I wish there's a clock somewhere in my room.

There was a big clock in the city that ran on mana but none for personal use. Ever since I arrived here in this world, time hadn't meant much to me. However, once I entered a city, I had to more or less be mindful of passage of time otherwise I might be late and miss out on things.

My supposed appointment was in the afternoon next day. Yet, when I checked the clock outside, it was already morning the next day. I was simply too absorbed playing in my personal sandbox, also known as my subspace.

There was still some time before I head up to see Vorte.

"Ah, ice cream already melted..."

I was too excited with playing in my subspace that I forgot to eat that batch of experimental ice cream I made earlier.

Since it was only melted, it was still perfectly edible! It wasn't that different from a strawberry milkshake, right? I just had to refreeze it and maybe give it to Kanoko.

Wasting food was no good.

Hence, I mixed the melted ice cream with some freezing agent and then I was on my way to Kanoko's office. One frozen strawberry milkshake to go.

On my way out, I saw three bottles of sweet juice just sitting there at a corner of the kitchen counter.

Hmm... I wonder if Smoothie worked on the alcoholic beverage while I was gone? Probably not, right? Well, whatever.

Not surprisingly, when I arrived at Kanoko's office, she was doing paperwork.

"Kanoko, I have a nice treat for you!"

"Oh? What is this?"

"Ice cream. It's my new creation. Frozen dessert, perfect for afternoon snack. I'm sure you'll love it!"

"Cold food? I'm not sure I've ever heard of frozen dessert, but I'll give it a try." She seemed a bit unsure about trying it.

"Ah right, spoon for you."

I created a spoon on the spot and handed it to her.


I watched her slowly trying my special ice cream. Just because it had previously melted didn't mean it would taste any different. Right now, I could claim what she was eating was the best ice cream in the world! She should feel honored.

"Hmm... It's not bad."

I exclaimed after receiving a less than satisfactory review, "Not bad!? Only not bad? It's not amazing? I poured my soul into it!"

She raised her eyebrows, "Eh? You poured your soul into it? How was this made again?"

I quickly explained the ingredients and creation method without hiding anything. I figured that if she disapproved anything, my strawberry ice cream would never enter the market, ever. Hence, coming clean was the best way for her to approve it.

"You had to use magic? Do you know how rare ice magic is?"

"It's rare? It's taught in the books though."

Strictly speaking, I figured it out from tampering with mana when I was compressing mana. For that reason, even after I learned the spells I still used only the fundamental understanding when cooling objects without actually using any spells.

"Which one?"

"Uhh... I don't know? I asked Smoothie to teach me it. I just messed around with mana, and magic happened! I swear!"

"Fine, I won't ask more. Either way, it's too wasteful. You want to sell this right? That's not a problem but people here prefer warm and comfortable food. I can't say this will sell well. I say you spend your time doing something else. You haven't visited Civil Affairs yet, have you?"

Shot down, so quickly. Actually, it hasn't even taken off. Why is this world so cruel to me?

I kind of wanted to change the trend around here. People should love sweet food more!

From what I had gathered, salty and savory foods were the most liked by the populace. There were also spicy, sour, and even bitter foods just to name a few.

"Eh, no. I was busy! I'll be seeing Vorte shortly."

"Yes, he should be available right now. Is there anything you need to report to me? Or was this frozen dessert the only thing you worked on?"

"No, that's all. I'll be leaving then!"

I left that big bowl of ice cream with her and removed myself from her office. It was no good if I kept her from doing her work any longer. As for that bowl of ice cream, I was sure she liked it but just wouldn't admit it.

I ascended the mountains and this time I was able to pass the guards without issue. In fact, they were alert at first when they saw me but as soon as I displayed my pass, they breathed out a sigh of relief.

The barrier was temporarily lifted to allow me in just like last time. This time it was Vorte who waited on me.

"Hey Vorte, I'm in your care!"


"Let's not waste any time. Can we speak in private? I would like to show you something and ask some questions."

"Indeed, come."

It was the same cave as last time. The difference this time was that he casted a magic barrier around his dwelling. From what I could tell, it blocked sound and probably some other things from being transmitted.


"Yes. I'll ask questions first. I would like to know where demons inhabit? Do they live in a different world? And what about others who have went through double evolution?"

"They live as we do. Indeed they may also interact with a world dissimilar from ours but the basis is all the same."

"Does that mean they live in this world but they can also live in another world?"

"Yes, it is as you say."

Interesting, that might refer to my subspace but I can't be completely sure. In some cultures, there are spiritual worlds that ran parallel to the physical world. I guess I'll just keep my mind open to either scenario, or maybe both. Then again, he did indirectly mention that some are capable of leaving this world altogether.

"About the demon I had contracted with, would it attack me immediately after I nullify the contract? I don't want to put those around me in danger and I don't want to be hunted down."

"That is possible. But as I am aware, they must follow the Divine Edicts."

"What kind of edicts are these?"

It kind of made sense, otherwise nothing was stopping any of the super powers from destroying the world single handily. If I knew the laws of this world, I wouldn't be struggling so much.

"Of the utmost importance, highly evolved beings must not interfere directly with mortal beings that have not yet evolved to a certain level. Should they wish to directly involve themselves, they must either reincarnate into physical bodies or possess suitable vessels."

His lack of clarity was forcing me to think of more questions but at the same time, I had more pressing concerns. As for the latter answer, the possession part seemed much like how some fey beings came about. It was a serious cause for concern.

"Wait, how do you know the edicts? Who's enforcing them? Does it apply to fey beings? I mean I heard fey beings are sometimes born through possession."

"I shall answer your questions one at a time. The words of the Divine Edicts were passed down within my clan orally. To date, I am the last of my clan and of my species."

He paused to evaluate my facial expression as if a teacher gauging whether his pupil understood the lesson materials. His patience was simply outstanding. It was no wonder others respected him and asked him for advises.

Then he continued, "The enforcement of these edicts is mutual by the evolved ones. That is to say, a power structure exists to maintain such balance. To answer your question regarding fey beings, yes, all must follow the Divine Edicts."

"Wait, how do they know if someone violates it? And what is their punishment?"

"I do not know. It is likely they have abilities unknown to us capable of monitoring each other."

He advised me on all the Divine Edicts he remembered. There weren't many and most were quite common sense. Things like severely manipulating the weather, destroying the planet, and giving their worldly selves super powers were all off the table. In addition, they couldn't tamper with those who were about to evolve. This was probably why Vorte wasn't being pestered by demons. However, once we evolved, it would be a different story.

The contract with De Planck was considered indirect interference. One reason was that he didn't kill or hinder me directly. A contract was only a contract, and it was something of equal exchange, or supposed to be. He sure did threaten me to some degree but it wasn't enough for any kind of divine intervention. If I died from a contract, that still wouldn't be considered a direct interference. Using contracts to manipulate people was very devious to say the least! Anyway, I learned my lesson never to sign another contract with a demon.

I think this is as much as I can get out of him from this topic. Moving on!

"My next question is: what exactly is mana? Also, do they regenerate indefinitely? I've seen floating islands so they might use a ton of mana? Won't it run out?"

"Let me ask you. What is a world? Why do worlds exist?"

The way he phrased the second question was as if he knew there were many worlds out there. Moreover, those were questions that philosophers would ask, truly fitting his character!

What's a world? How am I supposed to know?

"A world exists because someone wanted it to exist? I don't know what they are."

"Simply put, a world is a dream, nothing more and nothing less."

"Huh? I'm... Living in a dream?"

"Indeed. Please show me what you intend to earlier. I have a feeling perhaps this fog of confusion shall dissipate thereafter."

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