
Chapter 43 - Leaving the village.(1)

As Tendo got back into the clan, he couldn't help but notice that the place felt much lonelier without the two old men there. Looking around the massive room, the fact that the entire Senju legacy now belonged to him reminded him of the weight of what he was tasked to do.

The first things Tendo decided to do were to fix his current problems though, which was him being nȧkėd. He looked through the memories he picked up from the old men and found that there was a storage room that contained spare clothing. He quickly found it, wrapped some bandages around his arms and legs then he put on a long-sleeved black shirt. He completed the look with some long black pants that was tucked into his black ninja sandals. Tendo then found an old hooded cloak and threw it over his back, exiting the room as he was done.

Tendo: 'Alright, I've finally gotten some clothing back. Now, I need to go get a sealing scroll from my room and use it to seal some weapons for later use. I'll just use this until I find another method of transporting weapons.'

Tendo flickered to his room, collected the scroll, and went back to the storage room. In the corner of it were many weapons of all kinds. Tendo took most of the spears, staffs, and swords out of them then sealed them into a scroll. He left, went back to his room, and got the rest of the sealing scrolls with the money he stole from Gato in them. Now that he had everything, it was finally time to leave and begin his plan.

Tendo: 'When I begin my plan, I will be outed as a traitor to the leaf village immediately so I'll have a weapon ready just in case someone attacks me before I get to the Hyuga Clan. Hmm, what should I use first?, I used that a few nights before,, I'm not using that yet so the only natural choice is the sword.'

Tendo unsealed a basic metal sword that had a black scabbard. He held it and put in on his shoulder in a laid back manner, leaving his room immediately. He then got into the massive room that Ryutama used to sit in and took one last look at his chair before leaving the hideout.

Tendo: 'Old man, Nodama, thank you for everything. My journey begins now.'

Tendo walked out of the old hallway that led into the hideout and closed it behind him, making sure that the room was locked carefully. He walked out into the tea shop that hid the hideout and sat down at one of the tables, waiting for the sand village to attack.

Not long after he sat down, one of the girls who served tea came up to him in a friendly manner, introducing herself.

???: "Hello, Lord Tendo, my name is Yaoru. What would you like to drink today?"

Tendo: "Hm? Lord Tendo? Why are you calling me that?"

Yaoru: "Ahh, I thought you knew! Mr.Nodama held a meeting several nights ago and told us that the next time we see you walk out of that backroom we should start calling you Lord. He gave us your name and told us that you will be the one leading us instead because Ms.Tsunade's behavior is inadequate for our leadership."

Tendo: "Heh. Nodama huh? Sigh. I see. I may be your official clan head, but I'm not your leader. Returning the clan to its former glory is my only task."

Yaoru: "Hehe, Mr.Nodama thought you would say that. Don't worry, only a select number of important groups in the clan know about this. Most of the people still think that the Senju don't have any clan heads at the moment and that Tsunade will be our next one. So, he said to stay quiet and when you return to the leaf village with adequate strength, you will lead us out of here."

Tendo: "Sigh, you already have everything planned huh? Alright. Bring me some normal tea then. How much will that be?"

Yaoru: "Hehe, you don't have to pay Lord Tendo. One green tea, coming right up!"

The girl ran back to the kitchen to prepare the tea and she came back a few minutes after, setting his tea down on the table.

Yaoru: "Here you go, Lord Tendo. Enjoy!"

Tendo: "Thank you."

The girl left and Tendo picked up the teacup and sniffed around it, making sure there wasn't any foul play involved. The girl might be sounding very genuine in her words but her intentions could've been laced with malice so he couldn't be too lax. He drank the tea for about 10 minutes until he heard a low 'BOOOM!' go off in the village. Tendo put the cup down on the table and activated his Byakugan, spotting several figures hidden around the shop.

Tendo: 'I've noticed these Anbu black ops following me for a while now. It was just a few of them at first but now they are several. It must be because they noticed that Orochimaru might be trying something on the Chunin Exams and since I absorbed the curse mark, I'll be the prime suspect as his accomplice. I'm surprised they didn't just try to detain me and read my mind as soon as I came out of the backroom. But they look frantic now that the attack had begun in the village. They don't know if they should stay and observe me as per their orders or go save the village. Guess I'll go make the decision for them then.'

Tendo got up from his seat and flickered out from inside the shop to the roof. About 10 cloaked Anbu members were there, surprised at his sudden appearance.

Tendo: "Time to die."

Tendo drew his sword and in the blink of an eye, he had arrived in front of the first man slashing towards with blinding speed. The man tried to block with his kunai but as soon as the blade hit it, Tendo's physical strength threw him off balance. Tendo took that opening and delivered a fatal blow to the man, removing his head with one slash.

The rest of the men sprang into action right away, each of them attacking Tendo at once. Just as before, Tendo moved blindingly fast as he was slashing through them. They were employing multiple strategies to catch him off guard or surprise him but all of it was useless. Before long, all that remained on the roof were a pile of severed bodies and a young boy holding a sword in a laid back manner.


[10 Anbu Black Ops killed. 300 points gained.]

[Attention: The host's body is becoming unstable because of the amount of foreign chakra and flesh that has yet to be fully absorbed. Host can only take 2 more bodies before it's entire body breaks down.]

Tendo: 'Only 2 more huh? No wonder I was starting to feel so..full lately. Then I can't absorb the bodies of these Anbu. Sigh, what a waste. Then the last two will have to be Hiashi and Hiruzen. Tch! It's my fault for being greedy. Well, here I come, Hiashi. You're my first target.'

Tendo flickered away from the spot and headed to the Hyuga Clan.. It was time for him to repay his mother for her service.

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