Creating the strawberry ice cream was only a sideshow. Maybe in the future, I could try making strawberry shortcakes.

Before I began my closed door training session, I made a quick trip to redistribute all my special gatherer clones to focus only on gathering water and mana in their vicinity.

Next, I entered my subspace. My mind racing many miles an hour.

If I could somehow learn the ways of infusing mana into my body, I could become a super hero! With super enhanced strength, I could one punch any enemy to death. That would be super awesome.

Strength wasn't the only thing I could try enhancing either. If I could enhance my defense, I could become as tough as a tortoise or a steel tank.

"Time for special training, eheheh... After this I'll be able to say, 'Power! I can feel it! So much power, surging through my veins! Heeeyaaaa!!' While posing like a badass. I can hardly wait!" I grinned smugly.

Actually, I remembered watching an martial arts movie once. It followed a boy through his long years of arduous training strengthening every fibre within his body. Some basic techniques were even taught in that. If I could master that, I would be able to call myself a martial artist.

"Wait a second, could that strengthening technique be part of the |enhanced physical| trait perk just like |enhanced spiritual| trait? Either way is cool with me!"

Flowing mana around was already second nature to me. My body was made of structured mana so if I still couldn't master the basics then I was a lost cause.

Anyhow, I steadily flowed condensed mana into my fingers first. As a side note, mana always seemed to come from my heart area, likely where my fey core was.

Alright, mental imagery, make my fingers strong like steel! I can do it!

After playing around with different types of imagery, I grabbed a brick to test my new technique on. Currently, my entire hand was coated with dense mana intended to enhance both strength and defense. 

"Serious Punch!" I cried while throwing a punch with maximum force.


The blast was so powerful that a shockwave was generated. Fortunately, my hand was perfectly unharmed with no pain whatsoever.

"Perfect! I knew I was a genius with immeasurable potentials. I just knew it! Ahahaha!" I laughed out loud without reservation.

Generating bricks in my subspace was a simple matter. I began punching bricks one after another for the sheer exhilarating experience.

Boom. Boom.


Sometimes the shockwaves were powerful enough to even shatter nearby bricks.

"Good. Good! This is so much fun. I wish I knew about this earlier. I wonder if there's a maximum... Hmm... Is it a good idea though?"

The main issue was the mana consumption. It was fun but the cost was proportional to the power exhibited, and frankly it wasn't cheap.

"Hmm... I wonder if this affects my status?" I wondered before checking it for myself while I was still in the powered up state.

[Level 69 Fey (plant);

Species: Strawberry Phantasm;

Physical: 212/212;

<Health: 212>

<Force: 499 (enhanced)(augmented)>

<Speed: 158 (enhanced)>

Spiritual: 443/443;

<Mana: 443>

<Mass: 499 (enhanced)(augmented)>

<Luck: 425 (enhanced)>

Traits: Bewitching, Devious, Parallel Bodies, Escapist, Tactician, Creator, Enhanced Spiritual, Enhanced Resistances, Enhanced Physical;

Abilities: Charm, Subspace, Creation, Strawberry Substitution;

Description: An elusive plant fey shrouded in mystery.]

Woah, woah there!

I hadn't checked the detailed spiritual and physical stats for a while. Suddenly, there were changes and the displayed information was quite drastic. It seemed I was able to reach the maximum stat available after temporarily enhancing my body. Numerically, 499 was the limitation for me.

The <health> stat was functioning the same as physical stat. Under physical stat, there was this new <force> stat. It likely had to do with strength or maximum strength possible given my enhancement. A separate defense stat hadn't shown up so I wasn't sure if the <force> stat included it. Finally, there was the <speed> stat. I honestly couldn't tell how it was calculated so I didn't bother deciphering it.

Moving on, two new stats appeared under my spiritual stat. The first one was <mass>. I really wasn't sure exactly what it was but it was somehow augmented. The terminology was a bit strange.

The other one was <luck>. It made me wonder if it made me lucky. My luck was iffy back when I just came to this world. Whether those strange events were because of this stat was debatable. Again, I had no indicator telling me what these numbers meant so I could only assume the higher the better.

"Well, what can I say? I'm on fire!" I murmured with a smirk.

I felt invincible! It really was a great feeling. Yet, I knew this amount of power was not enough to tip the scale in my favor. I needed more power to free myself.

After powering down, I reviewed my status again. The <force> stat that was previously indicated as augmented had disappeared, no longer visible to me. As for all other stats, they remained the same, including <mass> which still stated as being in the augmented state.

From the above, it seemed that <mass> might actually be related to the density of mana. At least, spiritual things and mass normally didn't mesh together based on my understanding.

"I've had enough fun today. If I keep playing around, I feel like something bad might happen. What should I do now?" My eyes wandered around.

The construction progress was still super slow. Not even a quarter of the surface area of the artificial moon space was covered. Again, it was a project to map out the boundaries of my subspace, but it seemed kind of pointless. Furthermore, excess resources floating around was simply unrefined in my eyes.

Clearly, I needed a different approach. At this rate, I would have to wait for years or even decades before my project would complete itself.

"Is there a way to shrink this space? Why, can't I partition it or something? Any useful tools?" I asked my [creation] ability.

Just like that, a new panel appeared.

"I like smart abilities. Nice!"

It seemed that I could now split my subspace not just within the current subspace but in a different subspace. Previously, I allotted different resource into different areas of my subspace. That was no problem, again, it was about the aesthetics. If I was to invite guests in the future, the whole place had to be presentable. Messy halfway finished construction project was a no-go.

Following the second reorganization of my subspace, the materials already used for constructing the sphere were simply recycled. Everything including excess materials was now completely out of my sight. Storage subspace was given ninety percent of the space. Five percent was reserved for personal use such as construction and research. This was still a huge amount of space. Then, the remaining five percent was for other things like trapping demons or maybe trying out new magic. In total, I had now three subspaces. I could choose whichever I wanted to enter through my [creation] menu.

Because of this reorganization, things looked much more pleasant around here.

Oops, I better adjust the time flow again before I lose track of it.

To be honest, creating and building things was quite fun. Like, if I wanted a castle, I just had to imagine and things would build themselves. The mana cost was automatically deducted, and for some reason, it was actually better for me to do things inside my subspace than outside because mana cost here was relatively much cheaper. Because of how huge my earlier project was, I failed to notice this until I started building things on a much more manageable scale.

I began planning my new project inside my personal use subspace.

The prettiest solution to the exterior was glowing fluffy clouds. It was also one of the cheaper options in terms of mana cost. This layer of fluffy looking clouds marked the boundary between nothingness and my subspace. To make them glow, simple light magic did the trick.

After that, I created a solid platform and a simple wooden cabin. Then I added two bedrooms, a kitchen, a huge bathroom, a living room and a dining room. Furnishings were quickly added piece by piece until I was satisfied. It started as a simple cabin but ended up grander than I expected. I wouldn't call it a mansion though.

It was really fun watching things appear and disappear almost like deposition and sublimation. Light particles would appear and gather into solid things when I try to create things, and if I didn't like the thing I made, it would disappear into light particles.

Last but not least, I wanted a personal garden, something a landowner couldn't neglect to overlook. At first I thought it would be creepy to plant my own clones here but I was tired after all this renovation and construction so I decided to put it off. A few clones did end up in my garden.   

Ah yes, Mr. Gravity was now employed locally just for my house. Because the force was contained and its vectors limited, mana was required for its upkeep. The cost was cheap for the service provided. I kind of wished one day I could manipulate these fundamental forces outside of my subspace.


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