
Chapter 29 - Repercussions.

Tendo was running away as fast as possible from the earlier battle. He felt himself starting to collapse as he ran but he didn't want to lose his footing in a bad place. He could feel the Shukaku's chakra raging inside of him, messing up his chakra control severely. He kept running until he found a small cave that was tucked into a corner, covered by a cluster of trees. He had felt weak vibrations coming out of an area but they weren't moving, it felt like it was static.

Tendo: 'There might be animals inside of the cave. It feels like an animal because of how weak this vibration is. I can't sense anything now that my chakra is in disarray! Damn! I expected there to be some difficulty in absorbing tailed beast chakra but I didn't think it would be this hard. And it was only the one-tail...'

As soon as Tendo stepped into the cave, he put his hand on the wall feeling through it and trying to find a good position. He didn't want to go too deep into the cave to disturb whatever animal was there but he didn't want to stay in the open either because he didn't want to be seen by other shinobi. After he felt like he had gone far enough, he sat down on the ground and started ȧssimilating the tailed beast chakra into his own. Outside the cave, three figures were standing on a tree branch looking down at the entrance.

???: "We've finally caught some bait! Do you think he has a heaven scroll?"

???: "We will see. He looks extremely injured. Let's go show him some hospitality shall we?"

The three figures jumped down to the ground and began walking into the cave in search of Tendo, taking their time to hunt him down as they knew he couldn't escape from their clutches. Tendo was currently on the ground feeling incredible pain from the tailed beast chakra merging with his. He felt like his entire body was being burnt up from the inside as the chakra was circulating around it. As it did so, his chakra slowly started to leak out and a cold icy feeling started to spread throughout the cave.

???: "What is this massive chakra?! And did the cave suddenly get colder?"

???: "This has to be that guy that just came in here! Tch! It had to be one of these freaks! Let's get away from here before things get crazy!"

???: "Stay calm. It's only the first day. We have 4 days left so we're sure to find a scroll somewhere."

The team then hurriedly left the cave. They weren't going to take any chances with someone that had chakra reserves of that level. Tendo didn't even notice them at all because his full attention was being put on absorbing the tailed beast chakra. About an hour later, Tendo finally felt the pain start to calm down a little but there was something... different. He didn't feel alone in his body anymore. There was a presence there but he could sense that it wasn't fully formed yet, as it was still amassing its chakra into itself. He knew that the only thing that could be there was the one-tailed beast itself: Shukaku.

Tendo: 'System, show me my status. I have to see what's going on. And if possible, show me my chakra level and all known jutsus.'


Name: Tendo Senju (Hyuga)

Age: 12

Chakra Affiliations: Wind, Water, Earth

Kekkei Genkai: Byakugan, Ice Release, Magnet Release

Chakra Level: Mid-Kage Level [A/N: This doesn't mean the MC is at Kage Level fellas.]

SP: 610

Known Jutsu:

Water - Giant Vortex Jutsu, Water Dragon Jutsu, Water Prison Jutsu, Flying Water Needles Jutsu, Water Bullet Jutsu, Water clone Jutsu, Hidden Mist Jutsu.

Wind - Great Breakthrough, Wind Cutter Jutsu.

Earth - Antlion Jutsu, Earth Wall, Hiding like a mole technique, Earth Fissure Jutsu.

Ice - Ice Grave, Ice Palm, Ice Crystal Jutsu, Flying Ice Needles, Demonic Crystal Mirrors, Hidden Crystal Mist Jutsu.

Magnet Release - None.

Summoning Jutsu.

Tendo: 'Seems like I made myself a jinchuriki by absorbing Gaara's chakra. The Shukaku inside of him should've already stabilized itself and started to refill it's missing chakra. It's a good thing it didn't just pop out of him as soon as I started absorbing it though, that would've been a disaster for me. Now, the pain is subsiding slowly but surely, by tomorrow I should be able to move freely and begin hunting again. Absorbing the nine tails might not be such a good idea but...I'll try it. I survived the pain of this encounter so I can survive the pain of that one. I'll have to use my chakra to suppress Shukaku but since I know how tailed beast chakra works, for now, I should be able to contend with the nine tails. But, for safety, I'll absorb the chakra of anyone I kill to add to my reserves so it'll be easier to suppress them.'

Tendo then closed his eyes, trying to fall asleep and waited for dawn to come the next morning. Since he had more control of his chakra, he re-activated his sensory jutsu and watched his surroundings while sleeping.

[The next morning.]

Tendo: 'Damn raccoon! Be quiet! Keeping me up so long trying to scare me in my consciousness is not working! You will not take over my body no matter if there's a seal on me or not. I will suppress you with my chakra until you have no will to leave.'

Shukaku: 'Hahahaha! Your chakra level is quite high and I even sensed some senjutsu mixed up in there but I still won't allow you to suppress me! As soon as you let up, I'll take over your body and destroy everything in sight! You also know that you're not a normal Jinchuriki right?!'

Tendo: 'I'm not that redheaded boy, Shukaku. Such threats will not scare me. And what do you mean not normal?'

Shukaku: 'Hehe! We will see as time goes on!'

Tendo bȧrėly got any sleep the night before because of Shukaku, the tailed beast was adamant on not letting him sleep. At first, Tendo ignored him and was falling asleep soundly but the raccoon kept up his threats for hours until Tendo woke up and they started arguing. He hated talking to Shukaku because of how unpredictable and childish the beast was. Tendo calmed himself down and started using his sensory abilities to map out his next targets. That's when he noticed that the range he could sense at increased phenomenally.

Tendo: 'I could sense about 10km now, that's pretty much the entire forest. There isn't much shinobi left. I see Team 7, hmm, they must be fighting the sound ninja right now judging from how fast the signatures surrounding them are moving. I'm missing only one person, and that is-'

Orochimaru: "Hn, you must be Tendo Senju, the one that took my curse mark away from Anko.. I'm very interested in how you managed to do so."

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