
Chapter 45 - Leaving The Village.(3)

It was like everything stopped when Tendo had swung his sword. The sphere of chakra burst apart from the destructiveness of the Power Release, leaving nothing but a giant crater in its wake. Tendo sheathed his sword once again and looked back at Hiashi, who was now severely injured. There was a long deep gash on his ċhėst that was bleeding profusely. His eyes were filled with shock when he saw the injuries he had taken. He fell down on his knees and looked at Tendo with anger and unwillingness in his eyes.

Hiashi: "T-tendo! Sp-"

Tendo: "Be quiet. For a clan head, you're extremely weak. If you hadn't treated my mother so poorly, she wouldn't have instructed me to kill you."

Hiashi: "N-Neha did what?! Even t-though she was exiled, planning t-to kill the Hyuga Clan head is a crime! I knew s-she was a t-traitor! I don't owe you or y-your traitor of a mother anything criminal!"

Tendo: "Oh? But that's where you're wrong Hiashi. You do owe me something..."

Hiashi: "Hmph! And what would that be? Death?"

Tendo stuck his sword in the ground and ghastly blue mist started to emanate from his body. The demonic wails that came with the mist were much more horrific this time around. Hiashi's anger-filled expression quickly turned into fear and confusion when he saw Tendo's form.

Tendo: "No. Your soul."

Tendo almost turned completely into mist and flew through Hiashi's body, pulling it along with the mist in a gruesome fashion. Hiashi was screaming in terror and pain as he felt his very soul being suċkėd into Tendo's body. It was like a demon was holding onto his body and soul, pulling and merging them into Tendo's own being. Hiashi was trying to fight back but it was all for naught. The blue mist started going away and at the same time, all traces of Hiashi Hyuga were wiped from existence.


[Hiashi Hyuga defeated. 40 points gained.]

[Hiashi Hyuga's soul devoured and enslaved. The host's soul is strengthened.] {A/N: Any suggestions on what to do with the souls he captures?}

Tendo felt kind of dizzy on his feet as he felt his body becoming more clustered. He knew that this was probably what the system was warning him about. He was also happy that his clothes weren't destroyed this time around. After a few minutes of recovery, Tendo picked up his sword and put it back on his shoulder, looking at the giant purple barrier that was on high building further in the distance. He activated his byakugan and looked into the barrier, watching the fight closely between the Hiruzen and Orochimaru.

In his mind, he was wondering how he could take Hiruzen's body without being seen or noticed.

Tendo: 'Judging from the amount of chakra I currently have and how much stronger my body feels, I should be about Kage Level right now. Being found out will be a pain but it would only end in me slaughtering the people that I want to fight at later time prematurely. So stealth is the only way. Hmm...i got it. I can merge into the building underneath them, wait until they release the barrier, then I can take Hiruzen's body by also merging it with the building and escape the village by traveling through the ground. Then when I'm in the clear, I can use Wraith Execution on him to finish the job.'

Tendo decided to go with this plan as it sounded like the most plausible way of achieving his goal. He started moving closer towards the building and watched as the fight escalated. He was merged with the ground, traveling through it and he had his Byakugan activated at the same time to watch the battle.

As he got closer, he masked his chakra signature so that he couldn't be sensed or noticed. He knew that the building was located very close to the Chunin Exam Stadium and multiple high-level Shinobi were there. If he made one mistake, he would be discovered immediately. There was only one chance to pull this off and failure wasn't an option. A few minutes later, he finally got to the building and merged himself with it. Inside the building was already deserted so he came out of the walls and sat down on the floor, staring upwards at the battle above him.

After waiting for a while, the third finally summoned the Shinigami of the reaper death seal. Tendo knew the time was coming so he was preparing himself mentally to make sure that they weren't any holes in his plan. After waiting for a bit more, Hiruzen finally completed the jutsu, trapping Orochimaru's arms and his two puppets in the belly of the Shinigami. Orochimaru then argued with the now dying Hiruzen and soon after, instructed the sound four to remove the barrier so that they could escape together. The Anbu that were watching the fight tried to chase after them but Kidomaru immobilized them with his spider webs.

Tendo: 'Now!'

Tendo merged with the building once again and moved incredibly quickly towards Hiruzen's location. When he finally got there, Tendo positioned himself right under Hiruzen's body and subtly grabbed onto his clothing. He then pushed his hand even further and eventually merged it with Hiruzen's body. Tendo knew that he had it and pulled the body into the building, moving through it with incredible speed and stealth.

Anbu: "What?! The Hokage's body has disappeared! Men, search all around the village! Sensory Ninja, keep your attention focused on the entire village and report any abnormalities to us! The third's body has multiple secrets about the leaf in it! We cannot let anyone take it!"

Tendo heard them as he finally got out of the building and merged himself with the earth, traveling through it even faster than before. He knew he had to leave the Land of Fire before the day was out as patrols would be ramped up significantly in search for the missing body. Tendo knew that they couldn't spare too much manpower though as the leaf had just suffered a devastating attack.

Tendo emerged from the ground with Hiruzen's body in his hands. He found himself in an abandoned building somewhere on the outskirts of the Land of Fire. Judging from his current knowledge, he should be very close to the land of rivers. He then sat down on the floor with a smile on his face, reveling in the fact that he had escaped such a grueling situation. Tendo took his headband from his shoulder and froze it, shattering it with his bȧrė hands. This was the beginning of his life as a missing-nin.

Tendo: 'Finally. I managed to accomplish everything and leave the village unnoticed by anyone. They will surely find out it was me as Hiashi was connected to me and some of them know of my ability to absorb the life from someone's body. Combined with my sudden disappearance, it wouldn't take too long before they send jounins after me. Enough of that though, time to absorb Hiruzen.'


Next up: It was the Land Of Snow Arc, but not anymore.. Tendo has some things to do first before he goes there.

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