Strategy to Attack the System

Chapter 77: .The Devil 06

Soon after Han Yu left, Jiang Fu also hurried to the main hall. The iron cow who was left stood at the entrance of the small courtyard, watching his drifting back, watching him motionless for a long time. (((Cartino Novel Network

There were originally three or four internal disciples who served Jiang Fu, but after getting used to Tie Niu's overly appropriate service, Jiang Fu never used anyone else.

And Tie Niu willingly stayed in the small courtyard on Fengyue Peak, waiting for him every day, and sending him away every day.

The air became silent, and Tie Niu was left alone.

His residence is at the back of the small courtyard, separated from Jiang Fu by a corridor, but not too far away. Moreover, Jiang Fu treats his disciples very well, even if he is only a low-ranking domestic disciple, the room he lives in is comparable to the residence of the rich children in the world.

He closed the door of the house, walked to the bed and picked up his mind under the pillow.

Every page that has been flipped through countless times has been carefully glued, but the tattered and ancient mentality can still be seen. The page paper is dark gray that is different from the general mentality. The characters on it are messy, and it took a long time for Tie Niu to recognize it.

No one knows the name and whereabouts of this mental method. Even when Li Zhen went to the library to look for it, he accidentally knocked down the bookshelf. When he panicked, he accidentally mixed the top of it in. Only then fell into the hands of Tie Niu.

Moreover, the style of this mental method is completely different from that of the self-cultivation method. At first glance, it just feels out of place and makes people uncomfortable.

But Tie Niu looked very seriously. He sat cross-legged on the bed and continued to practice according to the formula of the second half of the Mind Method. Gradually, a faint black mist spread out from his palm, slowly wrapping his whole person in it.

If a disciple of Tiangan faction saw this scene at this time, he would be surprised, because this evil aura is obviously a form of magic cultivation that cultivators have been fighting against. What is even more shocking is that even the entire Fengyue Peak did not notice this subtlety. Of changes.

The sky outside gradually darkened. Three hours later, Tie Niu let out a sigh of relief. The blood red from the depths of his opened eyes almost occupied the entire pair of eyes, exuding a dazzling and intense bloodthirsty light.

Gradually, the red faded little by little, and returned to normal jet black.

He bowed his head and squeezed a fist, as if grasping something, and after curling the corners of his lips in satisfaction, he put his mind back under the pillow, straightened his clothes and walked out of the room.

After only waiting for a moment this time, he could see Jiang Fu coming back from a distance.

"Master, you are back."

A voice full of joy unabashedly revealed a strong expectation, Jiang Fu retracted the Waterless Sword, and somewhat surprised the iron cow guarding the courtyard gate.

"How long have you been waiting outside?"


Tie Niu answered the truth this time, but Jiang Fu didn't believe it.

He was accustomed to seeing the disciple who admired himself in the realm of cultivation, and later, after getting close to the iron cow, he realized that this was another little brother of his own.

Once he went out temporarily for something, thinking that he would be back soon, so he asked Tie Niu to wait at the mouth of Outer Fengyue Peak. He didn't expect to return after seven days. It was still frosty and snowy. , The iron cow with a low cultivation base has frozen eyebrows and frost, and his face is pale, just like a frozen ice sculpture.

The moment he saw Jiang Fu coming back, the joy that burst into his eyes was like a fire in the dark night, which could almost burn people.

In fact, Jiang Fu didn't want to keep a person who admired himself excessively. He also planned to turn Tie Niu into an inner disciple and leave to practice with Li Zhen.

However, after learning about this, Tie Niu knelt at his door for half a month without saying a word, vowing red eyes and explained that he just respected him too much, but he would never do anything to make him angry.

Jiang Fu looked at his stubborn begging look at that time, and his heart softened inexplicably, and he agreed.

Moreover, the later Tie Niu did behave well, did not speak much, and did things very neatly, so Jiang Fu slowly got used to him. Four years later, Tie Niu was even closer than his inner disciple.

Thinking of this, Jiang Fu's expression softened, said.

"go in."

Tie Niu followed him in, and asked in a daze after he packed up the soft clothes as he ordered.

"Master is going out again?"

Jiang Fu was tying his headband with his back facing him, his hand-knotted hands tied the ice-blue headband to his black hair, and then tightened a little, his answer was casual.

"Well, magic repairs are getting more and more rampant. As the head of the Tiangan faction, I must eradicate them this time."

Because what he has always maintained is a high-cold external image, there are not many close friends beside Jiang Fu, and the almost inseparable Tie Niu is barely one.

So he thought about it, then turned around.

"I don't know when I will come back this time, so go and practice with the inner disciples."

Tie Niu hugged his clothes, his expression showed a little dazed loss, but his low tone was firm.

"The disciple is not going anywhere, just here waiting for Master to return."

Jiang Fu shook his head with a smile, and sighed regretfully.

"It's a pity that your xinxing is a domestic disciple. If you practice hard in the past few years, you may be able to break through the foundation building period."

Tie Niu's face changed, he rushed over and knelt in front of him, carefully pulling at the corners of his clothes, big tears overflowed in his eyes, poor like an abandoned puppy, but he didn't dare to stumble. he.

"Master, please don't drive the disciples away, the disciples just want to stay with Master, Master, Master"

The pleadings are so humble, the hidden love can no longer help overflowing, Tie Niu's heart is full of fear of being driven away, he desperately just wants to stay by Jiang Fu.

He should be the person closest to the teacher.

Jiang Fu looked down at him condescendingly, silently, his exquisite eyebrows lost the gentleness of his talent, and the coldness that came out like ice quickly carved the outline into a distant alienation.

The beautiful glaze-colored eyes are like transparent knives, unable to be stained with any color half-heartedly, and always make people die with a sharp and sharp attitude.

Such a pitiful posture of crazy infatuation reminded him of the victims in the interstellar who had been deceived by him. The excessive blind affection would only make him feel troubled.

It's really boring.

He slapped the corners of his clothes, and Tie Niu was suddenly hit hard. The whole person hit the screen behind him, landed one head on the ground, and then vomited a mouthful of blood in embarrassment.

His head was dark and his ears tremble, but Jiang Fu's cold and indifferent voice came into his ears very clearly.

"From tomorrow you don't come, I will let them add you to the list of inner disciples."

Becoming an inner disciple means to maintain an unsatisfactory relationship with Jiang Fu. Jiang Fu will not personally guide his disciples to practice, and only show up once for a long time.

For the outer disciple, he is fortunate to get Jiang Fu’s personal guidance once a month. The inner disciple can stand next to Jiang Fu, while the inner disciple can only look at the bustling crowd. Jiang Fu, who was surrounded by everyone, received no response at all.

He is too small.

Tie Niu's heart was chilling, and he stretched out his hand in vain to scratch on the ground, and climbed in the direction of Jiang Fu with difficulty. His eyes were terrified and desperate, and he looked like a leaf crushed hard in the mud.

When he spoke, large swaths of blood poured out from his throat, painful as if he contained tens of thousands of knives, but he still pleaded bitterly, the only light in his eyes stuck to Jiang Fu.

"Master, don't leave"

But those snow-white boots passed in front of him without hesitation, and then went further and further toward the door.

The blood stains and tears on Tie Niu's face were mixed and soiled the clean ground.

He stared at the direction Jiang Fu was leaving, the blood red under his eyes bursting into every inch of black, like a beast that was fascinated.

At the same time, the barrier of the entire courtyard suddenly shook violently, as if finally aware of the pure aura hiding the source of evil danger, even the objects in the house snapped and fell in the unusual movement. It fell to pieces on the ground.

Tie Niu lay on his stomach in a deaf ear, and kept muttering "Master".

When the eaves that broke apart during the shaking slammed straight down towards him, a thick black mist suddenly leaped from him, attacking the eaves to one side.

Then a human figure gradually emerged from the black mist, drifting in front of the iron cow, bending down and speaking to him in a strange and bad voice.

"Did you see that, he is so ruthless."

Tie Niu didn't speak in a trance, as if even his soul had left with Jiang Fu.

The black misty humanoid snorted and said seductively in his ear.

"Do you want your master to look at you? Do you want him to smile at you? Want him to cry by you, is you the only one in your eyes?"

The absurdity hidden in my heart was exposed to the blue sky and white sun, Tie Niu's eyes suddenly sharpened, his nails were deeply pinched in his palm, but he involuntarily answered his words.

"Think about it"

This is too rebellious.

He was ashamed of his idea of ​​surpassing, but what is undeniable is the violent desire for destruction that soars with the crazy fantasy between words. He wants to destroy the tall and indifferent real person Chengshui, ruining his inaccessibility Anyone's glazed eyes ruined his whole person.

But in the future, there is no time to suppress the eager seed, the black misty human form continued bewitchingly.

"If you want to become stronger, I can help you."

Tie Niu froze suddenly, and squeezed out broken words from his throat in disbelief, urgently and suspiciously.

"Why help me?"

why? I'm just an insignificant disciple of Tiangan faction with weak spiritual roots. Why do you want to help me?

The black misty figure seemed to laugh, and the gradually clear outline was an unfamiliar face that was somewhat similar to the iron cow but had a very different temperament.

Tie Niu stared at him blankly, suddenly felt that he was a bit familiar.

It seems to be a portrait painted by Jiang Fu.

He has been looking for the Yuan surnamed fiance.

And the moment he saw the face of Hei Mist, he suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity, not the secret jealousy revealed when he peeked into the portrait, but the sense of integration with the real face.

As if they were one person.

Tie Niu's mind suddenly felt a huge pain like a needle prick, as if he was about to peel his soul and then squeeze it into an abrupt part. His pained face was pale and his whole body was soaked with cold sweat.

In a trance, he heard the familiar voice of the Heiwu people dig into his ears.

"Because you are me, and I am you."

To help you is to help myself.

The black mist curled around him until it enveloped him, and then penetrated every inch of his skin and bones.

When Fengyuefeng's disciples heard that they came to the collapsed ruins, they were shocked. At the same time, they also found that Jiang Fu's internal disciple Tie Niu had disappeared, so they quickly reported Jiang Fu.

Jiang Fu had already led the Tiangan Sect disciples down the mountain. After receiving the sound transmission note, he didn't say much, just let them continue to practice.

The disciples didn't dare to move too much, so they had to return to the training ground, and no one paid attention to the insignificant domestic disciple who disappeared.

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