Stone Cold Heart!!!

8 A Solid Plan

Duke Orson kissed her daughter's forehead and replied with a smile on his face, "I love you too." Then Juvien let go of her father and asked him, "Dad where is mom?" "Oh she will be staying at your Aunts place because of urgent matters," Duke Orson replied. "Okay….Shall we go to the dungeon?" Juvien asked. Duke Orson nodded and they both went to the dungeon, the dungeon is found at the very bottom of the Manor. They have now arrived at an old big dusty door and the Duke swung it open. Juvien took the lamp that was hanging at the side of the wall and they both walked on the stairs leading them to the most bottom part of the Manor. "Eh why is it so dusty in here," Juvien complained. "Well no one goes here a lot," Duke Orson explained. ["I hope we could deal with this situation already," Juvien said inside her head.] "Were almost there," Duke Orson said. "Look there's a light coming from the stairs," Felix pointed. "It must be Lady Juvien- but before the knight could finish his sentence he saw Duke Orson coming down the stairs and following him is Juvien. "Sire I could explain everything," Felix said nervously. "There is no need to explain Felix," the Duke said. "Are we going to get kicked out?" one knight asked. "No quite the opposite, you have helped my darling daughter with her issues now I shall reward you for your good deeds'" the Duke answered. "So we're not going to be banished?" the other knight asked. "Nope you're not, I told you everything's going to be just fine," Lady Juvien said. "Well then who do we have here? Felix lock him up inside," the Duke commanded. The knights locked him up and then Felix asked, "What do we do now sire?" "We obviously need him to talk," the Duke replied. "I won't say anything unless there is something you'll give me in exchange," the kidnapper said wisely. "What do you want exactly?" the Duke asked curiously. "He wants money," Juvien replied. "What do we do sire?" Felix asked again. "Have an offer to you if you would cooperate then you'd benefit from this," Juvien said slowly approaching the kidnapper. "Okay I'm listening," the kidnapper said interested of what Juvien has to say. "I know that the person who sent you here offered you a large sum of money but what if I tell you that we'll give you more than what he is offering," Juvien said with a devilish face. "Nothing's better than the offer of 5 pieces of gold coins," the kidnapper said. In the novels story only nobles and very rich people earn gold coins so for the middle class citizens or villagers 5 pieces of gold coins is a big amount for them. Juvien on the other hand knows how wealthy her father is for he is one of the most trusted friends of the king. "Well what if I offer you 10 pieces of gold and not just that we will send you to the big city and buy you a house and give you a stable job there so that you can still earn some money. What do you say?" Juvien said devilishly. They were all speechless with what Juvien said because they were not expecting that. There was a moment of silence until the kidnapper said, "You've got yourself a deal." Juvien then turned to her dad and the Duke just gave a nod. "Now that we got him to cooperate with us what shall we do?" Felix asked again. "Well we will use him against his own master," Juvien said while putting down the lamp. "That's a good plan but how will we do that?" Felix asked Lady Juvien. "What if we file a report to the king and normally the king's response will be sending out royal knights. We will let him go of course and our knights will help point to his direction. Felix will escort the kidnapper so that he won't die; the forest has a part where there are two separate ways. Felix will dress like the kidnapper and imitate him so they will split ways and one of the knights will tell the others that he went to the right side of the forest. Then this is when the royal knights and our knights will chase Felix thinking he is the kidnapper. At the very end of the right forest is a dead end and it's just some dome of lake so what Felix would do is he must out run all the knights chasing him and when the coast is clear he must change into his knight suit and place the clothes on mannequin that we will be placing there before this plan all starts. Then he must throw it into the river just in time for all the knights to arrive you point out the mannequin that is being taken by the waves and the knights will see it sink and think he's dead. The real kidnapper will be entering the left side of the forest and at the end of the forest there will be me and his family on a carriage because the end of the left forest is a road that will lead you strait to the big city. I and my father shall be going with you and we will go to a Taylors shop to give you a makeover so that you could live your new life. Any questions?" Lady Juvien explained and asked. They were all in total shock hearing this from Juvien. "Well it sounds like a solid plan but how will we accuse the master mind of this plan?" Felix asked. "As I said my dad will file a report which will include the name of the person who sent him and I know that the king trusts my father so with the kidnapper dead there's only one person to blame now," Lady Juvien said with a smirk on her face. "The Master Mind, how much time did it take you to plan all this," the Duke asked. "Well I started planning the day I kept on dreaming about my death," Juvien explained. "Sire do you agree with this plan?" Felix asked. "It's a very solid plan so yes," the Duke replied. "When will we do this?" Felix asked. "There is no time like the present," Juvien replied with a smile on her face.

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