Strings Of Domination

Chapter 51 - Second Rank: Ascender!

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Inside of his room, on top of his huge bed, Nash sat calmly in a lotus position with eyes closed and hands resting on his laps gently, his chest moving up and down ever so slightly.

One would think he was meditating, but if one were to get a closer look at the airflow around his body which moved around his body like a vortex with his body being the center, one would realize he was not meditating but cultivating instead, something that currently only he was capable of doing!

Thanks to his Legacy which was freed way back on Planet Azure, Nash was capable of surpassing the limits of the human body and starting his journey finally on the path akin to cultivation by consuming unique energy throughout the air, known as the Dimension Essence!

In the very beginning, he had no clue at all what this extraordinary type of energy's true nature was, but the longer he consumed it and filled his Ancient Veins with it, the more he realized that it was not something one should look down on!

Not only did it enhance his senses such as his hearing, touching, vision, and smell, but even his physical appearance underwent small but visible changes the more he consumed this so-called Dimension Essence!

His skin became smoother, his hair turned silkier, his bones and muscles became more solid and firmer while his masculine features gradually developed more than he previously thought they will!

Of course, these changes were little and almost imperceptible, but still, just under a week of constant cultivation, Nash's body underwent so much change both internally and externally that it was hard to believe he was still the same person!

'I am almost there, just one final push and I can break into the next Rank...' as time flowed in a seemingly undetectable manner, Nash forced himself to consume the Dimensional Essence around him at a much faster pace than before, making the airflow around him to become more chaotic while his Ancient Veins were filled to the brim with Dimensional Essence!

[Successful Breakthrough!]

[You have consumed enough Dimensional Essence to help your body break the invisible border that hindered your breakthrough until now!]


A great power that surprised even Nash himself broke out of Nash's body the moment all the notifications sounded in his head, sending all the smaller and medium-sized items and furniture in the room flying at the corners of the room in an instant!

[Mortal Rank Legacy has successfully become Ascender Rank, Level 1!]

"Finally!" a satisfied sigh escaped Nash's mouth after the next second, his eyelids slowly opening and revealing a pair of azure eyes that flickered continuously with a bright glow that was not there a week ago.

Looking around his room and examining everything with a perceptive gaze, Nash couldn't help but let out a satisfied hum and raise his hands before his face.

"I can hardly believe my senses have been enhanced so much just by reaching the next Rank. It's almost like I am not even in my own body! The difference is just too much!" Nash said to himself quietly as he moved his hand here and there slowly, while even touching himself to feel his skin as if it was something brand new!

"But what makes me the most curious is still this..." Nash showed a wide grin as he moved his consciousness and opened his statuses.


{Character Status}

• Physical Strength: 101

• Agility: 101

• Speed: 101

• Mental Strength: 1,001

• Vitality: 200

• Essence: 10,000

<With every new Level and Rank, your Character Status will improve too!>


{Special Character Status}

• Special Legacy: None

• Special Bloodline: None

• Special Blessing: Soul Eye

• Special Character Attribute: None

<Each Special trait can be obtained by challenging The Ancient Path!>


After breaking through the bottleneck and reaching the next Rank, all of his traits from his Physical Strength all the way to his Mental Strength broke the barrier and increased by two points, each of them reaching 101 points in total!

However, the biggest satisfaction that brought to him was not those but the sight of his Vitality's and Essence's tremendous amount of growth, and even from those two, the latter was the one that developed so much that it cannot be compared to how it was previously.

If an example must be brought up, it was like comparing a small bowl filled with water to a pond in nature! The difference in quantity was just simply too vast and there was no reason to differentiate the two from one another.

"With this much Essence, I won't need to fear for a while that my Souls will get killed during a fight. I can even use my Soul Breaker and Soul Eye at the same time for a short amount of time!" as those words left Nash's mouth, a sudden thought appeared in his mind, forcing his body to move and jump onto his feet with lightning speed.



As the sound of something breaking into several pieces sounded in the room Nash raised a brow and lowered his head, only to see the jade floor below his feet cracked into several parts, his feet sunken into the solid jade floor at least three inches if not more!

"Maybe those three acquired points in my Physical Strength grant more than I believed?" Nash murmured under his breath quietly as he pulled his feet out of the pit and moved his limbs around with caution.

"Yeah, definitely." Nash nodded in realization and once he was sure he was used to his recently improved physical strength, he picked his sword up from the side and put it onto his back.

"It's finally time..." saying those words with a tone that held a slight hint of excitement, Nash opened his door and walked out of his room, his target being the grand hall in the center of the palace where he destroyed one of the fifteen statues and obtained his Soul Breaker.

"No! Not like that! You need to hold the sword like this and trust like this! Yeah, exactly! Now repeat that motion on that puppet for 1,000 more times!"

"What are you doing? Why are you punching your partner like a pussy? Hit harder! Hit him like you mean it!"

"Lower your stance a little bit more or you will stand no chance to react in time against a real opponent. Nice, now swing your spear as I showed you 500 times before repeating the previous two moves 3 more times!"

Nash walked through the gallery and watched from the corner of his eyes as outside on the several platforms in the distance that were built during the three days when he was unlocking his Ancient Veins, everyone was working hard to learn the basics of fighting under the serious leadership of Erys and Revio; of course, they helped the people not out of their free will but were ordered to do so by Nash a week ago without a chance to refuse.

Naturally, Nash didn't care about what they thought as what mattered for him the most was results, and so far, he must have to agree that their job was well done. Let it be old or young, male or female, everybody showed promising potential as everyone practiced with their chosen wooden weapons that were crafted by the members of the Manufacturing Department.

Even his uncle was swinging his wooden sword in a seemingly smooth form, showing he was greatly talented when it came to fighting with swords in contrast to many behind him that swung their weapons in a rather awkward but adequate manner.

'I need to ask Erys to teach me a few sword techniques when I finish with my current task. Particularly that attack which she used to kill the army of Sky Beasts. If I can learn that and use it together with my weapon's ability, I am pretty sure even a Peak Warrior Rank beast will fall under my strike!' as such thoughts appeared in his head a small smile appeared on his face and his feet began to move a little bit faster.

And exactly a minute later, Nash reached the center hall, standing before the jade door with a calm but eager complexion while the unique sensation he felt before he acquired his emerald sword emerged in his heart once again.

"Let me see what you have hidden behind these doors, Aruer," said Nash calmly as Aruer's image popped up in his mind for a split second before he placed his palm atop the jade door's surface.

* * * * *

A/N: Hi, everyone! Hope you are liking the story so far! If you have any thoughts or questions, or simply wish to chat, make sure to join my discord! Link at the end of synopsis! <3

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