
Chapter 20 - Confrontation.(1)

Anko: "I thought his mother was exiled from the Hyuga Clan and by extension, he would be too. So why would the Hyuga Clan head be here for him? The Senju Clan is understandable."

Kakashi: "That's correct, but why am I here? He has no connection with me other than the short time we spent on the mission we just returned from. Anko is his sensei."

Hiruzen: "Good deduction Anko, but you forgot to mention one thing. Tendo still possesses the Byakugan, the most treasured possession of the Hyuga Clan. If they just let him run around however he wants to, it could risk the Byakugan being taken from him. Kakashi, you're here because we want to hear a full report on his performance on the mission."

Hiashi: "Please do, Kakashi. Do not leave any detail out, especially in his use of the Byakugan."

The Senju Clan envoy then cleared his throat and folded his arms, staring intently at Kakashi like the explanation he was going to provide was going to be vital for something.

Kakashi: "Okay, I'll tell you every detail I can remember."

Kakashi began to explain everything that Tendo did, from him defeating the Demon Brothers to him stealing Gatou's money. He gave them a brief description of his personality and temperament, explicitly stating that he killed every single one of his opponents calmly like he had been fighting on a battlefield all his life. He stated that Tendo didn't act like a child, he acted like someone who knew his way around life and was very cautious but decisive. The last thing he mentioned is how skilled Tendo was in Taijutsu for a Genin, how he learned Jutsu just by looking at them once, and how he absorbs chakra and half of a person's memories from just touching them.

Anko and Hiruzen were both surprised but soon came to a realization that the ability Kakashi was talking about is the same ability he used to absorb Anko's curse mark. They started to wonder if that was the full extent of the ability. That's when Anko recalled her fight with him on the training field.

Anko: "Oh, to add to that list, he seems proficient in some weird taijutsu styles that he never told me about no matter how much I ask him, and in the gentle fist. He used the Eight Trigrams 64 Palms and the Eight Trigrams Rotation technique. He even learned to mix it in with nature transformations so his chakra control must be pretty good."

Hiashi looked visibly upset by what he was hearing. The veins on his forehead were popping out and everyone in the room could feel his chakra flaring up. Almost in stark contrast, the Senju envoy looked ecstatic. A smile appeared on his face as he went into deep thought.

???: "Kakashi-sensei, you said he also had an Ice Release Kekkei Genkai right? Then his chakra affiliations must be water and wind! It must be a mutation from him being from partly from the Hyuga as the Senju's are usually born with earth and water."

Hiashi: "Why are you excited, Nodama?! That boy or his mother may have stolen or secret techniques only meant for the main branch of the Hyuga! It's a good thing I made an example of his mother when she went outside of the clan and dared to mix with others, potentially giving the Byakugan to the outside world. And now, I've confirmed that's exactly what had happened. Nodama Senju, I don't want that unpure child in my clan, but we have to take his eyes and take back our Hyuga name as he doesn't belong to us."

Anko: "The way you are talking about my little Tendo is very unsatisfactory, but since the Hokage is here, I'll be civil. What you said is understandable, but that begs the question of why did you exile his mother when she had the Byakugan? Weren't you worried about her's being taken too?"

Hiashi: "Anko, clan matters are our own business so you couldn't intervene even if you wanted to. We always had members of the clan spying on her and Hiruzen promised me that he wouldn't let her out of the village. He even had Danzo spy on her with a few of his foundation members so the chance of her being captured was almost close to zero."

Nodama Senju, the envoy, was a very important member of the Senju Clan. The clan was currently peaceful and almost never took part in the matters of the village so the members could mix with others and do as they pleased. He had been sent here by his master to check out Tendo because his master claimed that the boy has a very powerful 'something' inside of him, and considering that came from a Senju who are already known for their strong abilities, Nodama was immediately interested as he had missed the days when the Senju were the leaders of the village and would be the most powerful clan of them all. He regretted that they turned into what they were currently.

Nodama: "Hiashi Hyuga, do not overstep your boundaries. He is part Senju so trying to remove his eyes is like removing the eyes of one of our own. You know what that means right? We already claimed him as one of us, so he is under our protection. But I understand where your worry comes from about him losing the Byakugan. How about I propose an idea to you, or should I say.....a challenge?"

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