Stone Cold Heart!!!

9 Making Preparations Part 1

"Are we really doing this now?" Felix asked the Duke. "Well it is good to do this at night when no one is that much around…just the preparations," the Duke replied. "Exactly the preparations so what do you say?" Juvien asks. "Sire what do we do?" Felix asked. "Gather all the knights in the meeting room we shall discuss all of this right now," the Duke commanded. "Yes sir!" the knights shouted. "Wait dad I actually need knight Felix because I too will be helping you prepare for this plan," Juvien told her father. "Okay then Felix goes with my daughter the two of you come with me we have work a lot of work to do," the Duke said. "Yes sir!" the knights replied. The duke and the two knights both climb up the stairs to begin the preparations. "Now that we are alone can I ask you where your family is?" Juvien asked the kidnapper. "I live in a very small town that you probably never heard of," the kidnapper replied. "Well then you better come with us but you must promise that you follow this plan and not try to escape then I'll extend you the same courtesy and promise to protect you and your family," Juvien told the kidnapper. "Okay I agree but miss why are you being so kind to me?" the kidnapper asked. "Because I for one know the pain of being far away from your family…..It feels like the feeling of death," Juvien said dramatically. Felix was confused for Juvien always see her parents… what was she talking about? "Felix release him," Juvien commanded. "Yes My Lady," Felix replied. Felix opened the bars and untied the kidnapper. "Thank you miss," the kidnapper said while tearing up. "There is no need to thank me and you can call me Juvien. Also before we go what is your name?" Juvien asked. "My name is Ajax," Ajax introduced himself. "Well Ajax we better get a move on," Juvien said. Ajax nodded and the three of them went back to the back entrance of the Manor where there was a carriage waiting for them. They all hopped in and Ajax gave them some directions on the way there Juvien and Ajax kept on talking. "So Ajax you seem pretty young to have a family of your own….tell me why is that?" Juvien asked curiously. "Well…your right but it's complicated," Ajax replied. "Try me," Juvien challenged. "Well I and my wife are both childhood friends her family is a stable family while my family is quite the opposite so we were forbidden to love each other. We were only supposed to stay friends but as years passed we developed feelings for each other. We tried to hold back but we just can't so we decided to make our relationship a secret until her parents found out and kicked her out. I could never forget what her parents said to her that day "I could never have a daughter who falls in love with a filthy and poor man." She didn't have a choice but to live with me and it was great but then when she gave birth to our first child my parents kicked me out because they told me that when the child grows up they'll have more mouths to feed and their already tired enough to feed me and my wife. We had no choice but to leave and find another home…..We have been struggling for years until now," Ajax told his story sadly. Juvien cries and takes out her handkerchief and blows her nose. "Sorry it's just I love a good story….the things you for love….." Juvien said while crying and blowing her nose. "Well how about you Juvien what's your story?" Ajax asked. "Well my story is something that I know so well all I need do is change it," Juvien said. "What does that mean?" Ajax asked. "Well it simply means I could still change the future," Juvien responded. "Oh…Wow your really deep in words you must be pretty smart Juvien," Ajax complimented Juvien. "Why thank you," Juvien thanked him. "Were here Lady Juvien," Felix said. "Well then let's go get your family," Juvien smiled. All of them got out of the carriage and Ajax led them to a very old looking house that looks like its roof is going to crumble any time soon. Ajax knocked on the door and a very cute little girl opened the door. Felix leaned at the house's walls and glanced around the area. "Mom dad is home and he have a girl with him!" the child shouted. "What no don't say it like that to your mother," Ajax told her daughter. "AJAX!" the sound of an angry woman's voice echoed inside the house. "You came home late and even brought a girl with you!" the woman shouted. "No it's not what you think," Ajax said nervously. "All these years have you decided on even cheating on me after all the sacrifices I made for you!" the woman got even more furious. "But it's- before Ajax completed his sentence Juvien said, "Mdm. I assure you that there is nothing going on between me and your husband." "I'm not buying it!" the woman said coldly. ["You sure are one difficult b#$%h," Juvien said inside her head.] "Well actually I have a fiancé and he's right here," Juvien said while she pulled of the arm of Felix. "That's your fiancé?" the woman asked. "Yes indeed he is my darling fiancé, right Felix darling?" Juvien said while giving Felix dead eye stare. "ERRMM….Yes of coarse darling," Felix blushed. "Well then now that's been solved please go with us we will explain everything to you on the way back," Juvien said. "On the way back where?" the woman asked. "To my house, let's hurry so that you can rest," Juvien replied. "We can trust her," Ajax said to his wife. She just nodded and we all went back to the carriage. "Mom what about our things?" the child asks. "You won't need them you'll be having new ones. Now everyone get in," Juvien said. Everyone settled in and Felix sat with Juvien while Ajax sat with his wife and children.

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