Stone Cold Heart!!!

7 Father understand!

They finally arrived at the Manor the carriage entered at the back part of the manor to avoid any complications. When the carriage stopped Juvien instructed Felix to bring the prisoner to the dungeon immediately. As they went to the dungeon Juvien rushed to her room while avoiding being caught. Juvien swiftly changed into her evening gown, and just as she was finished someone knocked at the door. "Who is it?" Juvien asked while taking a seat on the chair of her dressing table. "My Lady it's me Daliah," Daliah replied. "You may enter," Juvien said elegantly. Daliah then enters the room and asks, "I came to check on you My Lady. Is there anything I could do for you?" ["Of course you'll check on me….this setting happened in the original story of the novel where you enter the room to check on me only to find out that it was empty….and then they found out about my death.…..but not this time," Juvien said inside her head.] "Well…there's nothing I could think of really," Juvien said. "Well then I shall be taking my leave," Daliah replied. As Daliah reached for the door Juvien swiftly said, "Wait there is something." "What is it My Lady?" Daliah asked. "Where is my father right now? I wish to speak to him," Juvien said still not sure on how to deal with the kidnapper. "Oh he's at his quarters…would you want me to escort you?" Daliah asked politely. "There is no need you could turn in now," Juvien replied. "Okay then please excuse me," Daliah said. Daliah then went out Juvien's room while she walked down the hallway Juvien was listening to Daliah's footsteps fade away. Then she only herd silence, Juvien now knows that the coast is clear so she rushed to her father's chambers hoping that it he is not yet sleeping. ["Seriously this Manor is so big," Juvien said inside her head.] She was now standing at the doors of her father's chambers. Juvien took a deep breath and swung the door open. "Juvien what brings you here?" Duke Orson asked her daughter. "Dad I need to talk to you about something," Juvien said seriously. "Okay sounds really serious, come sit," Duke Orson said calmly. Juvien entered the room and sat on a chair in front of her father's desk. "So what brings you here?" Duke Orson asked. "Boy where do I start…so I'm going to start by asking you, you trust me dad right?" Juvien asked with a little doubt on her mind. "Yes I do…Why do you doubt me?" Duke Orson said a little bit disappointed of Juvien. "Well you might not trust me because this sounds a little bit crazy," Juvien said nervously. "I know that you're a good daughter and that you never lie to us so whether crazy or not I still believe in you," Duke Orson said to ease Juvien. "Here it goes….I have been having dreams of the future lately and I was supposed to die today," Juvien said in a trembling voice. "And yet you're not dead so maybe it's just a nightmare," Duke Orson explained. "Nope it's true I snuck out- but before she could finish her sentences her father shouted, "YOU SNUCK OUT?!" "Dad I thought you trust me? Please let me explain," Juvien said scared of what her father's reply might be. The duke sighed and said, "Okay continue." "Well in my dream my death happened outside so the solution to this would be not going outside," Juvien said still terrified of her father. "Yes exactly! And yet you snuck out. Why?" Duke Orson asked curiously. "Well because I realized that it was only a temporary solution because the person who was going to kill me today was only an instrument of the real master mind who wants me dead so I had to stop him now before it's too late," Juvien explained. "Fair point but why are u telling me this? You must need me for something do you?" Duke Orson asked. "Yes….I have managed to take the kidnapper he's in the underground basement right now. I want you to help me think of a way to make the master mind of this operation go to jail before he sends another murderer to kill me," Juvien explained. "But do you know who this master mind person is? Did your dreams tell you his identity?" Duke Orson asked. "Well….This might sound delusional but it's your brother Uncle Osvaldo. "WHAT?! WHY WOULD HE DO SUCH A THING?!" Duke Orson raised his voice. "Please calm down dad….Do you really want to know why?" Juvien asked seriously. "Sorry it's just so unbelievable. Yes I'd like to know," Duke Orson said trying to calm down. "I know dad anyway as you know you have agreed that I will be engaged to the Duke. He knows about this and wanted to kill me and make Emeli take my place as the Duke's fiancé in order to gain more power for himself," Juvien explained. "That makes sense my brother is indeed a greedy man. And if what you're saying is true then I don't want my only daughter to be killed by her own blood but it all seems so strange and canny," Duke Orson replied. "Dad there is one more thing," Juvien said nervously. "What there's more?" Duke Orson asked. "Well I did convince the knights to help me with something in return for them," Juvien said trying not to look nervous. "What is it?" Duke Orson asked again. "A raise," Juvien relied plainly. "Let me ask you one thing before I help you. Did the knights witness your kidnapping and how you were supposed to be murdered?" Duke Orson asked curiously. "Yes I told them every detail of how I was supposed to be murdered so that they would be able to rescue me easier," Juvien answered. "Then we better get to move on we have much to do," Duke Orson said standing up from his chair. Juvien was overjoyed by this news that she jumped out of her chair and hugged her father tightly. Juvien looked at her father in the eyes and said sweetly, "I love you dad."

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