
Chapter 28 - Tendo Vs. Gaara.

At a specific clearing in the forest, five figures could be seen standing there. One of them had an open umbrella in his hand sheltering himself from the rain of blood that was coming down from the sky. The two standing next to him had gloating looks on their faces and the two standing away from were shaking from fear.

Gaara: "It's quick..and painless. I used far more force than was necessary to ensure that. Bitter, crimson tears flow from lifeless eyes and mingle with the endless sands...bestowing ever greater power upon the demon god."

???: "Here, take the scroll! Please, just let us go!"

Gaara stretches out his hands and sand wraps itself around the two remaining men.

Gaara: 'Sand Burial!'

BOOMMM!!! Blood splatters all around the clearing, covering the forest floor in it and causing it to give off a nauseating scent. Three shinobi were watching this scene from the shadows behind a large bush, all of them quaking in fear at what just happened.

Kiba: "Let's get out of here while he still can! If they spot us, we're dead meat!"

Kankuro: "Lucky us, we needed a heaven scroll. Now we can head to the tower."

Gaara: "No...i still haven't been sated."

Kiba and his team stopped in their tracks with absolute fright on their faces.

Kiba: "Aw man! Does he know we're here?!"

Kankuro: "Come on Gaara, let's go."

Gaara: "Are you frightened? Coward!"

Kankuro: "...Gaara! Maybe you'll be fine but Temari and I can't take our chances! One set of scrolls is all we need and we're done!"

Gaara: "Fool! I don't take- Hmm!"

Temari: "Dammit, who is it?! Only cowards run and hide from a battle!"

Kiba stopped and turned back when he heard the commotion. He wanted to know if he was hearing right. Who the hell would attack that guy Gaara? That was all that was going through his mind. But as soon as he took his first step, he noticed Akamaru shaking even harder than before when he noticed Gaara.

Kiba: "Akamaru! What's wrong?!"

Hinata: "K..kiba. Is something wrong with Akamaru?"

Kiba: "Yeah. The last time he was this spooked was around that guy Gaara. Now I think he's even more frightened! Wait..that smell, it's familiar...but its coated with blood! We have to get out of here before we get into trouble that we can't handle!"

Kiba and his team ran away as quiet as possible, hoping that they wouldn't be followed by any of the maniacs behind them. On a tree not too far from them, a man was crouched down on a branch watching the whole scene.

Tendo: 'Hm, Kiba would've been a good one to absorb chakra from because of his sense of smell, but I can probably get something better at a later time. On to more pressing issues, my two attacks failed against Gaara, but it managed to frighten the weaker two. It's time for me to go for the actual takedown this time.'

Tendo flickered off of the branch and appeared between Temari and Kankuro with incredible speed. As he was in the air between them, he spun around and landed a kick to Kankuro's side, fracturing his ribs and sending him back through a tree. 'One down.' Temari was about to react but Tendo had already used Kankuro's body as a cushion as he was propelling himself towards her. She managed to raise her fan just in time as Tendo landed a kick on it, pushing her back through a tree, causing her to almost go unconscious immediately. 'Two down.'

Landing on the ground, he focused his attention on Gaara. Gaara was watching Tendo closely, his eyes locked on to his figure like a hawk. The smile on his face was getting more aggressive and maniacal by the second.

Gaara: "'re strong. I will take pride in making your blood spill all across this forest."

Tendo: "Relax, boy. Keep talking that way and you're the one who's going to have their blood spilled across the forest. I might take it an extra step and leave your guts strung across each tree."

Gaara: "You sure talk a lot. It'll make me feel more at peace when you're dead."

Tendo: "Let's just get this over with."

Tendo made sure to mark his chakra signature and rushed towards him, dodging all the sand that Gaara was trying to lock his feet down with. Tendo soon got up to him and landed multiple blows on his sand shields. His eyes couldn't keep up with the speed Tendo was moving with, but his sand amazingly could.

Tendo slowly increased the speed and force of his blows as he was starting to learn the exact speed of how the sand reacted to his blows. He was using the Indestructible Fist to blow Gaara's sand shield apart, as it was an offensive style focused on powerful but slightly slower attacks. Combined with Tendo's speed, it's weakness was negated considerably.

Gaara was getting frustrated as he couldn't figure out where to send his first attack. He adjusted his stance and started to quickly form multiple hand signs but as soon as Tendo saw this, he knew what was going to happen.

Tendo: 'Sand Tsunami! Probably a smaller scale one but still! I need to get to him now before the sand makes it harder to do so.'

Tendo clapped his hands together and put them on the ground.

'Earth Style: Earth Wall!'

A wall pushed through the sand and formed a barrier between the sand and himself. He found his footing immediately and took a split second to make sure he locked onto Gaara's position. 'Alright, now!' He jumped onto the wall and boosted himself towards Gaara, spinning rapidly and using his whirlwind fist to cut through any sand walls that tried to block him.

Gaara: "No!"

Tendo broke Gaara's defense and even ruptured his sand armor that he steadily kept around his body. He then grabbed Gaara by his neck and slammed him down on the ground repeatedly, trying to knock him unconscious before he absorbs his chakra. He did it several times but Gaara was still fighting back as he was trying to dodge the sand while still holding into Gaara's neck. If he only let go he might take some serious injuries and be crushed under the sand.

Tendo: 'The Shukaku might be the one keeping him awake. Looks like I'll have to take his chakra now, but it might cause him to release his tailed beast. I'll have to take as much as possible without causing him to go crazy then.'

Tendo slammed Gaara onto the ground one more time with all of his strength and started to absorb his chakra. Gaara himself had a massive chakra pool and it wasn't long until he started getting a taste of the tailed beast chakra. Tendo felt his muscles tightening and his chakra reserves being pressured as soon as he absorbed the first bit of it.

Tendo: 'Damn! This might be painful!'

Tendo kept absorbing it, feeling even his senses going berserk and he felt like he was losing control of his instincts. 'I can't let this thing take control over me!' Tendo tried to calm himself and focus his attention on suppressing the tailed beast chakra that was trying to take control of him. 'Just a little more...!' He was pulling as much chakra as his reserve could hold and suppressing it at the same time. To say it was difficult would be an understatement.

Tendo had enough and was going to remove his hands when an apparition appeared in his head.

Shukaku: "You dare try to take my chakra?! Hahaha, fine! Take as much of it as you want! Take it and explode from the pressure! Die!"

The rate at which the tailed beast chakra funneled into Tendo increased greatly. Gaara had already blacked out from the pain as he had felt that the Shukaku was being pulled out of him.. Tendo struggled and struggled until finally, he managed to loosen the grip on Gaara's neck and left the scene, leaving an injured Temari screaming for Gaara behind him.

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