
Chapter 41 - Legacy.

That morning, Tendo was doing his usual training with the spear against Nodama. He knew Hiashi would be fuming when he saw the surprise that he had left for him so he had himself a good laugh as he was returning to the clan. But that wasn't on Tendo's mind now though. His mind was currently occupied by the strange behavior of the two men.

Ryutama came out normally but Nodama was looking slightly solemn. He was usually a very loud and happy guy but today his mouth was bȧrėly even being heard. Tendo guessed it was probably something to do with the inheritance the old man spoke about earlier. He thought maybe Nodama was sad about his master passing on whatever the inheritance was. But, Tendo didn't know how wrong he was.

Ryutama: "Stop sparring! Tendo, come to me."

Ryutama had suddenly spoken up and stopped the match. Nodama's face got even worse as he did so. Tendo walked towards Ryutama and looked at him. For the third time in his life, Tendo noticed the old man smiling at him, this time his smile was looking much more vibrant than the last.

Ryutama: "Tendo Senju, my student. I feel proud calling you that although we didn't spend much time together. The Senju blood flows strong within you! I know you can return this clan to its former glory! Come, let me take you to the Old Senju Clan. Nodama, let's go!"

Nodama: "Sigh, alright...master."

Tendo was surprised at what the old man said as he thought the old Senju base had been destroyed and they had relocated to the Leaf Village. The trio started to go through the clan forest and after about twenty minutes of traveling, they arrived at a secluded place in the forest.

Tendo: "Old man, you and Nodama are getting sentimental on me. I didn't know there was another Senju Clan base. What's the occasion?"

Ryutama: "Tendo, you will see what we want when we access this base. Your questions will be answered."

Ryutama waved his hand and red lightning appeared. It struck the ground and a panel started to open up with a large cloud of dust coming out of the hole. It was obvious that this location hadn't been opened up in a long time.

Ryutama: "Tendo, this is the old clan base, or should I say, it was. When we left to join the Uchiha and form the leaf village, some of us didn't want to make a village but stay on our own. We were in the minority of course but we weren't going to give up like that. When the majority left us here, we joined together, moved all the graves, and everything that belonged to the Old Senju Clan to this underground hideout. Nodama, we're finally back my boy."

Nodama: "...I missed this place."

Tendo was surprised at the information he was learning at this moment. He never knew that the Senju Clan were so divisive and secretive. When they finally got down into the hideout, Tendo saw that it was not that big at all, in fact, it was unexpectedly small. They were walking through a hallway that was very old and soon after, they reached a room that was lined with graves. Every grave had the last name 'Senju' on it. They started walking past the graves and Ryutama continued talking.

"Tendo, when the Old Senju Clan died, they were all buried here. As long as you were part of our cause of making our own clan, you couldn't be allowed to be buried among those fools from the leaf. That's why we are here. It's our time to go as we were the last members remaining from the old Senju Clan. Now, you are the last one."

Tendo didn't expect this to happen. The old man was planning to die now? How could he be responsible for the revival of a whole clan? This wasn't what he came here for. These were the thoughts going through Tendo's mind at the moment. To prove what the old man was saying, they reached the end of the line of graves and they were two graves that were open. One saying Ryutama Senju, and the other saying Nodama Senju.

Tendo: "Old man, you're going to die? Just like that? And what do you mean Nodama is dying? He is still you....what?!"

Tendo had looked at Nodama while he was talking and he was surprised to see the young man suddenly grow long gray hair. His face started to get extremely old and his body eventually started to hunch down, revealing an extremely old man. He looked almost identical to Ryutama at this point.

Nodama: "No, Tendo. I am almost as old as Ryutama. In fact, he is my older brother. That's why I always respected him the most. The reason I was feeling down is because I would miss training you and spending time with Ryutama. It felt like you were my own son over the short time we knew each other. Sigh, if only you weren't so monstrous in your training speed, we would've been able to spend more time together."

Tendo: "Nodama, old man... I never would've guessed. But, I don't know if I want to be responsible for the revival of the clan. It's not something that I set out to do in this life."

Ryutama: "Tendo, this is our dying wish. Even if you make the clan but you don't lead it, that will be just fine. As long as they keep their heads high and walk proudly with the Senju name on their backs, we cannot blame you. As long as you walk proudly with the name Senju on your back, we will not be angry! As a Senju myself I understand that Strength is something that matters to all of us that share this blood."

Tendo: "Old man....tch! I...will try." [A/N: No the MC isn't crying or starting to cry.]

Ryutama nodded in approval and then looked at Nodama. They both nodded at each other and then they looked back at Tendo.

Ryutama: "It's time to receive your inheritance. It is a Kekkei Tota that I call the Power Release. It is represented by red lightning and augments your physical abilities drastically. It is a chakra nature that cannot be absorbed unless it's broken down into the basic chakra state. Even seals will break under the power of this Release. Take off your shirt and I'll transfer the power over to you."

Tendo didn't expect something of this caliber to come from the old man. Although he knew that he was powerful, such a release was unheard of from his knowledge. Tendo took off his shirt and the old man placed his hand on his ċhėst. He could feel the old man's powerful chakra flowing into him. It was painful but it wasn't anything Tendo hadn't felt before.

His right hand was then taken by Nodama. Nodama's hand then started to peel off and two black diamond looking marks on his palms were revealed.

Nodama: "From me, you will receive a Kekkei Genkai called the Dark Release. This will complement the Jutsu that you use to absorb the life out of things. Now, you will able to absorb actual Jutsu's and store it. Or you can turn it back against your opponent. Can you place that cursed seal somewhere else on your body so that it doesn't interfere with the release?"

Tendo used his merging ability to disconnect the cursed seals directly and move them up to his ċhėst area. The heaven seal moved to his ċhėst and the earth seal moved to his back.

Tendo: "I'm ready."

Nodama: "Haha! One last laugh before I enter the grave! Your adaptability never ceases to amaze me, Tendo! Now, accept this power and use it well Tendo. As soon as we transfer these releases to you, we will die. Use our bodies wisely. You can absorb ours and everyone's in here entire bodies if you wish but you will need to honor the Senju clan with that power. Although only bones remain from their bodies, I'm sure you can do something with it. I..I'm getting w..w..weaker. master...of t..the Senju...Clan....Lord Tendo."

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