Strategy to Attack the System

Chapter 78: .Guardians 07

Tiangan faction is the most powerful top in the realm of cultivation. The turmoil of this magic cultivation continues to ferment, which has caused great panic and uneasiness in the realm of cultivation and even in the world. Therefore, various sects have turned to Tiangan faction for help. (((Cartino Novel Network

As the head of the Tiangan faction, Jiang Fu couldn't just sit idly by. This time, he led many disciples of the Tiangan faction down the mountain, determined to completely resolve the matter of demonic cultivation.

The various sects were attacked separately on the way back after the last gathering for discussion. The magic repair this time was stronger than before, and appeared silently. In the end, each sect suffered heavy casualties and had to return to their originals. Settled in the town.

Han Li and Li Zhen have been appeasing and treating various martial arts. When Jiang Fu and Han met, the wounded were basically not a major problem, but the atmosphere of fear of being suddenly attacked still lingered in each martial arts.

After listening to Li Zhen's report, Jiang Fu met the person in charge of each sect and asked them about the attack.

It was already evening after the work, Jiang Fu ordered them to stay here, and he took Li Zhen and the Tiangan disciples to patrol around the town.

Jiang Fu's cultivation base is extremely high, and he is more sensitive to the demon cultivation aura than others, so Han Yu and Han Li did not stop him. And after several years of hard work, Li Zhen has become quite an outstanding disciple on Fengyue Peak, so Jiang Fu often takes him out to practice and help him gain experience.

The town was filled with ordinary civilians, and Chad was afraid to approach it easily after being occupied by cultivators. As soon as it was dark, they closed their homes.

Jiang Fu led the disciples walking on the deserted street, the dark light was dim and gloomy, and it looked hairy.

Moon is black and wind is high at night, suitable for doing things.

"Master, is there a breath of demonic cultivation nearby?"

Li Zhen following Jiang Fu vigilantly put his hand on the saber and asked nervously.

Jiang Fu shook his head, glanced at the forked street, stopped and ordered.

"Li Zhen, you led ten people to take a look over there, pay attention to the movement of the hair bell."

The hair bell is a unique treasure of the Tiangan faction, and it can trace the breath of magic repair for the first time.

Li Zhen nodded, and Yiyan led ten people to the left street, while Jiang Fu led the rest to the right.

Apart from civilians in the town, there is indeed only the breath of cultivators. They searched the town thoroughly, and only planned to go back to the outskirts of the town.

Glancing at the Tiangan disciples whose faces were slightly relaxed, Jiang Fu just wanted to say something, suddenly his expression was terrible, and he suddenly lifted his figure and flew towards the suburbs.

The disciples who followed were taken aback, and immediately followed him after reacting.

In the dark night, a trace of magic repair aura is very subtle, it is transmitted from a long distance, if it is not for Jiang Fu's extremely keen perception, it is very likely that this strangeness will be ignored.

When he arrived at the fastest speed, all he saw at a glance was the Ruoxi faction disciples who were wounded everywhere. The Ruoxi faction has always had a close relationship with the Tiangan faction. The other party recognized him immediately after seeing him appear, and hurriedly asked for help overjoyed.

"Mr Chengshui!"

Jiang Fu fell to the ground and walked quickly towards them, frowning while taking out the high-level elixir from his arms.

"How's the situation? How about magic repair?"

The big disciple of the Ruoxi faction gratefully accepted the elixir and let the little disciple distribute it to the injured, while explaining briefly to him.

"We were originally ordered by the head to go to the town to support the various sects, but when we were resting on the road, a disciple suddenly attacked the same school. I suspect that they have been controlled by the magic repair."

Jiang Fu glanced at the corpses with obvious traces of killing each other, showing some unbearable expression on his face, and whispered clearly.

"Has the people controlled by the magic repair been resolved?"

The big disciple's eyes were red, and he nodded heavily, and the emotion of gritted teeth was full of hatred and hatred of Demon Xiu.

"We Ruoxi disciples get along day and night. I really don't know when the magic cultivator made the trick. True person Chengshui, as long as you can find the magic cultivator, the disciple will do everything possible to assist you!"

"The Tiangan faction will definitely investigate the matter of the demon cultivator to the end. You will first comfort the remaining disciples Ruoxi, and then put the corpses over there that have been controlled by the demon cultivator."

Jiang Fu ordered the Tiangan disciple who came with Ruoxi to send the big disciple to take care of the injured. He himself carefully inspected in front of the corpse. There are two completely different states of being controlled by demonic cultivation and being reduced to demonic cultivation. It is less likely to be noticed than the latter, and the controlled person will not notice their own strangeness at all.

Even the Ruoxi sect disciples were invaded by demonic cultivation, let alone other weaker cultivation sects.

Jiang Fu's heart sank, but he didn't dare to continue thinking about it.

He was pressing on the chest of the corpse to search for the remaining magical aura with spiritual power, and suddenly heard a familiar voice behind him.

"Shui Shui."

Jiang Fu turned his head, looked at the belated real person Qingchen in surprise, and nodded slightly.

"You came."

"I came over immediately after receiving the transmission. I really didn't expect this to happen. Demon cultivation is too rampant."

The always gentle real person Qingchen also showed uncontrollable anger and coldness when faced with the grief and death of his disciples. He sadly looked at the dead bodies, and raised his hand gently, and a faint light enveloped them. Then it slowly turned into powder and was blown away.

The voice of Master Qingchen was painful and firm, and he whispered bitterly.

"Those magic repairs, I will never let them go."

Jiang Fu looked at the bewildered disciples behind him and sighed.

"It's only this year that the magic cultivators began to do evil. They have threatened the realm of cultivation, and we must not tolerate them."

Real person Qingchen looked at him a little softer, nodded and said.

"You and I are both heads, so let's find out where the magic repair is."

Jiang Fugang wanted to say yes, but suddenly he heard a panic among the disciples resting there, and soon someone shouted in fear.

"Someone has been controlled by the magic repair!"

Jiang Fu and Zhenchen Qingchen looked at each other and hurried over.

They must capture this man alive.

The disciple controlled by the demon cultivator didn't know whether it was intentional or unintentional. He didn't intentionally attack the doormate beside him. After Jiang Fu and Qingchen rushed over, they suddenly fled to a distant empty place, obviously deliberately lure them.

However, they just happened to be worried that they couldn't find the location of the magic repair, so they hurried after it.

The disciple's cultivation level was not too high, but under the tracking of the two of them, he could still maintain a short advantage until he reached the door of a big mansion in a neighboring town after more than half an hour, and the disciple suddenly fell to the ground and died.

They chased after him and saw that the disciple had exhausted his spiritual power and died.

In order to lead them to this place, he wasted a person's life, Qing Chen's face suddenly sank, and he kicked open the door of the mansion with his foot up, exuding awe-inspiring murderous aura.

After Jiang Fu exhausted the silent disciple Ruoxi with his spiritual power, he followed him in.

Sure enough, there were a few people in the mansion who were in the slaughter house. They were full of **** corpses. They smelled a strong smell of blood since they first stepped into the town, which was almost vomiting.

It seems that Moxiu is slaughtering the whole town, and this mansion is the last one, and the only person left is being pinched by Moxiu, dying and struggling weakly.

The two of them drew out their weapons and greeted them, Mo Xiu threw the man in his hand to the side, and also entangled them aggressively to fight.

Although the demonic cultivator is very strong, the two well-known heads together can be called invincible, and within a short while, they captured the three demonic cultivators alive.

Master Qingchen wrapped the immobile with golden cables, and asked with a long sword at their chests.

"Where is your leader?"

Mo Xiu's face was blood stained, and he said with a ferocious smile.

"Our leader will kill you sooner or later! You holy hypocrites!"

The long sword pierced Mo Xiu's flesh without any hesitation. True Man Qingchen had always been soft-hearted, but Mo Xiu was not in this range in his eyes.

Dirty and depraved demons are not worthy of living in this world.

Mo Xiu ironically refused to tell him where the Mo Xiu leader was, and only continued to promote the sacred and greatness of their leader. The real person Qingchen blocked their mouths with a cold face, and planned to take them back to continue questioning, but Mo Xiu suddenly blew himself up. Up.

Cultivators and demon cultivators generally don't choose to explode. This extreme behavior is to directly abolish their inner alchemy, completely dispersing their souls, and even without a chance of survival.

The decisive way made both of them startled, their expressions becoming more solemn.

Master Qingchen looked at the smashed corpse of Demon Xiu, and clenched the blood-stained sword in his hand, his face was gloomy and he didn't say a word.

Jiang Fu also felt that things were getting more difficult. He explored the entire town with his spiritual power and found that apart from them, the only one remaining was the survivor who had been thrown aside by the magic repair. His breathing was weak, but he was still saved. .

He walked over and held the unconscious survivor in his arms, just planning to use his spiritual power to repair the other's wound, but was stunned when he saw his pale face.

Master Qingchen saw him motionless for a while, frowned and walked over to ask.

"Chengshui, what's wrong?"

Jiang Fu slowly raised his head, his exquisite and plain face showed a bit of pleasant surprise, and his glaze eyes were full of rare smiles.

Real person Qingchen has never seen him look so vivid, as if he was just a bystander outside the matter before, but now he really has a soul.

The dimples on his face are slightly sunken, and his smile is sweet and moving.

"My fiance, I found it."

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