Strings Of Domination

Chapter 52 - Opening The Jade Door

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Placing his palm atop the smooth surface of the jade door in front of him, Nash felt as his skin turned slightly warm while an also bizarre but comfortable sensation swept through his body before vanishing completely almost like it was not even there a few moments ago.

"Let's find out what you have hidden behind these doors, Aruer," Nash curved his lips upward as he said those words, and with the previously mentioned individual's image in mind, he exerted a little bit of his strength as he pushed his hand against the gate.


With a clamorous and somewhat scraping sound which was akin to when a massively huge boulder was pushed through a plane marble floor, the white jade door opened slowly, revealing the sight at the other side for Nash to see!

"It's quite dark in here..." Nash squinted his eyes when he took a few steps inside, but as everything around him except the small area around the entrance from where he just came in was dark, he wondered if he will be able to find the things inside as he initially believed.

Although his senses, including his vision too, had been enhanced after reaching the next Rank and after consuming quite a lot amount of Dimensional Essence, it did not mean he was able to see things in the darkness. Yes, he could indeed see things in the dark with greater clarity than anyone else from his race, but that didn't make him have the ability akin to night vision.

But his worry seemed completely meaningless as the very moment he took another step forward inside the darkroom, emerald flames lit up abruptly one after another on both sides of the walls and on the white jade pillars that were hidden in the murk all this time, washing everything around him in the emerald green light!

"This place is... huge!" Nash let out a shocked gasp when he witnessed just how ridiculously large the hall he was standing inside in reality was once everything became visible to him.

Just the distance from the jade doors to the other side of the hall was more than 200 metes while snow-white jade pillars as thick as four or even five adult humans standing next to each other stood proudly next to each other with at least ten meters between two, giving the whole hall a grand and ancient feeling.

The floor was made from white jade too with emerald symbols and details embedded into it while from the milky ceiling large chandeliers hung one by one, the candles on them glowing with the same gentle viridescent light.

As Nash walked deeper into the hall with an awestruck complexion, discovering small details around the hall such as the monuments carved into the middle of each pillar or the different landscapes and images engraved into the walls on the sides, the sensation in his body grew more and more intense, indicating he was slowly but surely approaching the thing that resonated with him in the same manner as his weapon did in the smaller hall.

And soon enough, when he already walked more than a hundred meters from the entrance, his attention was slowly attracted from the sight around him to a specific point in front of him, his eyes immediately brightening like stars on a night sky after dusk!

In front of him, about a bit less than a hundred meters away, Nash watched as three small circular pillars stood next to each other with a height of no more than a meter, each of them holding a single item that emitted an ancient aura that could be felt even from where Nash stood!

"So these are the items he was talking about, huh?" Nash murmured slightly as he stepped before the three pillars, his gaze inspecting each of the items one by one without touching.

The one on the right was a small and thin needle that was crafted out of a seemingly blue ore that Nash was rather familiar with, Sky Mithril. It was a rather unique ore that can only be found on planets where the environment and weather underwent such drastic changes thanks to the Ancient Path that instead of rain, Sky Mithrils fall.

Of course, such globes where ores fell from the sky instead of rain were extremely rare to discover as the amount of time a planet needed before its ecosystem was changed completely to such degrees was by no means small; at the very least a thousand years were needed and even that amount was diminutive!

Thus, having this knowledge about the ore and knowing just how hard it was to acquire a Sky Mithril from which one could craft an item or object without wasting it, Nash knew the needle in front of him was definitely a priceless treasure, particularly because it was resonating with his body in the same manner as his Soul Breaker, indicating it was also an Ancient Treasure!

After examining the needle for a while, Nash directed his gaze at the pillar on the left and examined the second item on top of it with a rather curious glint in his eyes. It was a piece of emerald jewelry, a dangle earring to be more specific with a small piece of wand-shaped emerald crystal as its decor. However, what caught Nash's attention the most was not its breathtaking appearance, but the fact that just like the blue needle on the right, it too resonated with his body!

It was also an Ancient Treasure, just like his longsword and Sky Mithril Needle!

As for the item in the middle, Nash just ignored it for the time being as it was not an Ancient Treasure but a small capsule filled with some kind of greenish liquid.

"Two Ancient Treasures... I wonder what kind of powers they have once the Blood Contract will be formed!" as Nash said those words, he didn't even hesitate for a second and decided to grab the needle from the right, making him feel the same sensation he once felt during the time he obtained his longsword.


[Perfect Resonance between Ancient Treasure 'Sky Sealing Needle' and Legacy 'Dimension Refining Physique' achieved!]

[Blood Contract has been formed!]

With a gentle blue light that made Nash squint his eyes slightly as it was rather blinding, the connection between Nash and the needle was formed for once and for all, making Nash acquire his second Ancient Treasure in a short amount of time.

"Let's see then..." with excitement flickering in his eyes, Nash moved his consciousness and watched as rows of text one after another appeared in his line of sight, each and every one of them being his newly acquired item's status.


{Ancient Treasure Information}

• Title: Sky Sealing Needle

• Rank: Holy

• Ancient Legacy: Sky Sealing

{Ancient Legacy Information}

° Description: An ancient power given by the Ancient Path at the very beginning of the Ancient Era, capable of sealing and unsealing anything with the help of ancient energy, let it be on the earth or in the sky!


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