Chapter 128 Red

  Chen Yuyan deliberately waited until the others were dead before making a move.

  Is Qi Yunjie a saint?

he does not know.

  But it is absolutely impossible for Qi Yunjie to abandon her companions in the bodyguard bureau that accompanied her growing up. Looking at her initial appearance, Chen Yuyan knows it without thinking. It is absolutely impossible.

  The reason why he wanted to save Qi Yunjie was because she was Qi Cangsheng's daughter.

   It was because of Qi Cangsheng's face that Chen Yuyan thought of making a move.

  As for the remaining dozen or so escorts of the East China Sea Escort Bureau, he has no thought and ability to save them.

  In order to reduce unnecessary troubles, Chen Yuyan directly waited until the others were dead before making a move.

  The internal energy handed down by the Qi family "Da Zhou Tian Xing Luo Gong" has no other effects, but it is fate.

  Chen Yuyan was not worried that Qi Yunjue would die.

   "Where is the idiot, dare to talk like this?"

   Someone sneered, showing disdain.

  Although Chen Yuyan's strike just now was amazing, but he killed only peripheral objects, and his strength was mostly internal.

   "Li Qingsong? You are an evil person, why did you come to save Qi Yunjie?"

   Someone recognized Chen Yuyan, it was "Iron Buddha" Qing Cang who was also in the gambling house that day.

  At that time, Chen Yuyan took out the blood-stained flying fish suit and asked him to observe the former secretly for a long time.

   This is because Qingcang's real identity is Jinyiwei Baihu, Song translation.

  "Li Qingsong" was already on the Jinyiwei's blacklist. He wanted to get out of the gambling house and find a chance to get rid of the former.

   Those who dare to touch the Jinyiwei are dead or alive!

   It was more important to save Qi Yunjie, so he let "Li Qingsong" go first.

  Qi Yunjie's elder brother, Qi Cangsheng's son-in-law, "as tall as a mountain" Qi Yunming, is the most important talent that Jin Yiwei cultivates.

  You are only twenty-five years old, and you are about to break through the will of God.

  The strength is comparable to the top ten Jianghu heroes on the Qingyun list, but because he is a member of the imperial court, he will not be on the list.

  Whether it is the Southern Ming Dynasty or the Northern Wei Dynasty, no one in the imperial court will be on the top four rankings.

   One is to hide their strength, and the other is that if they really want to go up, I am afraid that there are only a handful of positions left for the major sects in the world.

  However, this was already at the peak of the Nanming Dynasty. No one can tell how much strength is left now, except the court itself.

  Qing Cang originally wanted to fish in troubled waters, so he snatched away the seriously injured Qi Yun and left.

  With Qingcang's strength, he naturally couldn't forcibly fight against so many evil warriors, so he could only mix among them, trying to pretend to **** the corpse at the last moment, and take out Qi Yun, who was breathless.

  Qing Cang, who used to work under Qi Yunming, knew that Qi's family's internal energy "Da Zhou Tian Xing Luo Gong" has the ability to fake death.

Even if you are seriously injured and lose your breathing and heartbeat, you don't really "die", but enter a state of suspended animation to maintain your body's injury at the level before death. As long as you can treat it within a few days, you can "live" again .

  Qi Yunming used such a method before, so Qing Cang still remembers it deeply.

   As a result, just as he was about to make a move, "Li Qingsong" jumped out, uttering nonsense, trying to save Qi Yunjie by himself.

   Qing Cang looked at Chen Yuyan with pity, and sneered: "As a person in the evil way, but you want to save Qi Yunjie, you are not an undercover agent sent by the righteous way, are you?"

  As soon as these words came out, everyone present looked at Chen Yuyan with strange eyes, either angry, sarcasm, or resentment, all of which were not the same.

  Whether it is righteous or evil, the most hated are traitors and traitors.

  Chen Yuyan looked at Qing Cang's appearance, and after thinking for a moment, he suddenly realized that he recognized his identity.

   "Iron Futu" Qingcang.

  Chen Yuyan was very impressed with him because Qing Cang was in the game.

   is a well-known fun person.

  He was one of the dozen or so "Talking Guards" sent by Jin Yiwei to the evil way, and later even helped Jin Yiwei to destroy the first-class evil sect second only to the six evil sects, the Tiancan Sect.

  Because he married the prostitute daughter of the leader of the Heavenly Silkworm Sect at that time, he was deeply trusted by the leader of the Heavenly Silkworm Sect and was greatly cultivated by the latter.

  At that time, Qing Cang had a saying that was popular in game forums.

   "Boss, if you don't close the net, I should be the one who gets wiped out by Jin Yiwei."

   Facing the questioning eyes of the evil people, Chen Yuyan didn't care, but looked at Qingcang with interest, and said with a half-smile:

"'Tiefutu' Qing Cang, on the surface, is the second head of Xiaoyunzhai, Fudong Mansion, Donghai Province. He commits murder and arson, commits all kinds of crimes, but his real identity is a hundred households under the Jinyiwei Branch of Donghai Province in Nanming, translated by Song. "

   "Am I right, Song Baihu?"

   "Believe it or not, everyone, but this Song Baihu must have Jin Yiwei's spy token on him."

  As soon as Chen Yuyan said this, Qing Cang's face changed drastically. Before the others had finished listening to what he said, without explaining, he turned his head and slashed the crowd away with a knife before fleeing.

  With the temperament of an evil warrior, even if Qing Cang tried every means to defend himself, he might not believe what he said.

  Unless Qing Cang strips off his clothes and shows everything he carries to show his innocence.

   But Li Qingsong was right, he was indeed carrying Jin Yiwei's spy token.

  So Qingcang has no choice but to run away if he wants to survive.

   As for Qi Yunjie, Qingcang can do it.

   I can only wish her luck.

   After Qing Cang escaped, several people looked at each other, gave up fighting for Qi Yunjie's body, turned into a streamer and rushed out of the crowd, and went to chase Qing Cang.

  They didn't have any deep hatred with Qi Cangsheng, they just wanted to pick up a bargain.

   It's Jin Yiwei.

  Damn it!

   "Look, am I right?"

  Chen Yuyan shrugged, "As for whether I am an undercover agent sent by Zhengdao, is that important?"

  He drew out the Baimo Dao, his whole body was filled with evil spirit, his eyes were full of ferocity, and he stared covetously at the group of evil people standing in front of him.

   "Because, I will treat you."

   "Kill them all!"

  After the voice fell, the shadow behind Chen Yuyan suddenly began to twist, and there seemed to be something struggling in it, trying to break through the ground.

   Everyone looked at this weird scene and couldn't help but feel chills in their hearts.

  Finally, they saw that Li Qingsong's shadow climbed out from the ground and covered the latter's body!

   Heart Demon Field!

   Strange fluctuations rippled in the air. Chen Yuyan looked down at his shadow on the ground, raised his head again, and recited in a low voice:

   "He Huazizitian..."

  Heavenly Demon Strategy·Chaos Chapter!

   These two martial arts are both extremely powerful in spirit, and they can complement each other and bring out the best in each other.

  The strength of these evil people is not high, generally around the first or second stage of the location.

  Qi Yunjue ranked more than one hundred and ninety on the Qingyun list, and those who besieged her just now were at most around three hundred in the Qingyun list.

Chen Yuyan strolled out, walking further and further away, and finally dragged the Baimo knife and started to sprint, galloping vertically and horizontally, between the sword stabs, there were strong gusts of internal force, like invisible sharp weapons, sharp everywhere, evil way The people in the middle fell down one after another.

  In the heart demon field, the people in the evil way looked at Chen Yuyan who was rushing straight, but they couldn't resist at all.

  Because what they saw was not Chen Yuyan at all, but the "demon" in their hearts.

   "Master, I didn't mean to kill you, it was my wife, she was the one who seduced me first!"

   "Father, let me go, don't kill me, don't kill me, mother, elder sister, and elder brother were all killed by you... I am the only one left in our Xu family!"

   "You bitch!"

  Some people were terrified and fled in a hurry; some people were angry, their eyes were red, and they picked up their weapons and rushed towards Chen Yuyan desperately, even forgetting to use martial arts.

  Chen Yuyan raised the corners of her mouth, her murderous heart was pounding, and she was so sexual that she grinned loudly.

  He attacked by stepping on the fallen corpse, and the blood splashed bright red on the underground pillars, which was shocking, like the sound of breaking wind from the bottom of hell, making people involuntarily think of death.

  Six Rudao·Xu Rulin!

  Baimo Dao's characteristics were activated by Chen Yuyan, and it became extremely heavy. A series of frightening green light and white lightning flashed in the air, one after another.

  Every time the shrill sound of weapons and cloaks sounded, several people in the evil way died. Their heads were raised high and their broken limbs were scattered. They all convulsed in pain and fell to the ground, struggling to die.

  Blood on the dry burial plain.

   appears pale and feeble.

   Here, it has been reduced to a sea of ​​blood.

   During the killing, waves of fear surged, and Chen Yuyan absorbed them all.

   Fear of the lungs, it's done!

   At this time, there are not many people still standing on the field.

   Only the most powerful people are left, such as the blue-eyed snake and the blood wolf who besieged Qi Yunjie earlier.

  At this moment, they had already broken free from the inner demon field, and their hearts trembled as they stared at the tragic scene in front of them.

   "You, what kind of monster are you..."

  Yang Ji was in a trance, his voice trembling.


  Chen Yuyan raised her eyes, and said lightly: "You can call me a demon."

   "'Devil' Li Qingsong."

   Except for the blood wolf who beheaded the demons alive, the others were fighting with each other, almost wanting to go first.

  They were all frightened by the inner demons brought out by Chen Yuyan, and they were so frightened and out of their wits that they couldn't get up to fight any more, and they just wanted to escape from the evil star in front of them.

  Chen Yuyan saw what they were thinking, but how could it be possible to let these people leave like this?

  You are all my nourishment!

   Killing heart, get up!

   Fear of the lungs, wake up!

  Suddenly, the fear dissipated in the hearts of these people, and the killing intent suddenly rose.

  The first one who couldn't bear it was the blood wolf in [Knife Sequence]. His eyes were red, and he held a bright saber in his hand. He jumped up high and deep, and slashed at Chen Yuyan's head.

  Chen Yuyan sneered, and raised the Baimo knife.

  Sword Intent·Fenghuolinshan!

  The fiery cyclone condensed by the knife wind rushed in front of the blood wolf, and hit the latter's body hard, denting a piece of his chest.

  Then Chen Yuyan jumped over the splashing blood and bones without stopping, and the sharp point of the knife pierced the blood wolf's chest, and the bright red heart was shaken into blood clots and flew back.

  After finishing off the blood wolf, Chen Yuyan twisted her waist non-stop, and stepped back with her right foot. The Baimo knife was like a tiger coming out of the gate, and Chen Yuyan sent it straight away!

Suddenly the sky was filled with shadows of knives, all of them closed quickly, turning into a knife, and slashed at Yang Ji in the air, but before the knife arrived, an amazing pressure hit his chest, and the killing intent in Yang Ji's heart was overwhelmed by the terrifying power. She was so frightened that she dissipated, and her consciousness regained her senses. In a hurry, she only sought to escape, but lost all momentum, and was slashed by Chen Yuyan!

  Following that, attacks from the remaining few people came one after another. Chen Yuyan swung his knife and proudly hit the weapons coming from all directions, Wuqingzi's long sword was shaken and brushed against him.

  Chen Yuyan let out a low chirp, and another bunch of sharp airflows shook from the body of Baimo Dao, colliding with each other in the air, bringing up gusts of wind, blowing the clothes all over his body back and making a sound of hunting.

  Chen Yuyan clenched his fist, with inner strength pouring out, and the Baimo Dao was wrapped around it, the red color was exposed from between his fingers, looming.

  Six like knives, looting like fire!

  Chen Yuyan's fierce and continuous blade did not leave Wu Qingzi a chance to breathe. The boundless and heavy blade knocked the long sword into the air with only a dozen moves.

  The sharp blade didn't stop at all. Before Wu Qingzi could react, he coldly smashed the latter's head from a strange angle like lightning!

   Immediately afterwards, Chen Yuyan drew the boundless and fierce knife wind, like dense white lightning in the sky, constantly drawing fantastic, magnificent and wonderful curves, like a startling rainbow piercing the sun and cutting down.

   It turned into fiery fireworks vertically and horizontally, covering everyone left.

  The red color dissipated.

  The world is vast and silent.

   make up last night



  (end of this chapter)

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