Strings Of Domination

Chapter 53 - Ancestry Art: Soul Shattering Grab

Nash examined the appearing words in his line of sight in silence and was unable to hold back a dumbstruck gasp escaping his mouth once he reached the end of the rows of text.

"Is this... for real or am I hallucinating? I must be seeing things for sure, it cannot be true..." Nash closed his eyes and took a deep breath to calm his slightly fast-beating heart down, but once he opened his eyelids again he had to realize he was not fantasizing and the description of the Sky Sealing Needle was indeed true!

"Sealing and unsealing anything... If I think what it is, then the Human race will be freed sooner than I have thought!" Nash mumbled under his breath as he stared at the blue needle in his trembling hold with a serious face.

Just how many years have passed since the time the Human race opened the Ancient Path and was forced into slavery? Way too many to know it was not deserved!

Just how many days have passed with nothing but hours filled with suffering, humiliation, and anguish? Unmeasurably lot, to the point where one would wish to be dead more than anything instead of continuing with her or his current life!

There were billions of humans out there in the seemingly uncountable Dimensions, each and every one of them waiting for the ostensibly never coming moment where they can finally be freed from the shackles that all the other races have put on them without their will.

Hence, seeing that a treasure, an Ancient Treasure at that which was stated that it was capable of unsealing anything made Nash's hopes to be raised to greater heights than ever before and feel that the future of humanity could be brought back into life from the abyss where it has been kicked into at a millennium ago!

With this needle in his possession, every human can finally unseal their Legacies and start their path to fulfill their destiny which was meant and carved into stone at the very moment they have opened the Ancient Path for the first time!

"Wait... Let's not lift my hope for no reason only to be destroyed in the end." Nash took a deep breath to clear his mind and let out a deep sigh the next moment, clearing his mind completely.

"First and foremost, let's check out the other two items." with those words said, Nash shifted his attention at the second Ancient Treasure on the other pillar and after pondering for a while extended his hand to grab the earring.


[Perfect Resonance between Ancient Treasure 'Protean Jewel' and Legacy 'Dimension Refining Physique' achieved!]

[Blood Contract has been formed!]


{Ancient Treasure Information}

• Title: Protean Jewel

• Rank: Hollow

• Ancient Legacy: Shifting Shape

{Ancient Legacy Information}

° Description: An ancient power given by the Ancient Path at the very beginning of the Ancient Era, capable of changing its shape to anything simple and not complex at the will of its owner in exchange for a small amount of ancient energy!


As Nash watched the description of the Protean Jewel with great curiosity, the emerald earring flew up into the air and attached itself to his right ear, giving him a rather great appearance that invisibly boosted his already enhanced image by another notch.

"Can change shape at my will? How? I just simply need to imagine what I want it to become?" Nash raised a brown and decided to give it a try.

Closing his eyes, Nash visualized the earring in his mind, and after a small while he imagined it as it took the shape of a bracelet.


"W-Woah!" Nash opened his eyes abruptly when he felt as a small portion of his Essence was sucked away from his body before the earring on his right ear began to turn slightly hot and fly onto his right wrist in the shape of a beautiful shining emerald bracelet.

"It worked! It really worked, haha!" Nash began to laugh with joy when he saw that his earring indeed changed shape and now rested around his wrist in the shape of a bracelet in the exact same appearance he has imagined it to be!

"And how much Essence was needed for it to change shape?" Nash pondered and quickly opened his status to see just how much his essence in his body decreased.

• Essence: 10,000 --> 9,990

"Just ten units, huh?" Nash mumbled quietly and made the bracelet change back into its previous form.

• Essence: 9,990 --> 9,975

"Oh? So the amount of essence it needs depends on the form of the shape and its complexity I make it to change into? Quite interesting." Nash nodded and after experimenting with the jewel for a little while longer, changing its shape into items such as a ring, a necklace, and a mask, he nodded and showed a small smile.

"This Ancient Treasure will definitely help me in many ways in the future." as he said that, Nash directed his attention at the final item on top of the middle pillar and touched his chin.

"Although I have seen it already, I still can't understand what's this capsule's use could possibly be. Should I eat it to figure out?" taking the small capsule into his hand which had the size of a thumb and had an emerald green liquid fused inside it, Nash pondered what he should do next.

But he didn't think for a long time before he just shrugged casually and without a second thought or worry in the world, he swung his hand and tossed the capsule into his mouth.


Swallowing the whole thing down in its entirety, Nash licked his lips gently and waited patiently for a change to happen to him. However, even after waiting for several minutes in silence and without moving, Nash felt nothing, not even a remote itch on his skin or pain inside his body.

"Maybe I shouldn't have swallowed i-, eh?" Nash said with a now small hint of worry, but just as he was about to finish his sentence suddenly his vision turned blurry and like someone just punched him straight in the head, he fell to the ground!


"Argh... This feeling... just like that time!" Nash struggled with clenched teeth and fist on the ground with a rather pale face, feeling like his body was currently burning both internally and externally without any signs of stopping!

[Analyzing Body Structure!]

[Analysis Successful!]

[Body Structure has reached requirements!]

[Physical Status reached requirements!]

[Legacy reached requirements!]

[Special Blessing reached requirements!]


Hearing as notifications one after another appeared in his mind akin to a flood without stop, Nash felt like his bones, muscles, and internal organs were being tormented with pain almost worst than the one he felt back on the Forgotten Path; just after a few seconds later he buried his fingernails deep into his palm to resist the urge to scream up, causing blood to flow out the wounds almost instantly!

Time flew by second after second, and although just a few minutes have passed in reality before the pain began to dissipate, Nash felt like he was tortured for several hours straight if not days!

[Congratulations! You have successfully learned 'Ancestry Art: Soul Shattering Grab'!]

"Argh..." groaning with a deep frown on the ground, Nash felt as if his body was run through by hundreds of bulls at the same time, leaving every part of his body all numb and sore filled with nothing but lingering pain.

"Ancestry Art? What the hell is that?" Nash mumbled with a weak voice as he pushed himself up from the ground onto his somewhat shaky and weak feet and forced his consciousness to open his newly acquired power's context.


[Ancestry Art: Soul Shattering Grab]

• Description: A terrifying power created by the Strongest Human to shatter the souls of his enemy with a single grab!

• Ancestry Class: Absolute Ancestry Class


° Soul Shattering Grab: In exchange for a tremendous amount of ancient energy, you can grab and shatter your enemies' souls under a single motion!

<This ability is only functional with 'Special Blessing: Soul Eye' and a minimum amount of ancient essence of 1,000!>

{Passive Ability}

° Soul Shaking Punch: In exchange for a small amount of ancient energy, you can cause your enemies' souls to shake with a single punch!

<Further abilities can be unlocked once reached higher Class!>



Nash stood in one place without talking, his jaw slightly open from the pure shock he was currently feeling. Only when he reached the bottom of the rows of text in his line of sight did he let out a startled gasp, a much deeper one than the one he let out after he read what his Sky Sealing Needle could do.

* * * * *

A/N: Hello everyone, hope you had an amazingly beautiful new year's eve and a happy start to the new year! Also, hope you like the story. If you do, then make sure to vote, so I will upload more!

Again, happy new year to every one of you and stay safe! <3

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