Strange Worlds: The Sequence

Chapter 129: green medicine

  Chapter 129 Green Medicine

  Qilian Mountain, Yanzhi Peak.

  Under the shadow of the forest, the road is winding.

   The most famous mountain in Longdong Province is Qilian.

The Qilian Mountains, also known as the "Tianshan Mountains", have been the source of life for the Hexi Corridor from ancient times to the present. As the saying goes, mountains are the source of water. Provides a steady stream of vitality.

   And Yanzhi Peak is the most beautiful mountain in the Qilian Mountains.

  There is a poem saying: "Although I live in Yanzhi Mountain, I can't go back to the snow and cold."

  Dawn and the sun rise, the clouds are steaming and the clouds are rising.

  It is early spring, and the blue sea is adorned with thousands of patterns and colors. Whether you look at it from a distance or take a leisurely stroll, it is an intoxicating beauty.

   It's just that Li Wang, the shopkeeper of the inn, doesn't have much interest in admiring it.

   It's not because he has been running an inn at the foot of Yanzhi Peak for many years, and he got tired of seeing it.

   It's that he really doesn't have time to spare now.

  The mountain road is remote, and this small inn is rarely bustling once in a few years. Now that there are spare wooden tables and stools, there are still seven or eight porters who have to sit on the burdens outside the door.

  Business is booming, but Li Wang is not happy.

  Among the dozens of people living in the inn, most of them were armed. Just looking at it made the backs of ordinary people like him tingle.

   More importantly, most of them are from the Burning Snow Sect and the Senluo Sect.

  Qilian Mansion, where the Qilian Mountains are located, has various forces in the Jianghu, and the three most famous first-class sects are:

  Zhuo Xuejiao, Senluo School, Qingyao Villa,

  Zhaoxue Sect dominates the eastern section of Qilian, Senluopai dominates the western section of Qilian, and Qingyao Villa is located on Yanzhi Peak, in the middle section of Qilian.

  Two days later, Li Song, the eldest son of Li Shanqing, the owner of Qingyao Mountain Villa "Xuanhu Jishi", got married. The new bride is Xue Shaoyao, the closed disciple of Mrs. Xuemei, the head of Zhuoxue Sect.

   In the three-legged marriage of two parties, the one who is anxious is naturally the other party who was left behind, the Senluo faction.

The Zhuoxue sect, which claims to be a righteous sect, looks down on the Senluo sect of the leftist sect from the bottom of their hearts. The two sides have had a long-standing grievance. Now that something like this happened, the relationship between the two is like a firework barrel full of gunpowder. When there is a spark It will explode.

  Now the two parties are living in their own inn, and they can’t see each other when they look up. Li Wang is really afraid that they will tear down his inn.

   During the nearly 20 days of preparing for the wedding in Qingyao Mountain Villa, he only hoped that no one would fight in his inn, so he thanked his ancestors.

  On the inn, somewhere in the guest room.

   "Thank you for saving your life."

  In the inn, Qi Yunjue woke up and sat on the bed, his face was pale, and he coughed twice from time to time, obviously his injuries were still very serious.

   Witnessing Chen Yuyan beheading all the evil people who came after him, Qi Yunjie couldn't hold on, and finally fainted and fell to the ground.

   When she woke up again, Chen Yuyan had already led her out of the Western Regions.

  Now they are in Longdong Province.

   "There is no need to be too polite. I saved you because I have admired Mr. Nantang for a long time. His daughter is in trouble. Naturally, I can't just ignore death."

  Mr. Nantang is the respectful name for Qi Cangsheng by people in the Jianghu.

  Chen Yuyan sat by the window, holding a wine gourd in his hand, glanced at Qi Yunjie who was in a daze, and then continued to drink.

  Since she woke up, the woman has been in a daze, and sometimes secretly wiped her tears.

   Probably mourning for the bodyguards of the East China Sea Bodyguard Agency who died in the Western Regions.

  But Chen Yuyan didn't bother to comfort her.

  People have been rescued, so it is natural to send Qi Yunjie back.

  Qi Cangsheng is not in a hurry to meet, there is some kindness, and it will make people more grateful if it is left for a long time.

   Especially people like Qi Cangsheng.

  It's just that the East China Sea Province is far to the east of Nanming, while the Longdong Province where Chen Yuyan and the others are now is located inland, separated by more than half of the river and lake.

   Without a half-year itinerary, I'm afraid I won't be able to reach the East China Sea Province at all.

  For the sake of Qi Yunjie, it is naturally impossible for Chen Yuyan to spare so much time.

   Fortunately, there is a branch of the Donghai Escort Bureau in the nearby Sanqin Province, so Chen Yuyan only needs to **** Qi Yunjie to that place.

   It's just that the latter is seriously injured now, and if he is not treated in time, even with the internal strength of Da Zhou Tianxing Luo Gong, he will not be able to withstand it for a few days.

  Chen Yuyan didn't have any suitable medicine on her body, so at Qi Yunjie's suggestion, she decided to bring her to Qingyao Villa for medicine.

  Qi Cangsheng met Li Shanqing, the owner of Qingyao Villa, "Xuanhu Jishi", and the two had a long friendship.

   "I didn't expect that Qingyao Villa is actually preparing for a wedding now."

  Chen Yuyan looked through the window at the dark crowd below her eyes, wondering what she was thinking.

  The wedding at Qingyao Villa seems to be a large-scale serial mission in the game.

  The task reward is a strange beast "Shen Mao". It is said that the blood of this strange beast can cure all poisons, and the saliva can enhance the resistance to poison.

  If you can stay with it for a long time, you will eventually have a physique that is invulnerable to all poisons.

   Chen Yuyan wasn't very clear about the specific content of the mission. He was doing other missions at the time, and he didn't check it out afterwards. He just heard from other players that the wedding didn't happen in the end.

  The bride ran away or someone else.

  Chen Yuyan doesn't want to meddle in other people's business either, the most urgent task now is to suppress Qi Yunjue's injury and **** her to the Donghai Escort Bureau in Sanqin Province.

   After getting the medicine and curing Qi Yunjue's injury, he left Qilian Mountain without stopping.

   "The time has come, the gate of Qingyao Villa should be opened."

   "We're ready to go."

  Chen Yuyan got up, put Qi Yun on his back, and went straight down the stairs.

   I have to say, the feel of this pair of long legs is really good.

   The two went downstairs without attracting the attention of others. After walking out of the inn, Chen Yuyan led Qi Yun up the mountain.

  The mountain road is steep and tortuous. Although it is not far from the Qingyao Villa on the mountainside, the mountain is rugged and it is very difficult to walk.

   Fortunately, Chen Yuyan's qinggong is not bad, she can move a few feet when she touches the ground with her toes.

   Nothing happened along the way, but in order to take care of Qi Yunjue who couldn't stand the bumps, Chen Yuyan didn't walk very fast. When he saw the gate of the villa, the sky was already high.

This mountain villa was originally the place where the apprentices of Qingyao Mountain Villa practiced medicine, made alchemy and grinded medicine, but it was specially set aside as a place for banquets for this big wedding, so that distinguished guests from afar could stay here, so that they would not find themselves in Yanzhi Peak. Nowhere to stay.

  Most of the famous people in Qingyao Villa have come down here to welcome guests, and the main village on the top of the peak does not entertain outsiders.

   As for such major events in the world, there will never be fewer uninvited guests. Just in case, there are more than ten disciples in blue and white medicine robes greeting guests just outside the door wall.

  The leading middle-aged man is Li Zhongyi, the housekeeper of Qingyao Villa.

Although Li Zhongyi is over 70 years old, he is a martial arts practitioner after all, and his hands and feet are still very agile. He has been in charge of Qingyao Villa for many years, so his eyesight is naturally good. , and saw Chen Yuyan who was intercepted by Qi Yun on his back.

  Although the appearance is not obvious, but the dragon leaps and the tiger walks, and the temperament is extraordinary.

   At least among the young generation of Qingyao Villa, Li Zhongyi has never seen such an outstanding young generation.

  Even Li Song, the owner of the Shaozhuang, is much worse than this person.


  There is an undisguised, high-spirited and ambitious self-confidence in this ordinary-looking young man.

   "This young man came here to congratulate him without hesitation, and the whole village is very grateful. May I ask what the young man's name is? Should he just congratulate him or stay to watch the ceremony?"

  Li Zhongyi didn't dare to be negligent, entrusted the rest of the disciples to his disciples, walked up a few steps in person, and asked in a gentle voice.

   Their sect, which relies on refining medicine for a living, likes to make friends with powerful warriors the most.

  Chen Yuyan remained silent, just glanced lightly, Li Zhongyi looked in the direction indicated by Chen Yuyan, and Qi Yunjie's pale face was revealed.

   "Uncle Zhong, I am Yunjue."

  Li Zhongyi was slightly taken aback, and quickly took two steps forward, looking at Qi Yunjie's weak face, he stretched out his hand to rest on the latter's wrist.

   "This pulse, how did Miss Yunjue get so seriously injured, hurry up, I'll take you to heal."

  Li Zhongyi tried his best to restrain himself, but still couldn't help frowning, his face showing worry.

   "Then I would like to thank Uncle Zhong, and I am very sorry to disturb you at this time."

  Qi Yun cut off his words halfway, and coughed heavily, his complexion turned pale again.

   "How can you say such a thing."

   As Li Zhongyi said, he directly led Chen Yuyan into the villa.

  Qingyao Villa is a wealthy party, and the several villas under its command are large in scale. Among them, the buildings follow the mountain, and the mountain streams run through it. It occupies a very large area, and it is still more than enough to accommodate more than a hundred people.

   It seems that the Donghai Escort Bureau has a very close relationship with Qingyao Mountain Villa. What Li Zhongyi arranged for Qi Yunjie was a courtyard very close to the inner side. It took a long time to climb several stone steps before arriving.

   This courtyard is not the disciple's dormitory, but a guest room for entertaining distinguished guests. It is divided into inner and outer gardens, and the environment is quiet and elegant.

  Chen Yuyan put Qi Yunjie on the bed, and not long after, a woman with a gentle face came slowly.

   "This young man, it is inconvenient for me to see a doctor for Yun Jie's younger sister. Please stay away for a while."

  The gentle woman is Li Yan, the daughter of Li's patriarch, a warrior deeply polluted by [Medicine Sequence].

  Chen Yuyan nodded, then turned and walked out of the wing, closing the door behind her.

  At this moment, he suddenly heard a noise coming from outside.

   "Hurry up, call someone over!"

   "The bride is gone!"

   Recommended by the editor-in-chief on 2.4. In the past few days, I will revise the previous article, correct some poisonous points and places that are not smooth, and add settings by the way. After the revision, I will issue a single chapter to outline what has been changed.



  (end of this chapter)

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