
Chapter 30 - Orochimaru.

Tendo was surprised by the sudden appearance of Orochimaru and jumped a few feet away from him in caution. He couldn't see him but he could feel Orochimaru's eyes piercing his body searching for the curse mark.

Tendo: "Tendo is my name indeed. And as for the cursed seal, I just took it. As for how, why should I tell you?"

Orochimaru: "Hehe, interesting. You're the son of Neha so I shouldn't expect anything less from you. Your mother was quite the trickster, that's why she was one of my favorite spies. Im sure she told you everything before she died, am I correct?"

Tendo: "You are, continue."

Orochimaru: "Good, so you should know that I have her and your father's bodies. I took the liberty of doing minor experiments with them but their major parts are still untouched. She said that she wanted you to use anything on their bodies to make yourself more powerful, whatever it was, and that she wanted me to help you."

Tendo: "Hm, where are you going with this?"

Orochimaru: "Hehe, I just wanted to let you know I don't work for free. She worked for me for many years but I paid her back by not experimenting as much as I wanted with her body as soon as she died. Now, hehe, I'm interested in you. I can sense the massive chakra you possess and I can sense the tailed beast chakra inside of you. I can even sense my senjutsu chakra inside of you. I don't know how you acquired it but I'm sure it's the same way you acquired the curse mark from my beloved disciple, Anko. Show me what you can do with it.~"

As soon as Orochimaru finished speaking, a giant snake appeared out of the darkness and rushed towards Tendo, reaching his position in less than a second. Tendo sensed the snake coming and bȧrėly dodged to the side, with the fangs of the snake scratching his face. As soon as Tendo landed, he felt another presence behind him and as he was going to try and dodge it, the snake snatched him up in its mouth, swallowing him with one big gulp.

Orochimaru: 'I know that's not the length of his ability. His body was radiating almost infinite potential. It seems I might have to leave a second curse mark here today. Hehe, so many good bodies, bȧrėly any time ...'

Inside the snake, Tendo was going down its digestive system slowly but surely. He could feel its bodily fluids sticking themselves onto him, trying to break him down. A red outline started to appear on his body as he dug his hands into the body of the snake.

'Whirlwind Fist.'


The snake's whole body got cut into large pieces from Tendo delivering multiple large slashes with his Whirlwind Fist Technique. He came out of its body and shook off its bodily fluids, listening to the area around him with his senses pushed to the max.

'Above me!'

Tendo sensed three signatures falling towards him from the trees above him. They were all giant snake's summoned by Orochimaru. Tendo could dodge this attack but he knew that's what Orochimaru was probably expecting him to do. He took the risky way out and jumped towards the snakes, using his whirlwind fist on the first one, cutting its body into pieces. As he was going to turn around and attack the other two, Orochimaru appeared from one of the cut pieces of the first snake with his tongue stretched out, ready to capture Tendo's neck.

The other two snakes were going to collapse onto him at the same time from both sides with Orochimaru coming from the front. He knew that there wasn't any Taijutsu technique he had mastered to such a degree that could stop all three of them at the same time, except one.

Tendo: 'I haven't used this technique yet because I don't think my body is up to the standards of using it with chakra instead of Chi but, when everything else fails, I can only look to the Way Of Heaven.'

Tendo started to surge his chakra through his muscles and bones, causing them to bulge up significantly. His position in the air was severely disadvantageous as he was still in the position of his last attack with his right arm extended into the air. The only parts of his body that he could attack the snakes without leaving himself open were his two legs. He was counting on his left arm was enough to at least parry Orochimaru's attack and make an opening in the freak's defense.

Tendo caught Orochimaru's tongue with his arms and wrapped his entire arms around it, pulling the man towards him and gripping his mouth with all his strength. He couldn't afford to let go as any deviation would cause Orochimaru to escape. As the first snake got to Tendo, he spun around and kicked it in its head, forcing it to deviate off of its tracks and crash into the other one. He then kicked both of the snakes down with one on top of the other and spun around once again, this time turning Orochimaru's body toward the ground and the snakes. The chakra raging in his body started to escape and formed the shape of a dragon around his arms, causing it to bulge up even more.

Tendo: 'All of them at the same time, it's either now or never. My body may not be able to handle it but, I can't afford to go down here! Way of Heaven: Descent Of The Dragon!'

The chakra around his arm got even larger and spread across his entire body, coating it in chakra and giving him the shape of a dragon. Orochimaru, even as experienced as he was, could help but be in awe at this scene.

Orochimaru: 'This is it! I want his body! I'll have this body!!'

'ARGHHHHHHHH!!!!' With a roar of pain and fury, Tendo pushed Orochimaru down to the ground on the two snakes, causing a large explosion and a slew of blood to rain down on that part of the forest. Inside the crater on the ground, Tendo stood there with his left arm looking extremely mangled and destroyed. His shirt was destroyed and most of his body was filled with internal and external injuries. His body was exhausted from that technique but his chakra was still very much full. He wasn't going to give up on such a fight, especially when an enemy like Orochimaru was around.

Tendo: "Hah, Hah, Hah... I know you aren't dead Orochimaru. Show yourself!" {A/N: The 'hah' part is the MC breathing hard and being out of breath, so no, it's not an out of character laugh or anything.}

Tendo could see Orochimaru's wilted skin on the ground, laying there with a gruesome smile on its face. Orochimaru then climbed out of one of the bodies of the destroyed snakes, completely uninjured.

Clap, clap, clap, clap.

Orochimaru: "Tendo Senju. How you have impressed me so much that I cannot even fathom the words to describe my glee. It's too bad that you don't have the Sharingan, or I would've snatched you up here myself. But that doesn't mean that you will not be mine. We have created quite the commotion here in the forest and other shinobi will be coming here to investigate, so I must take my leave. But, I will be leaving you a parting gift."

Tendo: 'A gift...could it be...Shit! I can't even move fast enough to dodge it!'

Orochimaru did a few hand signs and outstretched his neck towards Tendo and bit him on his neck, implanting a cursed seal on his body. Tendo felt a sharp pain run across his entire body, causing him to almost fall to the ground and hold his neck. But he stayed standing, taking the pain and listening to Orochimaru's every move.

Orochimaru: "I just gave you a Cursed Seal of Earth. You already have the Cursed Seal of Heaven so if you survive this, you will indeed be the body I use. Whenever you are ready to collect your parent's bodies, come to me. If you need the power to live however you want, come to me. You already have some of the white snake's power inside of you so your chances of surviving are higher. Hehe, I'll be watching your progress, Tendo."

And with that Orochimaru faded into the darkness, leaving the defeated Tendo there, standing up with no intention of failing now.

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