
Chapter 27 - Who's first?

As soon as Anko said to begin, Tendo rushed through the gate and went into the forest. Around him, he heard the movements of multiple ninjas rushing through the leaves and trees, causing vibrations from every angle. He only had the past week to learn how to read vibrations from the old man and this was his first time using with so many people around. It was going to be extremely hard to differentiate between shinobi at this rate.

Tendo: 'I need to calm my mind and listen carefully to how strong the vibration is to determine the range of it. If more than one vibration comes from a certain direction, then that means more than one opponent is moving in that direction. I need to be careful as if someone realizes how I fight they might try to feint vibrations to throw me off.'

Tendo then went to the closest tree, climbed up to a branch, and crouched down on it. He then started to make a plan on how he could circumvent his current weaknesses and achieve his personal goals that he came into the forest to accomplish. He had his ears peeled for every sound that was made and he also was using one of his hands in conjunction with his feet to feel more accurate and subtle vibrations.

Tendo: 'Most snakes do not see well but use their tongues and senses to guide their movement. I'm unable to use my summonings right now but Orochimaru summons a few giant snakes to use against Team 7 in these exams. If it's possible, I can use life steal on those snakes to gain their senses, but I need to be extremely precise with it as I haven't unlocked wraith execution yet. That would've made it much easier to absorb things. So that me-'

Tendo was quickly brought out of his thoughts by a slew of vibrations hitting him at once, coming from the west.

Tendo: 'Three of them. Judging by the amount of noise they're making, they shouldn't be that skilled. But, I can't afford to make mistakes with my life on the line. I'll hide and see what they're up to. 'Earth Style: Hiding like a mole Technique!'

Tendo jumped off the tree and sunk into the ground, going a few centimeters deep and covering the hole behind him as he went. Not long after, three ninjas from the village hidden in the sand showed up. Tendo could hear them talking, sounding almost agitated at something.

???: "Megumi, didn't you say you sensed a lone shinobi around here?! It could be that guy Tendo! Any smart shinobi will be aiming for him because he's the only one by himself and that's basically a free scroll! He's even blindfolded, does he think we'll let him get away? It's like he's begging us to find him and take his scroll."

Megumi: "Yao, dont be so hasty! I swear I sensed him around here. My sensory skills are top-notch in the sand village among us genin so I doubt he could've just escaped! Motohiko! Tell Yao to calm down and let me focus!"

Motohiko: "Yao, relax. That Tendo guy definitely isn't a slouch if the leaf village deemed him worthy of being sent in by himself. Numbers do not equal strength. We need to take this slow."

Yao: "Tch, damn cowards!"

Tendo had a huge smile on his face underground. He felt like he had been given a chance Kami himself when he heard a sensory type was among these shinobi. He was determined to push life steal to the absolute limit to try and get her sensory abilities. That would make this exam much easier for him.

As they continued talking, Tendo snuck under Motohiko and started forming hand signs. He knew he would be sensed but he was confident that they wouldn't get away from him.

Megumi: "Moto, Yao! Get away from here this instant! A jutsu is coming from underground!"

Yao: "What?!"

Tendo: 'Earth Style: Antlion Technique!'

The earth underneath the trio started to form a large pit and a hole appeared in the middle, trying to suck them into it with great force.

Motohiko: "Yao! Get Megumi away from here! I'll try to stop this technique and buy some time for you two to escape! Wind Style: Gr-"

Tendo: 'You'll never get the chance.'

Tendo pushed his hands through the ground and grabbed onto Motohiko's legs, dragging him underground with him. Motohiko couldn't even scream properly as he disappeared from the surface. He felt himself being dragged down and then he suddenly stopped. The earth felt like mud around him so he could move, but not that much. He opened his eyes and found a young man with white hair standing freely in the earth in front of him.

Tendo: "Surprised?"

Tendo grabbed his neck and twisted it in a 360° angle, breaking it completely. He absorbed his chakra to find out which one of them has the scroll.

Tendo: 'That woman has it, huh? Lucky me, she's my main target.'

Tendo then put more chakra into his technique and not too long after, the other two were dragged down completely with the earth closing and repairing itself on the surface as the last victim was drawn in. Tendo immediately hardened the earth around Yao, utterly crushing every bone and organ in his body from the sudden force. Megumi couldn't even see this as the only thing she knew was that she was suddenly split up from Yao. She was going to scream to alert the two, in hopes that they would find her but a hand suddenly grasped her by her mouth so that she couldn't speak. As she saw Tendo, she tried to pull out the scroll and give it to him, in hopes that he would spare her life.

Tendo: "Relax and accept your death, your contribution to me is appreciated."

Tendo then began to absorb her, pushing the technique as hard as he could to absorb everything into his body. The first thing he got was her chakra. 'Not enough.' He then started to absorb her blood and bones, taking a few extra seconds to get those out of her body. He could feel the dust of her bones latching onto his and strengthening it, her blood coursing through his system, causing his heart to beat faster from the massive intake of plasma. 'Still, not enough.' He then pushed it even farther, absorbing her entire body, or what was left of it, leaving nothing from the woman behind. It was like she never even existed.


[Three shinobi killed, 30 points gained.]

A sharp pain suddenly hit Tendo's head, causing him to close his eyes and brace for any unforeseen incidents while he was trying to keep the pain from blocking his vibration sensing. He left underground and went to hide under a nearby tree as he couldn't maintain the technique while doing so much at once. Not too long after, the pain subsided. Almost immediately, Tendo felt like a whole new world had been opened up to him. He felt his senses expand massively and as he put his hands on the ground, he could feel the chakra signatures of almost every shinobi in the forest.

Tendo: 'Amazing, it's like im using my byakugan but this time I can sense every chakra signature around me instead of just focusing at the front. I wonder how this would work with the Byakugan.'

Tendo felt multiple chakra signatures that were currently in battle, some of them trailing each other and some of them even on the verge of dying with failing chakra signatures. But three spread out distinct signatures stood out to him as the strongest.

Tendo: The purple one must he Orochimaru and the two red ones must be Gaara and Naruto. Orochimaru will eventually find me so I dont have to worry about him for now, Naruto and Sasuke are not far from his location either so the easiest but most unstable target will be Gaara. Temari and Kankuro aren't any competition so this wouldn't take too long.. Now, I can begin.'

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