"Halt!" A deep voice resounded. It wasn't loud per se but it was as if someone was vibrating air directly with magic.

Anyhow, what mattered was that these folks stopped ganging up on me and retreated into a line. Behind them, a humanoid flew up to meet me.

By serpent, Kanoko probably meant a dragon. Aside from a pair of branch-like horns, he was no different from a boring old man with long flowing hair with facial hair included. He was dressed in light robe likely comfortable for meditation. All in all, I couldn't sense anything impressive about him.

A hairy monk! Yes, a hairy monk. Are you bored of living? Whatever, let's see what your status says.

[Level 70 Fey;

Species: Lego-Sferitas;

Physical: 341/341;

Spiritual: 422/422;

Traits: Guardian, Intertwined, Storm Within, Enhanced Spiritual, Enhanced Physical, Enhanced Senses, Enhanced Resistances;

Abilities: Destroyer, Storm, Shock, Ebb and Flow, Transfigure;

Description: A fearsome storm serpent.]

As for his status, there were some abilities and traits I couldn't decipher just by reading the names. There was this [transfigure] ability which sounded like an ability similar to [transform] ability. Perhaps those two were similar.

So, a storm dragon... Well met?

I greeted first, "Hi there! You must be Vorte, right?"


Huh, are you shy? Is that all you have to say?

"I wanted a chat with you about two things. What do you say?"

"Fair enough." He replied without moving his mouth.

Feeling a bit irritated by his lack of enthusiasm, I tried to lighten up the mood with a cheery smile, "Really? Where's a good place for us to have a nice chat over tea?"


I think you're too old for your own good. Dig a grave for yourself to sleep in! Oops, rude remarks should be kept to myself. Yes, yes, all's good in my head.

Like me, he was flying using mana only. We were considered supernatural beings after all. Demons could probably do the same. Whether other beings were capable of the same was up for debate since I had never seen them in my travels yet. Since demons existed in this world, perhaps there were also divine beings hiding somewhere.

After our short greetings, the winged elites dispersed back to wherever they came from. Meanwhile, I followed after Vorte for a nice chat in his humble abode. Really though, it was super humble, this stone cave. In his living quarter, or so I believed to be his living quarter, was just a stone platform covered by a flimsy cushion. A few lighting crystals faintly illuminated the room.

Are you really okay living like this? Is this really okay?

Actually, aside from that stone was a plain wooden table that only reached to my knees. There was no kitchen and no washroom unless a barrel of water counted as either. Really though, this place wasn't that different from a random cave found in the wilderness.

I could live like that as well but what would be the point of living like that?

He sat down cross-legged at the table and gazed at me with a lack of expression. Following his example, I too sat down, facing him across the table.

Honestly, I was no fan of sitting on hard stone. But given the situation, complaining wasn't going to get us anywhere. I felt like he was probably a stubborn person who would refuse the progress of civilization. Really though, living standard could easily be improved if only he asked. Heck, since he was considered a guardian around here, people surely had offered him something in the past which he most likely refused.

"So ah... Let me introduce myself. I'm Berry. As you can see, I'm level 69 fey."

"I see." He nodded while gazing at me.

Ooh... He responded... Moving on!

"I heard this is the seventh time you're trying to evolve past 70?"


"This is the first matter I wish to discuss with you. Why are you struggling to evolve? Shouldn't it be fairly simple like any other evolution? Please explain to me in details."

"Evolutions have requirements."

"What are these requirements?"

His eyes opened wide as if he just woke up from a half slumber, "After experiencing many failures, I came to understand that one must possess at least one transcendent trait. Without such, evolution is nigh impossible."

"Can you explain what this transcendent trait is?" I asked.

"That I cannot explain with clarity for which it is the heaven's will. You will come to know it once you possess such."

The part about this "heaven's will" probably had to do with his poor communication skill, at least that was what I figured it to be.

I wonder... Does my |creator| trait count as transcendent? I mean, it's nothing like the regular traits and abilities.

Following my deductions, I thus asked, "Can regular traits evolve into transcendent traits?"

"That may be possible as that was what I have attempted for centuries past. In days time, I shall seek to evolve once more in hopes to achieve my goal at long last."

I guess it's safe to say either one of his current or a hidden trait is a transcendent trait. Although, chances are, he still doesn't have one. Old fella, I might actually be one step ahead of you! Eheheh... You snooze, you lose!

"Fair enough. If you couldn't evolve, why didn't try to level up to 99? I'm no expert in this but I've seen a being capable of leveling past 90. It should be doable for us too, right?"

"Indeed. It is a matter of choice. For one who has lived for eons, I no longer wish to remain in the physical, and therefore wish to discard this material body. At the time of choosing, remaining at my current level was the most optimal. Should I have foregone that choice and raised my level further, the resources required for my next opportunity to evolve would have been immense, hence I had not pursued for a higher level."

Why can't you speak normally? Do old people always speak like this? Scratch that, you're ancient. I'm glad you speak the common language, otherwise this would have been a waste of my time.

Basically, what he was saying was that he didn't bother raising his levels long ago because it was a pain in the butt to reach the next milestone to evolve. For the likes of him, raising level was probably much harder than for someone like me. If it wasn't for [synthesis] and [absorption], I might still be in the level twenties or thirties. To get to my current state, my net growth volume would have to be the size of a massive mountain.

"Thanks for the information. I hope you can ascend the staircase to heaven."

Did I accidentally use an euphemism? No, right...? Or, is it? He seemed to not want to live anymore so there's no problem with however he choose to understand it!

For the first time, his mouth slightly curved into a barely noticeable smile. I wasn't sure why but seeing a smile was quite refreshing.

"Now, moving onto the second matter I wish to discuss with you. Haelley, or Princess Haelley, I want to borrow her for a few days. I heard you'll be training her."

"Indeed. That is her choice. I only provide advices, nothing more."

"Great! Where is she? I heard she came this way?"

"She should be with her fellow kindred in dwellings below."

"Well, it was nice chatting with you."

"Young one, before you go, tell me, which path are you pursuing?" He asked.

"I will evolve, of course. If I cannot evolve at level 70 then I will do so at the next opportunity."

"You misunderstood. Origin, balance, and chaos, these are the paths that I am aware of."

Aren't you quite philosophical? Though, I have to say, three paths? This is like a movie I've seen before. Let's pretend to know nothing!

"I'm not aware of these paths. Can you enlighten me please?" I said.

"Fair enough. First, I must inquire. How have you managed to reach your current height."

Ahhh, so how I've been levelling up might be related to this. I've been good! I was a defender of justice!

I replied as honestly and concisely as I could. "I was a defender of justice. Humans invaded Vera, and I killed them. Ehh... I was originally a fey plant so I have other means to level up as well."


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