Stone Cold Heart!!!

2 Bad Luck Follows

"Oh no!!! I'm Lady Juvien; I'm just a stupid side character who will die later on!! What's worse is that the main characters in this story had the guts to flirt at my own funeral!!", Juvien said in frustration

"Why wasn't I just reincarnated as the main character? It would have made it much easier to solve my problems.....Why did my life get so complicated?", Juvien sighed in sorrow

A knocking sound came from the door then Daliah came in with a tray of delicious looking food. "My Lady today's breakfast is eggs and waffles glazed with honey syrup.", Daliah said with a smile on her face. Juvien didn't have an appetite because the thought of those two main characters flirting in her funeral made her nauseous. Daliah noticed that something was bothering Lady Juvien and so she asked, "My Lady are you okay?"

"Yes I am fine sorry about that....Please ready my bath for me because it's going to be one long day.", Juvien responded. "Yes My Lady but your mom told me that you have the day off and that you could spend it however you like.", Daliah said assuring her. "Trust me Daliah I will be busy.....Have faith my loyal maid for justice shall prevail!", Juvien said in a proud tone. Daliah got confused with her Lady's words.....What justice?...She was unsure if her Lady was the same person but out of curiosity she asked, "Why will you be busy?"

"Oh...ummmm...I have to prepare for battle.", Juvien said while getting a big bite on the waffle.

"What battle? Lady Juvien are you planning to sneak out and become a knight?...You know that that's prohibited....", Daliah said in dismay. Juvien was ignoring Daliah and only thought of the yummy waffles she was chewing. Juvien also didn't want to tell Daliah that she was from another world....It's just not the kind of stuff you blurt out of nowhere.

"These waffles are delicious!", Juvien said while making a sparkling face. "My Lady you're not even listening!!!", Daliah shouted so that Juvien will notice her but sadly she didn't. Daliah thought that Lady Juvien was still half asleep or something, considering that she is acting really weird but she just let it slide. When Juvien finished her breakfast it was just about time for her bath. She undressed and bathe in the hot tub that was white and gold....Juvien was impressed by how rich her family was because most of the things in the house is made out of gold. The water slid down Juvien's white skin as Daliah was scrubbing her hair. Juvien thought that the bath would be a great opportunity to think of a strategy for her master plan. "Daliah you can leave me now. I'll call you back once I'm going to change into my dress.", Juvien told Daliah. "Okay My Lady.", Daliah replied. Daliah left the room and Juvien relaxed and focused on constructing a strategy. She first reviewed the original settings of the novel.

"So in the original story of this novel it all started with me...Juvien Celeste who is born in a wealthy family. Juvien rather I was like a princess locked away because my parents was so over protective but I didn't obey them and I snuck out from time to time. Then one day my mother Samere Celeste told me that I was going to be engaged by someone and that I wasn't allowed to know him until the day of our official meeting. I was devastated because I wanted to marry someone I loved and what's worse is that my father Orson Celeste also agreed with the engagement. I was lost and didn't know what to do, knowing that I was far from my freedom I decided to go sneak out at night because there was a festival. I never went to a festival so I decided I might as well go or I might might miss my chance. The Night came and I wore a disguise and snuck out...When I arrived I was mesmerized by my surroundings there were so many people gathering, playing, and laughing. I was having fun for it felt like a dream until.....someone grabbed me from the back and made me sleep after that I was killed...and the person who did it was my uncle Osvaldo Celeste. He paide someone to kill me that night. That evil man would do anything to be someone powerful. In this case he used me as an opportunity...and that's when my funeral day came my uncle's plan was to make sure her daughter and my fiancé (Who is the Duke) would end up together....and what did you know it did work it worked so much that those stupid idiots were having sweet moments at my funeral while I die in misery! Any who my uncle Osvaldo only had one goal in mind it was to be close to the king and have power by using her daughter. When he gained what he wanted which wasn't easy because the Duke was a very cold man. Emeli Celeste my cousin, daughter of my evil uncle melted away the Duke's icy cold heart and the Duke started to learn how to fall in love. Then her foolish father wanted more and so he teamed up with Prince Kenji (Brother of the Duke) to kill Emeli. Prince Kenji was more than happy to take away the life of the person most dear to his brother for he was hungry for revenge. Prince Kenji disliked his brother and only felt hatred in his heart. Now that team psycho was complete they were ready to commence their plan. Late at night the prince went to Emeli's chambers and put poison on her tea.....Then the Duke finds his fiancé on the floor...bla bla bla bla bla....Some tears were shed....bla bla bla drama drama...and more drama....Then the Duke fell to great despair and couldn't control his emotions that a huge amount of power blasted out and froze everything and they called that happening the FROSTBITE.....then the end."

"I really hate the ending of this story. There are lots of things I should avoid but the first thing I must do is definitely not get killed.....How should I do that?" Juvien told herself.

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