Within this inner city, we were lead into a grand opulent palace illuminated within a forest of magical light. Bioluminescent plants and flowers blanketed the inner garden. The ceilings, low and high, were no exceptions as they were covered with glowing mosses making the scenery something out of a magical world.

"Is it okay if I take one?" I asked and pointed at a blossoming glowing blue flower. If I could gain that property, I would be able to glow as well! That was my idea.

"Please wait until after the audience. There will be plenty of chance to interact with the plant life here in the future."

"Oh. Okay."

Fully armed guards were not only stationed at the main entrance but also outside of each room. To me, it almost seemed like a waste of talented resources. After a short walk, Kanoko guided us into a luxurious guest room. We were seated in cushioned chairs as we waited for our turn for the audient. This whole thing seemed super serious that even I was nervous. Whoever the king was, I hoped he was a nice person, someone I could get along with.

"Kanoko, can you tell me anything about the king?"

"Of course. We refer to him as King Dolan. As a proud king of the Juds, he too is a Jud and has ruled over this kingdom for the last twenty years. If you're curious of his status, I'm afraid to tell you that he is equipped with magic gear that interferes with the ability to see his status."

"There's such convenient tools? I wish I could have one."

"Indeed, only the royal family members are permitted to possess them."

I guess that makes sense. It would be bad if criminals had them.

"Is that all there is to the king?"

"There isn't more I could disclose freely. As for your assessments, I don't know what it will contain. Everyone gets something different. When I say everyone, I only meant those of fey. Those who aren't fey beings would receive regular assessments from another hall. The king doesn't have time to evaluate every individual's abilities and traits. Depending on your aptitudes, you may be assigned to different halls and positions suitable to you. As for your child, she will likely remain with you."

"Oh. That's good to know."

Hopefully I get a military position. I really want to level up and evolve.

Moments later, a guard came to escort us to the audience hall. Just like the exterior, the interiors were equally astounding in artistic ornaments. On top of an elevated platform was the throne. There, a fat and white furry creature donned in golden jewelry and clothes sat with his eyes gazing my direction.

I don't know about this fur ball but I guess it looks a tiny bit majestic? Clothes make the man, right?

Kanoko whispered to me, "Berry, please lower your heads in his presence."

Oh, I was expecting something more. I guess it's a cultural difference. She really should have explained this stuff to me. I'm a newbie!

Contrary to my expectations, the king spoke with a deep voice. "You may raise your heads. Kanoko, are these two additions to our kingdom?"

"Yes, Your Majesty. They are here for the assessments."

I thought I told her we were travellers... Now I'm in a pickle.

"Very well. You may wait in the guest room until assessments are complete."

"Understood," she bowed before stepping back and leaving the audience hall.

During that brief moment, I tried to read the status of the king and the several guards around us. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to gain any information on the king. As for the royal guards, all but one were Juds with a minimum level of 40. The guard standing closest to the king also had his status hidden. I couldn't even see their race or level.

Is that guard a prince or what?

There was moment of silence before the king spoke again.

"I have examined your statuses with my own eyes. It seems you aren't ordinary fey beings." His boring gaze met mine. "Tell me why you're here."

"Pardon me, is this part of the assessment?"


"What happen if we fail?"

"You shall be executed."

Oh wow, bringing on the threats already? Fine, be that way!

"We are travelling to find a friend of ours who got separated from us during a skirmish with the humans. That's about it."

He nodded and enquired further, "A friend you say? Tell me about your friend."

"Her name is Haelley, and she's a winged beast."

"Hmm... Haelley, winged beast," his eyelids slightly raised, "You're sure the name is Haelley?"

"Yes. Is there something wrong?"

"Describe her in detail," he demanded in a calm voice. And so, I gave a detailed description of her appearance. However, before I could finish, he stopped me and asked me to describe her abilities and traits which I unwillingly provided.

"She seems to be an heiress from the Kingdom of Faf. How can you be sure she came this way?"

Heiress? Wouldn't that make her a princess? This is some serious stuff!

"We aren't sure but north is safer than south. Her home country was somewhere north," and as much as I was super reluctant to say it, I felt like it was necessary to pass this assessment, "also we are following the guidance of my child's ability, [soothsayer]. If your kingdom is aware the whereabouts of Haelley, could you be so kind to advise us of such?"

"And what will you do with such knowledge?"

"She's a good friend, and we wish to see her once more."

Once I said that, I could see a faint smile on the king's face. If I hadn't worked along with other beastfolks, I probably would have missed such. It turned out I gained more experiences from working at that tavern than I bargained for. For whatever the reason he smiled, I was sure it was a good sign.

King Dolan beckoned left towards a guard stationed at one of the side entrances, "Let her in."

Moments later, a lady with her arm-wings wrapped in bandages slowly walked in with an anxious expression. Feathers were missing around her waist area and she looked remarkably thinner. Aside from those, she didn't seem to be in critical danger.

"Haelley!?" I gasped. I honestly didn't think we could meet each other again so soon. This was a complete surprise to me. Smoothie, on the other hand, was just smiling by herself.

That brat, should have told me! But I guess I'm not against pleasant surprises.  

"Berry, Smoothie!" Her mood visibly improved.

King Dolan cleared his throat, "Ahem, leave for that later. I heard from Haelley her side of the story already. Berry, tell me, how many pursued you? And how did you escape?"

"Uhh... How did you know that?"

"Haelley had informed me that they were capable of tracking and flight. She wasn't able to eliminate all the enemies before she received near critical injuries and had to escape."

I gave a brief rundown of the events that took place from the time we were at the river until the time we crossed the canyon. At the same time, I was careful not to disclose any details of my abilities and traits. No matter how powerful King Dolan's traits and abilities were, it was extremely improbable that he would know the inner workings of my abilities and traits. At best, he would see moderate descriptions, something like a downgraded version of [soothsayer] would tell.

However, he asked for the details of the battle and the extents of my abilities. To that, I answered honestly because I knew the implications, leaving certain details out to leave myself with some escape options. Desertion was surely punishable by death even if I didn't ask.

"Berry, I have a proposal for you," King Dolan announced, "due to your unique status, why don't you assist my country in times of peace and war? In exchange, I will grant you and your child all your needs."

All our needs? Do we even need anything? I'm a flipping plant, you know?  

"Smoothie, do you have any needs?" I whispered to her.

"Mother, you should ask for access to libraries, and materials to absorb and integrate," she replied.

"Oh, good point! I should have thought of it."

Then I raised my voice, "King Dolan, I would also like to request access to libraries and various materials I could absorb to grow stronger."

"Very well. The Kingdom of Teir welcomes you."

"Thank you."

That welcome was a bit late, wasn't it?


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