
Chapter 44 - Leaving The Village.(2)

Around the village, skirmishes, both big and small were breaking out everywhere. Many leaf Shinobi were fighting off the sand and sound Shinobi who had infiltrated the village to attack it. Tendo was standing on a high building looking for Hiashi's location. He spread out his sensory abilities while using his byakugan to increase them even more. His eyes could penetrate everywhere he looked.

Tendo knew that doing this would alert other sensors but at this point, such minor details didn't matter. He had two objectives to complete before he left. One was to kill Hiashi Hyuga and the other was to potentially drain Hiruzen of his power and knowledge before he died. The second objective wasn't that important but if he could achieve it without risking too much, he would.

Not too long after he started searching, Tendo finally found Hiashi fighting at one of the training fields. He was surrounded by multiple enemy shinobi and they were quickly closing in on him. Tendo knew that Hiashi would easily defeat them as had in the series so he hurried over to his location, hoping to confront him before he leaves.

[A few minutes later]

Hiashi: 'Eight Trigrams, Palm Rotation!'

A blue sphere of chakra formed around Hiashi as he spun quickly, blowing away all the shinobi who were about to attack him. He stopped elegantly in the crater that was left on the ground and looked at the Shinobi who dared to fight him with arrogance on his face.

Hiashi: "Is that all? So many of you, and you still lost. From this day on keep in mind that the Hyuga are the strongest clan in Konoha."

???: "Is that so? I'd like to test that fact out myself."

A figure appeared in front of Hiashi with red lightning flowing all over his body. The young boy had a sword resting on his shoulder and his cloak was blowing in the wind. Even the look on the boy's spelled nothing but contempt and mockery when Hiashi looked at him.

Hiashi: "Tendo Senju, so you've finally decided to face me."

Tendo: "Did you like my present, Hiashi?"

Hiashi: "Hmph, it seems like you've gotten much stronger since the last time I heard about you. But, I will show you what happens to those who overstep their boundaries. You're even stupid enough to not bring Nodama with you, it's like you're asking to die!"

Tendo: "Indeed, Nodama-sensei is not here with me so you are free to do as you please. Just know that when I draw this sword, you will die."

Hiashi got into his gentle fist stance and looked intently at all of Tendo's subtle movements. He was not going to make the fatal mistake of underestimating his opponent just because they were younger than him. Tendo kept his sword on his shoulder and activated his byakugan, keeping his focus on Hiashi.

The wind blew softly as the two opponents sized up each other, waiting for the other to move. Tendo decided to make the first move and flickered behind Hiashi, using his sheathed sword to attack him with multiple slashes. Hiashi elegantly dodged and deflected all of them, finding an opening then he countered with his own attack. Tendo knew he couldn't get hit by the gentle fist and dodged Hiashi's attacks with no wasted movement involved, much to the latter's surprise.

Hiashi started to change his attack pattern slowly and caught on to how Tendo was moving. Tendo dodged one more of his palms and with a quick feint, Hiashi readjusted his palm, attacking Tendo at the direct spot where he dodged towards. Almost as if he was waiting for that, Tendo used the hilt of his sword to knock Hiashi's attack away, leaving the man open for a counter.

As Tendo was going to attack him, he saw a large amount of chakra building up in Hiashi's tenketsu. He knew that the rotation was going to be Hiashi's next move. Tendo jumped back quickly and as soon as he did, Hiashi started spinning as a massive rotating sphere of chakra exploded from his body. Tendo got out of the range of the technique and focused his eyes on the sphere.

'There's an opening just when he stops spinning. That will be my chance.'

Time seemed to slow down as Tendo activated the ability of his mutated byakugan. He grabbed the scabbard of his sword and put his remaining hand on the hilt of it. Red lightning started to flash all over his body as he kept his focus on the sphere in front of him. As soon as Hiashi stopped spinning, Tendo didn't even wait for the sphere to disappear fully.

His feet made a crater in the ground as he flashed towards Hiashi who was now recovering from the technique. He held his sword tightly with red lightning flashing across it and ran into the sphere, completely ignoring the chakra that tried in vain to keep him away.

Tendo then got into close range of Hiashi and the latter looked like he was all out of options. Tendo's eyes were filled with coldness as Hiashi could feel the killing intent raining down onto his very soul.

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