Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 80 Forest Hunting

Early the next morning, Xu Dong had already decided to eat breakfast and leave this pit of death. Unexpectedly, he got an unexpected reward after taking the first bite of Triassic dragon meat.

[Acquire special components: sauropod super giant cells]

This time, a special component actually came, and Xu Dong also discovered that ordinary components are body organs, but these special components involve existence at the microscopic level.

For example, the rebirth cells and flexible cells that Xu Dong obtained before, as well as the night hidden cells that he lived in the past few days, are very powerful components. But now that he has obtained this super giant cell, does it mean that Xu Dong's future race will Could it even surpass Tyrannosaurus rex and become the largest predator on earth?

It's too far away to think about these now, let's go through the mass extinction at the end of the Triassic first.

Dinosaurs are the biological sons of nature. They escaped unscathed during the Triassic mass extinction like a cheat. Instead, they took the opportunity to occupy the ecological niche of pseudosuchians and grew rapidly.

Xu Dong's race is not the protagonist of destiny, so he can only find ways to collect more components that can survive, so that the descendants he evolves can survive this tragic mass extinction.

After a breakfast, Xu Dong's source of energy exceeded 100 points. After eating and drinking, he continued on his way. Xu Dong flapped his wings and flew out of the big pit. He continued to head towards the east to see Take a look at what the place you once inhabited looks like now.

After three days of flying, Xu Dong's bluish-white corpse spots had disappeared, his beautiful red scales had returned, and he finally returned to a living body from his zombie state.

In the past few days, everything he had flown over was plains, and the dense ferns lurked a rich variety of food. Xu Dong had no worries about finding food.

Large vegetarian dinosaurs strolled leisurely on the plains, with ambush predators hidden around them. Small creatures were sneaking around in the ferns, eating insects and stealing the carrion left by the large creatures. It was so calm and peaceful.

Until Xu Dong saw a big river, a huge river cut the plain in half, with plains on one side and mountains on the other. Dense jungle covered the mountain walls, covering the bare mountains with a layer of green. .

The mountainous area now is really a good place, unlike when we first became Little Red Dragon more than 20 million years ago, the mountainous area at that time was thousands of miles away, desolate and uninhabited. It could be called the end of life, and the Little Red Dragon clan almost ended up being there.

A large dark cloud floated over from the other side of the mountain, darkening the sky a bit, and it looked like it was going to rain.

Xu Dong stopped on the branch of a big tree to take a rest and find something to eat.

Because they sensed that it was about to rain, the dragonflies began to fly at low altitudes, and insects also emerged one after another. This was the time when the small animals came out to look for food.

Xu Dong landed on the branch of a big tree and looked at the creature underneath which one would be lucky enough to climb out first. Then he would choose it as his lunch today.

Soon, a small lizard about ten centimeters moved and rolled the low-flying dragonfly into its mouth with a flick of its tongue. Xu Dong looked at the little lizard with interest. Its disguise just now actually deceived him. Okay, how is this done?

Although the creature editor does not show such a thing, Xu Dong does have a skill that allows him to see through the disguise of creatures. The consciousness of ape erectus makes it difficult for him to be deceived by the poor disguise of ancient creatures.

This seemingly ordinary little lizard obviously does not have the ability of a chameleon, but it cleverly borrowed stones and plants from the outside world to successfully integrate itself into the environment, reaching a level that Xu Dong could not see through without looking carefully.

Okay, well done, Xu Dong almost wants to applaud him. Today’s lunch is yours.

Xu Dong jumped directly from the branch, without moving his wings, and rushed straight towards the little blue-black lizard.

The little lizard that had just swallowed the dragonfly whole felt the danger approaching and quickly wanted to escape. Unexpectedly, Xu Dong could fly. Before he could take two steps, he was caught by the red-scale flying dragon that glided and changed direction.

Although Xu Dong is still in his infancy, after eating two mutated prokaryotes, his size is now over forty centimeters, and he can easily deal with a small lizard that is only about ten centimeters.

He pressed the little lizard's back with his left palm, and thrust the sharp claw of his right hand directly into the back of its neck, killing the little lizard in an instant.

Master Assassin Xu Dong pulled out his sharp claw and brought it to his mouth, making a classic move.

My dagger is poisonous.jpg

However, Xu Dong is not so stupid as to lick the poisonous paws. He is just bored and playing with emojis.

Turning the dead little lizard over, tearing open its belly with his claws, Xu Dong put his head in and ate its flesh and blood.

It is naturally impossible for a ten centimeter small lizard to draw any components, and even the source of essence may not be given. Xu Dong just wants to fill his stomach.

[Acquired component: Velociraptor's Green Scale]

Um. . .

Did you actually get the component? !

Huh. . .

Why does this name look so familiar?

Soon Xu Dong realized what he had done. He raised his head to look at the little guy who had been disemboweled by him, and then looked at the claws covered with blood. He successfully completed the first kill of his descendant.

This guy has changed a lot. His legs are no longer upright, his red outer scales are gone, and the claws on his hands have been shortened. His arboreal habitat has become burrowing, and he has completely returned to his ancestors and became the little red he was at the beginning. It's a lizard.

It's just that the little red lizard lives in the desert, and they live in the forest.

Forget it, children and grandchildren will have their own blessings. Since you have chosen to live in peace, let's continue to live in peace. It is best to survive the mass extinction at the end of the Triassic period seven million years later.

After eating the meat, Xu Dong continued to fly and continued eastward along the river in the rain.

In fact, when Xu Dong saw this big river, he felt that it should be not far from the sea. He had been flying for so long, and there was no reason why he couldn't reach the Tethys Sea.

Sure enough, the river surges eastward in order for all rivers to return to the sea. This river carries a large amount of fresh water and pours into the Tethys Sea, forming a very peculiar two-color belt on the shore.

The water on this side of the river is filled with yellow sediment and is lighter in color and green, while on the other side of the sea is a deep blue. When the two sides collide, a clear dividing line is formed at the mouth of the sea, with one side blue and the other green.

Since there is a river, the crocodile-tyrant Phytosaurus is naturally indispensable. This is the mouth of the sea, and it is also the starting point of the Phytosaurus' attempt to dominate the sea.

The ambitions of the tetrapods are obviously greater than those of the dinosaurs. They want to have a hand in any ecological niche, and even the sea has tried to enter.

Theoretically, when they were dominant, they occupied more ecological niches and occupied a larger territory than dinosaurs.

Although the number and degree of evolution are not comparable, crocodiles at least still firmly hold the freshwater ecological niche, killing the dinosaurs' several attempts to enter the river in the cradle.

For example, the Thorn Fisherman. . .

At this time, this estuary was inhabited by a large number of semi-marine phytosaurs. They seemed to have had some conflict with the big guys in the sea.

Thanks for the tip if I change my name.

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