After the audience with the king, I was permitted to visit Haelley's chamber within the palace. Her room was equally large as my room at the embassy hall. However, the main difference was that here there was no sunlight here. Everything was illuminated with magic crystals and with bioluminescent plants.

"Haelley, you didn't tell me you were a princess!"

"The kingdom is gone. I am here and I have to fight." She spoke with determination and vigor without a trace of sadness.

Seriously? Are you from a warrior race or what? Well, she's certainly strong in this aspect if nothing else. Still, I feel like she lacks the oomph in terms of raw power.

"Hi Haelley," Smoothie greeted with a wave of hand.

"Hi Smoothie."

"Haelley, you're still healing. I'm sorry we had to leave you to fend for yourself back there."

"I am bodyguard; it is my duty. I am happy you two are safe," she nodded while gazing at the two of us cheerfully.

"Will you able to fly again soon?"

"No worry! Healer comes check on my every day. Some feathers will take long time to grow back but I will fly again soon and help!"

"Oh that's good. By the way, I heard the human kingdom will attack soon. Do you know anything about it? I want to make some preparation."

"No. I stayed in my room for many days resting. Very boring."

"Well, anyway, I'm glad to see that you're fine. I'll try to come visit later. For now, I'll be at the embassy hall until further arrangements are made. Come visit me when you're better, okay?"



Earlier, the king and I didn't discuss any details. Before we parted, he needed to review a few reports before any further arrangements could be made regarding my situation. For now, I would stay at the embassy hall and wait for further instructions. If I wished to access the library and any specific materials, I had speak with Kanoko first.

Now that I was done chatting with Haelley, Smoothie and I were escorted back to the guest room while we continued to wait for Kanoko to finish up her business or reports with the king.

"Smoothie, how long until the invasion?"

"I think within two days. You need to ask Kanoko before we leave to make preparations."

"Two days is a bit short. I will need to absorb the waters around here and check the library. Hopefully I can learn a water spell to make rain or keep my clones happy."

"That would be ideal but what if they attack from the sky?"

"Actually, I have an idea but do you know what's the effective range of magic?"

"You're not thinking of attacking their entire force with a single area of effect magic, are you?"

"Exactly! I was thinking I can create poisonous needles and shower their entire army. Victory is as good as mine!"

"We hardly know anything about magic. What if they deploy barriers and interferences? What will you do then?"

"I don't know. I'm screwed? At least tell me the effective range?"

"Don't ask me. How would I know? It should be fairly large but not enough to cover an entire army. Mm... We can test it out, and on the day of, Haelley can use her abilities to boost your range and effectiveness. I'm sure Haelley would be happy to help."

It didn't take too long before Kanoko joined us.

I asked, "Do we have to live somewhere else now?"

"No. I'll explain on our way back. There are also some important tasks requested of you."

Tasks... Oh crap. I don't want to end up as someone's errand runner.

Kanoko quickly added, "It's nothing too dangerous."

Figures, nothing "too" dangerous.

While on our way out, I was permitted to absorb one of the glowing plants in the garden. With this, I could make myself glow in the dark as well! It would be really cool if there were music concerts in this world. And, of course, I'd end up as the inventor of glowing sticks and make a fortune!

Anyhow, as we continued back to the embassy hall, Kanoko explained some stuff to us. First of all, the green card was upgraded with new functions to allow us access to the public libraries within the city. We had permission to study magic scrolls and books. Second, we could choose to remain at the embassy hall or move to another section of the city where Kanoko resided. Apparently all the houses there were luxury suites, food included, along with monthly salary.

"That's too good to be true..." I mumbled with skepticism. There was no way anyone would give free things without some sort of exchange. "So, what's the catch?"

"Since you can use [transformation] and some funky abilities, you will perform the duties of a scout and prepare for the incoming invasion. King Dolan expects your contribution to be significant. And, if you perform well, he will confer you with a befitting rank within this kingdom," she whispered to me as not to attract attentions to us. "Even I was not granted such when I first came here and had to work my way up. You're very lucky to have those abilities."

This is actually a good deal. I could then easily leave the city without any causes for suspicion.

"A scout, huh. Do I get special access at the city gate? I don't mind the work but I want a travel pass or something to skip the wait time."

Her eyes widened, "Oh? You don't mind? Ah, you don't have to worry about a travel pass. All scouts carry three colored cards: yellow, orange, red." And she went on to explain what these cards meant and the authorities given to each card.

Yellow was the least urgent while red meant imminent disaster which could result in the destruction of a city. In the event of a large battle, orange cards were frequently used followed by red cards. However, prior to any battles, yellow cards would be the commonly used cards.

"But, just having your current green card should give you priority over others. It denotes you as an honored guest within the empire."

VIP treatment! I like it. I've never had such treatments before but I kind of wished I could take advantage of the free foods. Simple absorbing them was no fun unless...

I knew it was kind of a sporadic on my part but I decided to ask anyway, "I would like to be served poisonous foods. Plants, berries, insects, fruits, anything really! As long as they're poisonous."

Her jaws dropped, but quickly returned to her professional demeanor, "That is a tall order but I'll see if that can be arranged."

I nodded happily. "Oh that's good."

"Moving on, when you are able, please synthesize armors for those around you. If not, that's okay. It's just that we don't have enough smiths and crafters to equip new recruits with armors."

"You can't be serious... the battle is in two days and the basic preparations aren't even done? Why not just leave them as is? I see you have plenty of armed soldiers up there." I pointed to the wall and then towards the winged beasts patrolling the skies in the distance.

"Where did you get that information? Two days? That's not possible! It should take them another three weeks to arrive..." Her face paled after my minor revelation, and I was somehow equally shocked. Their lack of preparation and this currently relaxed atmosphere in the city was just mind-boggling. I thought they were just super confident or something but it looked to be not the case.

Our conversation was on hold until we returned to the embassy hall. There in her private office we continued the discussion where we left off.

"Your name is Smoothie, right? Were you the one who told her 'two days'?"

"Yes. I foresee an invasion in two days." She answered flatly.

"This is bad, really bad. Are you sure?"

"I'm fairly certain but that could change."

She sighed exasperatedly, "I will have to ask for an audience with the king again. Berry, you'll be reporting directly under me while you're on scout duty. Your child will be under your care."

"Wait, why do I report to you? Shouldn't I report to a guard or some military personnel?"

"Normally that would be the case. As you can probably tell, intelligent fey beings are extremely rare and diverse in their traits and abilities. It's easier this way. Including the two of you, there are five of us."

"Only five? That's all?"

I'm guessing this is only in the city of Vera. Still, the figure seems too low given how long fey beings can live. Oh right, intelligence. Maybe there are just too many stupid or bad ones.

"Yes. Vorte is the probably the strongest. Since you have a child, the king decided to have you report to me. If you were to report under Vorte, you'll probably be forced to participate in the main battles and follow orders whereas if you report to me, you can move freely around. Not to mention, Vorte has a bad temper and is quite dangerous to be around. Mm... Also, I heard you have a friend, so if you wish to help her during the battle, you are free to do so."

"I see. Thank you. I prefer more freedom."

"You're welcome. The other fey is quite mysterious, even I have never seen this individual. Of course, then there's me," she pointed at herself, smiling. "Although you're reporting under me, I'm technically just an advisor until you're used to living here. But, please report important matters to me. You know where to find me."

"Yep. So for now, I live here?"

She sighed, "Yes please. I apologize for the lack of proper accommodations but please bear with it until this crisis has passed."


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