
Chapter 42 - The Wraith Hand Is Born.

As soon as Nodama finished talking, Tendo saw him fall to the ground with a smile on his face. Red lightning started to surge through Tendo's body at an alarming rate, causing him to feel extreme pain. He almost fell down to his knees, but he felt the hand on his ċhėst pushing him up.

Ryutama: "T..tendo Se..enju, or s..ho..ould I say, L..lord Tendo, a..t le..east, b..before... I die, l..let me s..see st...anding...tall."

Tendo squeezed his fists together and stood up straight, baring the pain that was plaguing his body. He might not have known these men for long but he respected how they acted. Even in death, they were loyal to their clan name, refusing to see it sullied. Ryutama especially had reminded him of his prideful and arrogant old master, causing Tendo to shake his head in regret.

After Ryutama transferred the last of his power to Tendo, he looked at his younger brother on the ground and then looked back at Tendo. He smiled and as he was going to fall down on the ground, even with his entire being in pain, Tendo caught the old man's body then laid it down softly.

Tendo: "Old man, Nodama, even though we didn't know each other that long, your mannerisms remind me of my first mas...well, my father. I promised myself that after him I will call no one else 'sensei.' But, in all the years I've held on to this sentiment, I will break it today. Sensei Ryutama, Sensei Nodama, I promise I will restore this clan, no matter how many lives may have to be lost for it to come to pass. I still don't know if I will lead it but, you can rest ȧssured knowing that it will be resurrected. What was that thing father always said? Ahh..yes. Amitabha."[A/N: I know that's Shaolin/Chinese. His master used to always say it when someone he respected died so now, he's doing the same.]

Tendo sat down cross-legged let the Power Release flow into his body properly. As this was happening, he was deep in his thoughts about one of his new goals.

'If the old man was here with me in this world he would've been laughing at how sentimental I was being. Even someone as cold and ruthless as myself cannot ignore the plight of these men. No matter how many villages I have to trample over in the process, I will rebuild this clan. Such a goal will only attract other powers who would want to stop me. To me, they are all just points waiting to be harvested.'

After about half an hour, the red lightning finally calmed down and the pain subsided. Tendo looked at his palm and saw two black and red diamonds engraved on it. He wanted to test what the Dark Release was capable of but there was no one there to test it with. Sighing, he got up and placed his hands on the two old men's ċhėsts.

'I will use every bit of power you gave me here today to honor the Senju, sensei's.'


[All five basic natures empowered, Yin and Yang release, empowered.]

Tendo could feel the power of his chakra increase drastically and even his chakra reserves were increased. He then picked up Ryutama's white robe that was still on the ground and dusted it off. He folded it and put it in Ryutama's grave, then he did the same thing to Nodama's robe. Paying his respects to them once again, he then turned his attention to the other graves that he was told about.

Most of them were in fact, bones but some of them were old men just like Ryutama and Nodama with their full bodies intact. They were slightly decomposed but Tendo didn't care about such things, as long as he got the power he needed, it was fine. About halfway through the graves, Tendo felt the thing that he had noticed before forming on his body start to come back.


[Ultimate Metamorphosis starting.]

Tendo: 'Ultimate metamorphosis?! I thought that bodily transformation only applied to Qi. I'm guessing it was because I acquired a large amount of Natural Energy and because I used a technique that was originally intended to absorb Qi to do so.'

Tendo felt natural energy starting to cleanse his body as he sat down cross-legged. He wondered how the metamorphosis was going to take place but before he could even react properly, he was completely turned to stone.

[3 days later, Day of the Chunin Exams.]

Crack! The stone encased around Tendo started to break off. Piece by piece, his body started to reveal itself. His skin was no longer extremely pale and the marks on his face were gone. His Byakugan was back to being pure white instead of having the snake slits inside of it. Even his hair had grown from shoulder length to his lower ċhėst and he had grown slightly taller. The metamorphosis made him much buffer, stronger, faster, and even more durable. He was like the perfect specimen of the human body. All in all, he wasn't looking like a certain snake natured man anymore.[A/N: Rejoice, my brothers! Pedomaru's influence is gone! But that whole paragraph felt like it came out of a wuxia novel. Is it just me lmao?]


[Wraith Execution unlocked.]

Tendo: 'Finally. Now I can fully ȧssimilate people and their souls into my body. Even their bodily Kekkei Genkai's aren't safe anymore. Let's see, I was stuck in the stone for about 3 days so the Chunin Exams are beginning today. It probably has already begun. Well, it doesn't matter, I wasn't attending it in the first place. Now, let me test out this power.'

A ghastly looking mist started to come from Tendo's body. It caused the air to go extremely cold and Tendo heard the slight wail of something..demonic coming from the mist. He then rushed underground, merging with the earth and he went through every grave in the blink of an eye, ȧssimilating every bone and body he came across. This gave him another buff, making him even more powerful. The only downside to this was that it made him lose all his clothing, essentially leaving him nȧkėd. His clothes were destroyed so he couldn't even put it back on after using the technique.

Tendo: 'Sigh, it's only to be expected. I haven't mastered the ability with such precision yet as to avoid being de-clothed but all in due time. Now let me get out of this place, I have a certain man that I need to hunt down.'

Tendo picked up his spear, threw it over his shoulder then walked out of the hideout with a smile on his face and one thing on his mind.

'Hiashi, your soul is mine.'


Tendo's current status:

Age: 12

Chakra Affiliations: Wind, Water, Earth, Fire, Lightning, Yin, Yang

Kekkei Genkai: Byakugan, Ice Release, Magnet Release, Dark Release, Power Release

Tailed Beasts: Shukaku, Kurama

Chakra Level: High-Kage Level [Again, this doesn't mean he's high Kage Level. He's about Elite Jounin level now. As powerful as you can get below Kage Level basically.]

SP: 100

Known Jutsu/Senjutsu:

Water - Giant Vortex Jutsu, Water Dragon Jutsu, Water Prison Jutsu, Flying Water Needles Jutsu, Water Bullet Jutsu, Water clone Jutsu, Hidden Mist Jutsu.

Wind - Great Breakthrough, Wind Cutter Jutsu.

Ice - Ice Grave, Ice Palm, Ice Crystal Jutsu, Flying Ice Needles, Demonic Crystal Mirrors, Hidden Crystal Mist Jutsu.

Magnet Release - None.

Dark Release - Judgement, Inhaling Maw.

Power Release - None.

Fire Release - None.

Lightning Release - None.

Summoning Jutsu.


Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist

The Indestructible Fist

Gentle Fist [It's actually not gentle.]

Flying Flash Sword

Doh Family Spear Style

Black Lancer Spear Style

Pulverizing Staff Technique

The Blood Dance Killing Formation

Black Dragon Cosmic Technique

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