After thinking about it, Li Xiaojun decided to teach his two apprentices magic. He planned to teach them magic while studying the Golden Elixir of the demon race. If they could transform their spiritual energy into Golden Elixir at the third level, perhaps the problem of insufficient life span of magicians could be solved. Of course, if you want to study the cultivation methods of the demon race, you must have the corpses of the demon race. Coincidentally, Li Xiaojun had the corpses of the demon race, and there were more than a few. There were more than a million corpses of demon beasts in his system space. Just when Li Xiaojun was studying the demon race's skills. In the palace. An old figure walked into the library. "Hmm?" Suddenly, the old man's face changed. "Someone come."

"Lord Biata."

Soon, a group of guards of the library rushed in.

"Has anyone come into the library in the past two days?" the old man asked the guard.

"No, sir!"

Hearing this, the old man frowned.

Then, he looked at the crystal chandelier on the top of the library.

The next moment, he waved his hand, and a fist-sized blue crystal ball flew down from the crystal chandelier.

The old man took the crystal ball and input magic, and then, the picture of the library appeared on the crystal ball.

The picture quickly rewound, and soon, a figure appeared in the picture.

A few minutes later, the old man raised his eyebrows, and then the picture slowed down.

Then, in the picture of the library on the crystal ball, the door of the library was pushed open from the outside.

Then, a young man whose face could not be seen clearly walked in from the outside.

After entering the library, the young man hesitated for more than ten seconds, then he waved his hand, and countless books on the bookshelves flew towards the young man and disappeared.

A group of guards in the library also saw this scene, and then everyone's face changed drastically, and then turned into a dead face.

The theft of books in the library was a capital crime for them.

Soon, on the crystal ball, the young man took some books on the first floor and walked up to the second floor.

Seeing this scene, the old man frowned and fell into thought.

The young man in the crystal ball was able to enter the library quietly without being discovered. He must be a very powerful magician, this is beyond doubt.

However, this young man entered the second floor but did not cause the alarm of the magic circle at all, which was a bit surprising.

Then, the old man went to the second floor.

After arriving on the second floor, he took out another crystal ball.

Then, it was the third floor, the fourth floor, the fifth floor, all the way to the seventh floor.

The old man saw the figure of the young man from the crystal ball.

"This person is at least a 5th-level magician." The old man weighed it in his mind.

There are eight levels of magicians, namely, first-level apprentice magician, second-level primary magician, third-level intermediate magician, fourth-level senior magician, fifth-level great magician, sixth-level magician, seventh-level great magician, and eighth-level holy magician.

At present, the strongest magician on the entire magic planet is the seventh-level. There are two human races and three Warcraft.

As for the eighth-level, there has not been one on this planet for tens of thousands of years.

A few days later, a wanted order was issued from the palace.

The wanted person is a young man, and there is a blurred portrait attached.

If anyone finds this person and reports to the government, after confirmation, they can get a large reward.

Li Xiaojun didn't know that he had been wanted because he stole the collection of books.

Of course, even if he knew, he would not take it to heart, because the portrait on the wanted poster was too blurry, and it was estimated that even Li Xiaojun himself would not recognize that it was himself.

After returning to the yard, Li Xiaojun found a teacher to teach his two apprentices.

He himself studied the cultivation method of the demon race.

According to legend, a long time ago, the human race had the Golden Elixir Dao cultivation method, but later after the human race cultivated the Yuanshen method, the Golden Elixir Dao cultivation method was lost.

Now Li Xiaojun is preparing to re-study the Golden Elixir Dao cultivation method.

Three years later.

"Master, we can already read and write, can we learn magic?" Chen Zishan looked at Li Xiaojun expectantly and asked.

"Zishan, go and fry this piece of meat, and learn magic tomorrow." Li Xiaojun took out a piece of meat from the space and handed it to his apprentice.

"Master, what kind of meat is this?"

Looking at the light golden monster meat, Chen Zishan asked in surprise.

"One kind of monster meat, you just need to cook it."

Li Xiaojun did not explain too much.

In the past three years, Li Xiaojun would take out some low-level monster meat every once in a while for Chen Zishan to cook.

The reason why he only took monster meat once in a while, instead of taking it every day, was not because Li Xiaojun was reluctant to take more monster meat. The main reason was that Chen Zishan and her friends were too weak, and eating monster meat every day was not good for their bodies, so they could only eat it occasionally.

After three years of nutritional supplements, Chen Zishan is no longer the short and skinny little girl she used to be.

Chen Zishan is now a 16-year-old girl, who has grown a lot taller and has become more symmetrical.

In addition to the spiritual robes she wears, if she walks on the street, everyone will think she is the daughter of a wealthy family.

In the past three years, Chen Zishan and Li Ziqi have been staying at home to study and learn to read and write.

Li Xiaojun is studying the cultivation methods of the monster race.

The next day.


Several magic books were thrown on the table.

"Read these magic books first, and ask me if you don't understand." Li Xiaojun said to his two apprentices, Chen Zishan and Li Ziqi.

After saying goodbye to the two apprentices, he continued to study the Golden Elixir Dao cultivation method.

After three years of research on magic and monster corpses, Li Xiaojun has gained a lot of experience.

In three years, he has improved the magician's cultivation method a lot, at least when the human magician practices, the spiritual energy will cause less damage to the magician's body.

As for the monster's Golden Elixir Dao cultivation method, Li Xiaojun still doesn't have much clue.

But there is no need to worry about it, there will always be a way.

Since the human race was able to create the Golden Elixir Dao cultivation method in the past, he will be able to create it sooner or later now.

"Dad, Sister Mu Ci wants to buy a first-grade lower-grade fairy sword from my second sister. Can you help contact my second sister?"

That day, Li Xiaojun received a call request from his youngest daughter Li Ziyao.

"Sure, I'll ask your second sister for you." Li Xiaojun nodded to Li Ziyao and agreed.

"Thank you, Dad." Li Ziyao thanked him quickly.

Soon, Li Xiaojun contacted his daughter Li Yufei!

"Feifei, Gongyang Muci wants to buy a first-grade lower-grade fairy sword. Do you have it?" Li Xiaojun asked Li Yufei.

"Yes, Dad, I'll give it to you." Li Yufei nodded and agreed.

"By the way, Feifei, do you have the Golden Elixir Avenue practice method?"

Li Xiaojun suddenly thought of the practice methods of his two disciples, so he asked Li Yufei quickly.

"Golden Elixir Avenue practice method? That's the practice method of the demon race." Li Yufei said in surprise.

"Can the human race practice the Golden Elixir Avenue practice method of the demon race?" Li Xiaojun asked again quickly.

If he could get a ready-made practice method from the fairy world, why would he study it himself?

"My master should have it. Humans can practice it, but the speed of practicing this technique is very slow, many times slower than the Yuanshen technique."

"Really? That's great. It doesn't matter if it's a little slow. Get me a copy of the Jindan Dadao technique..."

Li Xiaojun was very surprised.

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