almost every two to three mouthfuls. When did Xu Dong receive the essence so freely? The only regret is that not a single component appeared.

Patting his round belly, Xu Dong lay down on the soft body of the Triassic dragon, looked at the cloudless sky, and let out a satisfied burp.

I’m full, I can’t eat anymore, and there are no dangerous creatures around. I don’t need to be on guard. I haven’t had such a peaceful life for a long time. Perhaps only those who have experienced the cruel prehistoric era can know the ordinary life of the future. How precious life is is what countless upright apes have worked out from generation to generation.

Xu Dong, who was extremely bored, began to count the harvest of this Replacement period. He gained a total of 68 points of source matter, most of which came from his own Triassic dragons, and the components gained even more.

The subcutaneous bone formation of the Crocodile Crocodile, the special components of night-shielding cells, the night-vision eyes of the Morgan beast, the venom of the Glowworm, and the food-storage accessory stomach of the Crocodile crocodile.

There are five pieces in total, and they are all good things. Of course, the best ones are the two mutated proto-nuclei in the body. They have saved Xu Dong’s life many times. If it were not for being easily targeted by nature, Xu Dong really wouldn’t want to switch to Leap. Change points.

Because the power of the mutant pronucleus can be truly felt. The size is getting bigger day by day, the strength, agility, endurance and recovery are getting stronger day by day. Xu Dong has only used the seven pairs of wings on his back for the jump points.

Although it is quite practical, amphibious in water and air, and can automatically recover if it breaks down, it is obviously not as obvious and straightforward as the mutated pronucleus.

Lying here, Xu Dong's eyelids began to droop. He was tired, hungry, and cold for so long. After a good meal, he would naturally want to rest. There was no danger anyway, so Xu Dong just rested his head on the Triassic dragon's head. The belly went to sleep.

It was a very comfortable sleep. He slept until the next morning. The first thing he did when he got up in the morning was to have breakfast. Just when Xu Dong raised his paws to continue digging for meat, he suddenly saw his own forelimbs. strange.

The right hand that originally had red scales now turned a corpse-like bluish-gray color. Looking at his body, he saw patches of green and white. Was he about to turn into a zombie dragon?

Xu Dong guessed that too many creatures died in this big pit, and the corpse aura was too strong. The older generation knew that living people could not stay in the place of the dead for too long, and they were easily contaminated with corpse aura. However, he did not expect that the corpse of Ape erectus It was not stained by the Qi, but it was first stained by the corpse Qi of the ancient creature.

It is true that we cannot stay here for a long time. Xu Dong is going to go out after breakfast and continue his unfinished journey to the East.

Take a bite of dragon meat, the taste is really delicious.

[Obtain special components:...]

Damn it!

Learning to break out of context is a sign of a mature author, huh! affim!

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