Strawberry Devil in a Fantasy World

Chapter 68 – Three Paths

Of the three paths, the first one was chaos. In all likelihoods, he suspected that there was such a trait or equivalent which all demons possessed. Although, in my experience, I had not seen it in those two demons' status. It was possible that I had not the level nor authority to view them just as others would not be able to see certain abilities and trait I possessed currently.

Those who treaded the path of chaos were often masters of occult arts and seeker of hidden knowledge. This path was usually reserved for ones who were selfish and evil but it was not exclusive. Chaos was a fundamental principle in this world. As the word itself was actually self-explanatory, those who possessed "chaos" sought just that. Destruction, confusion, disorder were commonly associated with such a trait. However, that was only half the truth.

Chaos was also a force of change. Without change, civilizations would not advance. Yet, at the same time, too much change would drive one such to destruction. Things were never so simple. Still, little was known about the holders of this trait.

If I had to add something, it was that they were bunch of deviants up to no good and just messing around for their own amusement.

What's that word I'm looking for? Hedonists? That definitely doesn't describe me! I just want a happy life.

Anyway, next path that came into play was balance. Again, he suspected that there was one such trait or a trait of equivalent role since he had never personally seen these transcendent traits. Balance was fairly self explanatory. It was a force that resisted change or in this case, chaos. Those who walked this path enjoyed harmony and idle way of life.

Yep, you're the embodiment of this ideal. I mean, just look at how shabby your cave is. At least have some cushions for me to sit on. Cold, hard stone, ugh!

"Have you gained this trait yet?" I asked.

"That I am unsure."

"How can you be unsure? You can easily check your own status."

"Evolved traits could potentially contain undetectable traits. What I sought was the precursor to a transcendent trait that which is related to the second path I mentioned."

"Basically, you believe you gained a trait recently so you're trying to evolve?"

"You have surmised well."

"You have |guardian| trait. I'm assuming it is a precursor or one of them?"

"Indeed. There may be multiple ones required."

"If you believe you have the trait, why not just level up immediately? I thought it was automatic."

"Indeed it was automatic should one possess all the conditions to do so. Should one fail, resources must be acquired once again from the start of that level."

Ouch, you failed that many times. Going from level 70 to 71 must be tough for someone like you. I mean, the resources I needed was already crazy enough. If he had something similar, spending a couple decades to gather so much would have been such a painstaking... Wait a second...

"It would have been easier to obtain |chaos| if you just went on a rampage, right?"

"I cannot embody such a trait. It is against my nature therefore my attempts were to align with a path that closest resemble my nature."

Okay, I guess... Sitting here all day everyday doing nothing is probably your thing. Nothing is going to change. You might as well wither away like that.

"What about the third path?" I inquired.

"The path of origin, it is one that eludes my comprehension."

"And... Any guesses? Speculations? Anything?"

"The third governing force of this world, perhaps, is not one I will tread."

If I'm understanding this correctly, I need to somehow obtain a trait or traits that is on these paths to evolve again. So far, the closest one is |chaos| trait because creating new food is definitely going to change the world, causing destruction wherever new trends receive spotlights.

There were too many things that could elude this old geezer. Simply put, I had no answer to what the third path was. In the first place, most of this stuff was his speculation anyway. Furthermore, who was to say that there were any paths to begin with? All roads lead to death. He was probably too old for his own good.

A string of thoughts were brought to my attention. "I have questions about demons and heroes. I've met with two demons."

Immediately, he warned, "Speak not their names."

I already knew. Demon names were not to be spoken because it would sometimes equated to summoning them.

"I know. One of them was level 70 and he appeared to me as one resembling a Jud-Farrana. I was unwittingly forced into a contract with him. Are you aware of this demon? I wish to break the contract."

"Indeed, a legendary demon of yore who still presides over this world. To break your contract with him is no easy feat. If you wish to avoid losing your soul, then you must first remember the details of your contract. The resolution you seek are within your contract. It would be wise to perish the thought of a direct confrontation. Moreover, I suggest that you review your contract with utmost urgency. It should not to be delayed by trifling matters."

Kuh... I wish I have a good memory. I wish there's a |photographic memory| trait I can obtain. It's too late, isn't it?

"I understand but what if I don't remember the details?"

"Meditate on the contract and it shall be revealed."

I guess that's good enough for an answer...

I could finally move onto the second subject. Certainly the knowledge he had shared with me was quite profound if I could make good use of them.

"If I may ask, what is the relationship between fey beings and demons and devils? It seemed that humans tend to call me a devil. Also, they have this hero king or something they worship."

"Did you know, in the olden days, it was common for fey beings regardless of intelligence to evolve into demons?"

"I had no idea. I was only born recently."

"I see. In the olden days, the world was filled with life but also with endless wars. Demons would manipulate naive and careless fey beings to do their biddings. As fey beings grow, they gained intelligence. By the time they are ready to evolve, one or more soul contracts had already been formed. This often forced one to choose the path of chaos."

I felt like I just got indirectly admonished. I wasn't naive and careless!

"I see how it is. It's a vicious cycle. In all scenario, the demons win. They would either get a new demon underling or a soul to eat. Eventually heroes would come to slay these demons, right?"

"Indeed. Rather, without demons, heroes would rarely come to existence."

"I have never seen a hero before. Are they evolved from humans?"

"That is not always so. If my memory serves me correctly, there was once upon a tale of a hero evolved from a fey being. He was the last of his kind, Lego-Amortus, or so the story went."

That species name meant he was also some sort of serpent.

"Does one evolve into a hero race at level 70? And, what do you know about the hero king of the human race?"

"I do not know the exact criteria but heroes are unique and therefore follow their own paths. Yet, oftentimes, they would follow the path of balance."

Ah crap, unique my ass. That ticks me off. That's no different than being the protagonist of a role playing game. How come I can't be a hero!?

"So basically, they are likely level 70."

"That may be so. Once they have evolved, their status will remain hidden."

Double crap, that's just plain cheating! You think you're good? I don't think so!

"Although a hero may be powerful, he too is bound by the laws of this world." Then, he went on to elaborate what it meant to be a hero. To that, I had a face-palm moment in my mind. This old fellow was quite talkative despite my initial impression.

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