
Chapter 22 - Meeting The Master.

Tendo: "I have felt a mutation in my eyes actually. It enables me to see much farther than usual Hyuga's at my age, about 3 kilometers."

Of course, Tendo wouldn't tell him about the full extent of his mutation because he had no reason to and he didn't trust him fully yet.

Nodama: "Haha! Interesting! As expected from a Senju!"

Tendo: "Senju? I know I'm part Senju but my name is Hyuga."

Nodama: "Ah yes, we didn't tell you that part yet. Hiashi has decided to kick you out of the clan formally because you are not fully Hyuga. So we didn't waste any time and took you in ourselves as your Senju blood is stronger. The only thing left for Hiashi to do now is to take your eyes, so stay sharp and keep your ears open. We might be a part of the same village but in the end, we are all Shinobi. Underhanded tactics are not something that we would avoid taking part in to get the upper hand."

Tendo: "I see, understood Nodama."

As they walked through the Clan, Nodama began to ask Tendo about many things, including his abilities and thoughts on the village. He even asked him what he thought about the Hokage.

Tendo: "The leaf village is like a moon cloaked by the sun. Darkness hides behind the well lit smiling faces of many people in this village. Especially those that are higher up. This village only holds the facade of peace. A war within the village could happen at any moment if the one's behind it get tired of moving in the darkness and hiding their actions."

Nodama: "Hmm..that is quite the answer, young man, very perceptive."

Tendo: "As for the Hokage, he is too soft on the people around him. If he acted with more zeal and decisiveness, things would be much more peaceful for those inside the village."

Nodama; "Hahaha! Good answer, boy. Now, let me ask you this? If you were the Hokage, what would you do to fix it?"

Tendo: "I'm not interested in being a Kage of this village but if I was, a lot more officials would be dead."

Nodama: "Not interested hm? Thats fine! But, I like how you think, Tendo. You and the master will get along just fine."

Tendo was wondering who was this master that Nodama kept on talking about. Could it be some descendant of Hashirama? He didn't know as he never saw anything like that in the series. After walking a little further, the duo finally stopped in front of a Tea shop. They walked in and the staff greeted Nodama like they were greeting a man of high stature. Nodama laughed and waved at them while taking Tendo through a hidden back door and into an empty room.

Nodama walked to the corner of the room and knelt down on one knee while making a hand sign.

Nodama: "Release!"

Smoke started to rise up from a section of the wall and a door was revealed. The door was very well hidden and if the Senju insignia wasn't on it, it would be hardly even visible. Nodama then bit his fingers and put it on the sign, causing the door to open slowly revealing a long hallway with multiple candles on each side.

Nodama: "Tendo, listen carefully. This is how you access this door. Only one that is closely connected to the Senju can open it and since that side of you hasn't been fully awakened, you wouldn't be able to open it yet. You can also open Senju hideouts all across the ninja world by performing the same technique. But rest ȧssured, by the time we are finished training you, you will know what being a true Senju means."

Tendo: "A true Senju huh? Understood."

Tendo would be lying if he said he wasn't a little excited about how Nodama spoke. It looked like whatever they had in store for him would not be easy at all. Tendo watched Nodama's every move as they went through the hallway, as he knew that some kind of test for him to prove himself would be involved. It's always that way with these types of straightforward men.

Soon, the end of the hallway came into sight. When they got there, Tendo saw the hallway open up into a giant, well-lit room with a lot of furniture and necessities inside but in the middle stood a giant throne-like chair. On this chair sat an old man with long gray hair, completely grey eyes, a beard that extended to his knees, and a white robe with the Senju insignia on it. Even at his old age, Tendo could feel the power and presence resonating off of him.

Nodama walked in front of the man and bowed deeply with nothing but respect and reverence on his face.

Nodama: "This is my master, Ryutama Senju. Master, this is the one you've been asking for, Tendo Senju."

As the old man heard what Nodama said, he raised his head and looked at Tendo. The pressure started to increase steadily in the room and Tendo could feel the weight and power of the man's chakra pressing down on his entire being. Blood started to trickle down the sides of his mouth as the pressure increased even more. But even after all of this, Tendo just closed his eyes and stood upright and faced the pressure head-on without faltering one bit.

Ryutama: "Senju?! This boy doesn't deserve to be called one of us yet! Let me see his resolve!"

As the last word left the old man's mouth, Tendo felt the pressure on him suddenly decrease and as he opened his eyes he found himself in the middle of a battlefield with all of his allies dead and several hundred shinobis in battle armor standing in front of him. Behind him lay nothing but a flag with the Senju insignia on it.

Ryutama: "Show me what you can do, boy!"

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