Stone Cold Heart!!!

3 Not Convincing enough?!

Lady Juvien rose up from the hot tub and took a bathrobe and wore it. As she promised to Dalliah she called her. Dalliah brought in a clean dress. Juvien changed into the blue colored dress with white flowered designs. She then twirled around after changing and fixing her hair. Juvien's hair was tied to a side half bun. As she twirled her dress swayed with such grace, glimmering brightly as the sun's light touches her dress. "My Lady you look so beautiful," said Dalliah, clapping her hands, while wearing a big smile on her face. "Of course, I am Juvien Celeste after all," Juvien replied with her chin up high. Juvien tried to think how she could stay alive and she only came up with catching the cat before it catches the mice kind of scenario. It was clear to her that in order to not cause any more harm or danger in the future she had to get rid of him...which leads her to the question, how? How will she be able to do that, for she was only a side character who will soon die later on. Juvien was focused deep in her thoughts and didn't notice that Dalliah was talking to her. "Lady Juvien! Why aren't you listening to me?" Dalliah shouted. "Oh~ sorry I was thinking about something...what were you saying?" Juvien replied. "I was talking about knight Felix isn't he just handsome!" Dalliah sated in an admiring way. Then an idea just clicked on Juvien's head. "But of course the knights! Why didn't I think of that earlier?" Juvien told herself. Juvien remembered that Dalliah had a crush on Felix and because of that she remembered her mom and dad told her she can do anything if she just stays in the house. This was definitely the time to take advantage of that statement. "Dalliah are all the knights gathered in their quarters?" Juvien asked. "Yes, why did you ask My Lady?" Dallaih asked in curiosity. "Nothing really…I would just pay them a visit." Juvien answered.

"Now if you'll excuse me I would like to get going." Juvien said with a devilish grin on her face. "Ok- But before Dalliah could finish her sentence, Juvien rushed out of the room and ran as fast as she could to the knight's quarters. When she arrived she slam open the door and swiftly gets in the room and locks it. The knights looked confused so one of them approached and asked, "Are you alright Lady Juvien? Is someone chasing you?" Juvien got tired so it took a while for her to respond. "Wai-t a mo-me—nt it's so h-ard t-o catch m-y breath…." Juvien replied in a huffing voice. "Why were you running?" Knight Felix approached Juvien. "Sorry I got so excited and ran all the way here…heheheh~," Juvien said trying to be funny. "Well My Lady since you ran all the way here you must have something important to tell….How can we be of any help?" Knight Felix said with a smile on her face. And Juvien realized that Felix was actually a handsome young man. His eyes sparkle like stars when he smiles…..which explains why Dalliah is so head over heels for him. "Well…..I need you to capture someone who would want to kill me tonight," Juvien said seriously. Juvien saw that the knights wanted to laugh but held it. It was written all over their faces that Juvien was either sick or insane. "I know it sounds weird but I'm going to be killed tonight and you're going to help me stop that from happening," Juvien explained. "I'm sorry my Lady but I don't think we'll be able to do that," Felix said with no doubt on his mind. "I knew this was going to happen,'' Juvien sighed. She turns around and unlocks the door but before that she said in a devilish tone, "Well I guess I'll have to tell my parents to take your jobs….it's too bad really…what a pity" She then resumes opening the door then Felix called her attention. "Lady Juvien…..maybe we could discuss this matter further," Felix said not liking the idea. "That's more like it," Juvien smiled. They each took a seat and settled down for what Juvien was about to say. "So my plan is simple I would sneak out of the house and attend the Lantern Festival that will be held later at night. Then you guys will be here with me in disguise, once the kidnapper has taken me you shall follow him and capture him by the time he has brought me to an abandoned house. There I shall signal when you will attack. Then we shall take him here to use against the real perpetrator. Any questions?" Juvien explained. The room was quiet for 5 minutes then Felix decided to break the silence. "But this plan of yours might harm you and that's not a risk I'm going to take," Felix denied. "Would you rather I die because you stupidly didn't help me of my situation. Instead of the headlines being "Lady Juvien murdered by someone in an abandoned house" it will become "Knight Felix killed her mistress by not listening to her", it's your choice because now my blood is in your hands," Juvien said in a dark tone. They were all shock of what Juvien said but it made sense because if all she was saying was true then they could have had the chance to stop it but there were still doubts in their minds. "But if we do it….if only….what can we gain in this operation?" Felix asked seriously. The room was now like a war zone or a meeting between two strong sororities. "Well you'll have credits for saving me," Juvien replied. The room became silent again, Juvien knew that these men wanted more than just credits and she needed to proceed with her plan so she said, "If you do it, I shall tell my dad to give you a raise" Juvien said darkly. Then the mood of the room swiftly shifted and got a little lighter. "Okay now tell us more about this plan of yours," Felix replied with a smile.

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