It was dark and silent as Juvien remained unconscious. The rest were now left after the knights, they must do their parts in order to make this plan successful. The knights scurried off to follow Lady Juvien, who is now in a carriage with her hands tied to a rope. The knights followed her till they arrived at an abandoned house at the edge of the town. They were a little worried about Lady Juvien for she was still unconscious, but what they didn't know is that Juvien was merely pretending to be unconscious. The kidnapper carried Lady Juvien inside the abandoned house and held her legs with large chains. Juvien's body was lying against some wooden wall while kidnapper was humming and cleaning his gun. Juvien took a peek of what was happening around her. ["Now the real plan begins!!" Juvien shouted these words inside her head.] As she was about reach for her gun, she remembers that her hands were being tied. ["Oh boy this is not good!" Juvien exclaimed inside her head.] Juvien peeked again and saw the kidnapper almost done getting ready. She had no other choice but to think of another way to get the knights she did this. "HELP!!" Juvien screamed. "I see you have awoken, shouting won't do you any good for we are at the very edge of town," the kidnapper said in an edgy scary voice. "HELP ME!! HELP ME!!" Juvien shouted some more. "You're not really good at understanding are you," the kidnaper observed. Juvien remained silent hoping that the knights would come and rescue her quickly. "Captain should we attack now?" a knight whispered. "Just wait for a moment," Felix replied. The knights were if whether or not they should attack because Lady Juvien instructed them to wait for her signal which was a sound of s gun shot. "Let's quit wasting time and get this over with," the kidnapper complained. ["No I might end up dying here," Juvien said in scared tone.] The kidnapper slowly approached Juvien..... "What should we do sir?" one of the knights asked. "Let's sneak in quietly," Felix replied. The knights slowly crept behind the bushes sneaking into the abandoned house. "Okay looks like its goodbye to you," the kidnapper said with a grin on his face. ["Oh no….goodbye novel world," Juvien said while shutting her eyes close.] Just when the kidnapper was about to pull the trigger, there was a sound of a branch breaking. "Why can't you be careful of what of what you're stepping on!" Felix said in anger while trying to control his volume. "Sorry captain," the knight whispered. "Who's out there?!" the kidnapper asked in a mad and frightened kind of tone. The kidnapper then went outside to check if somebody has followed them. ["Perfect….now the real plan begins…second time's a charm," Juvien said in her head.] Juvien forcibly broke her hands lose from the rope and swiftly took her gun and then…..BOOM!! "Huh?! What's going on inside there?" the kidnapper said confused. The kidnapper entered the abandoned house only to see Juvien holding a gun. "What are you doing?!" the kidnapper shouted. "Make one move or I'll shoot!" Juvien said as threatening as she could sound. "HAHAHAHAH! Is this a joke? You don't scare me- but as the kidnapper said those words the knight stormed inside the abandoned house. "You freeze if you don't want to die," Felix said in a dark voice. The kidnapper froze thinking he was done for. "Felix please hand me over the keys," Juvien said. Felix then handed the keys to Lady Juvien. Juvien freed herself from the chains attached to her legs. "Now that's taken care of drop the gun," Juvien said dramatically. "What's going on in here? Did you know you were going to get kidnapped?" the kidnapper asked in confusion. "Why are you so noisy….I hate annoying people so if I were you drop gun and cooperate and maybe just maybe I'll let you live," Juvien said coldly. The kidnapper was stuck with fear and dropped the gun. "Felix chain this man and bring him to the carriage….I shall see what I'd want to do with him later on," Juvien said still being cold. "Where will we put him in the manor?" Felix asked Lady Juvien. "Put him in the dungeon and I shall meet you after I will finish my own matters," Juvien replied. Two of the knights held on to him so that he won't be able to escape. The kidnapper refused to move a muscle, "What's taking you so long? Do you need an invitation to move your asses?" Juvien shouted in anger. Juvien was really not in the mood because she still has to figure out what to do with the kidnapper and she almost died. "Sorry My Lady he is refusing to move," a knight explained in a trembling voice. "Move it or would you prefer I'll make you move?" Juvien said darkly. The kidnapper including the knight's hair stood up and so they all did what they were told. The two knights, Felix, the kidnapper and Lady Juvien boarded in the carriage. Felix and Lady Juvien both sat at one side while the 2 knights and the kidnapper sat at the other side. The other knights were riding a horse, and now was the next phase of the plan which is to sneakily get back to the Manor. The carriage was filled with awkward silence then the kidnapper broke the silence. "What are you gona do with me huh? Whatever you do I'm not telling you anything," the kidnapper said. ["I don't really need information from you because I know everything but what I do need from you is to help me take down my Uncle," Juvien said inside her head] "Well….just cooperate okay because I'll reward you if you do," Juvien smiled. "What kind of reward?" the kidnapper asked curiously. ["I knew it you'll be interested….I mean in the original novel you only wanted to kill me for the price of money," Juvien said inside her head.] "Hmmmm…..I'll reward you with money," Juvien said with a grin on her face.

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