
Chapter 21 - Confrontation.(2)

Hiashi: "Oh? What kind of challenge do you think I will put the Byakugan on the line for? What scheme do you have in mind Nodama Senju?"

Nodama: "This will be a challenge for Tendo, he will prove himself worthy of wielding the Byakugan and protecting it himself. Actually, I think he's been doing a fine job already but you don't seem to be convinced. This challenge will be completing the Chunin Exams by himself, and get the combined scores of 3 teammates, by himself. Such a hard challenge will prove his worth and his mettle. What do you think Hiashi?"

Hiruzen: "Hm. The other nations may need to be convinced but im sure they'll allow it in the end. He's at a severe disadvantage and they won't miss the chance to prove that their shinobi is better than ours. This is, in the end, a competition between nations after all. A different kind of war."

Hiashi: "This will be impossible for him! His strength is certainly impressive for his age but strength is not the only thing needed for the Chunin Exams."

Anko: "Tch! He topped all of his classes in the Academy, Hiashi. I don't think he's a slouch in the intelligence department either."

Hiashi: "I was already informed. But that's not what I was talking about. Does he have the qualities needed to be a Chunin? Does he have the temperament? These things and more are all things that one needs to pass the exams."

Nodama: "Haha! You are correct, Hiashi. The Senju will train him themselves if you don't mind Anko-sensei. Everything he needs to be a Chunin will be learned within the time of the next Chunin Exams which is..?"

Hiruzen: "The first stage begins in a week."

Nodama: "Good! In a week he will learn everything that's needed. That is if he is as good as Kakashi-sensei says he is. If he passes the exams, he will stay with us and you cannot get his eyes or seal him. If he fails, you can do whatever you want with him but as soon as you take his eyes, you must give him back to us."

Hiashi: "Hmmm. Okay, I'll give him a chance to defend himself. It's a win-win for you either way, but as long as I get his eyes, I do not care about what happens to him after. The challenge seems hard enough for him so I accept. Do not try to double-cross me Nodama Senju."

Nodama: "I would advise you to do the same, Hiashi Hyuga."

As the two of them stared intently at the other, Hiruzen cleared his throat and tried to calm them down just in case they do something they might regret.

Hiruzen: "Now, now. Don't fight. I'll have some Anbu watching him in the exams to make sure no one tampers with his progress, whether it be good or bad. Is that agreeable between both of you?"

Hiashi: "Hmph, agreed, that can work."

Nodama: "Of course, Hokage. I'll take my leave right now and find the boy. He should be at the orphanage right Anko-sensei?"

Anko: "Yeah, I'll leave with you and show you where it is."

Anko was feeling powerless in the face of these two clans as she and Nodama were walking in the village towards the orphanage. She resented the fact that Tendo had to go through all of this just because of how he was born and regretted that she didn't see this coming sooner so she could prepare his mind for his separation from her. She was sure that he couldn't take it when she broke the news to him.

[A while later at the orphanage]

Tendo: "I understand, Anko. I'll go with him."

Anko: "Oh I know you'll Wait, are you going to leave just like that?!"

Tendo: "It's for training and since you have nothing left to teach me, yes I am."

Anko was stunned and her head dropped in shame as in fact, she had nothing else to teach Tendo. He learned fast so her limited amount of techniques could only interest him for so long. As she looked back up to tell him goodbye, for now, she was even more stunned to find out that he and Nodama had already left.

Anko: "He really didn't even say anything.."

[Several minutes later]

Nodama Senju was a middle-aged man with short spiky black hair and green eyes. His face was cleanly shaven, he had a medium build and he donned black robes with the Senju insignia on the back of them. Currently, he and Tendo were standing in front of some massive gates that towered into the air.

Nodama: "Welcome to the Senju Clan, Tendo."

Tendo: "I never knew the Senju still were active in their headquarters. I thought all of you split up into smaller clans or just stopped being active in general."

Nodama laughed as he pushed open the gates and a clan full of people were revealed inside. Tendo was momentarily surprised but just from looking at the people inside, he can see that they weren't true Senju at all. It looked like any other part of the leaf village in fact. As they walked through the clan, Nodama could see the confusion on Tendo's face.

Nodama: "You might be confused but these are all people who have Senju blood in them. No matter how small it is, as long as you have some you are welcome here if you have no other place to go. We call this, the outer Senju Clan. These are the ones that everyone knows that are extremely peaceful and silent. The original Senju Clan is inside a hidden chamber. Only real Senju members are invited there and even know of its existence. "

Tendo: "So why am I being shown it if I am of mixed blood?"

Nodama: "From the moment I looked at you, I could feel the strong Senju blood within you. My master, the true clan head, sensed something brewing within you and sent me to retrieve you. You can feel something, can't you?"

Tendo: "So he sensed it? Impressive. Yeah, I can feel something. My chakra reserves have been expanding rapidly for the last few days and my chakra is coming increasingly harder to control."

Nodama: "Exactly. Your blood is awakening. Your Senju blood is overpowering and integrating your Hyuga blood so changes will start to happen in your body. For example, you might have felt a mutation in your eyes?'

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