
Chapter 46 - Demonic Resurrection.

A/N: It was the Land Of Snow Arc, but not anymore. Tendo has some things to do first before he goes there.


Tendo got up, grabbed Hiruzen's body, and held it by its neck. Blue mist started to come out of his body as he slowly felt Hiruzen starting to fuse with him.

'Wraith Execution.'

Hiruzen's body got pulled into Tendo's and not too long after, Tendo felt all of Hiruzen's memories flooding his body. It was too bad that he couldn't get his soul, but that didn't matter at this point, as he had gotten what he needed. Tendo basically had a map of most of the ninja world in his mind from all of the memories he absorbed throughout his life. He could go anywhere he wanted to explore.


[Five basic natures empowered. Yin and Yang Release empowered.]

Tendo: 'At this point, the raw power of all of my chakra natures should be about Kage level. But, this is not enough. There are still things that I need to accomplish. Alright, time to plan my next moves. First, I should probably go through Demonic Resurrection. Some sound and sand ninjas are surely around trying to escape so if I disguise myself as a leaf ninja then appear in front of them, they should try to kill me. As long as they do that after I eat the cinnabar, the technique should work. System, how much for the Cinnabar and the Demonic Techniques?' {A/N: Cinnabar is a type of 'dan.'}

[400 points host.]

Tendo: 'Alright, buy it.'

A circular pill appeared in Tendo's hands and he swallowed it right away. He could feel his chakra being...changed by something inside of him and he knew that could only be the process starting itself. Tendo then activated his byakugan and tried sensing around for the sand or sound shinobi that would be the final step in this process. A few seconds later, Tendo sensed a squad of what looked like to be sound ninja traveling out of the Land of Fire.


Tendo sealed his sword away and then used transformation jutsu to turn himself into a random leaf chunin. He had short brown hair, was average looking, his eyes were filled with nothing but the hopes and dreams of becoming Jounin one day. He looked like a perfect aspiring young Chunin of the leaf. The kind that gets killed easily.

Tendo then masked most of his chakra so that they wouldn't be able to sense him coming. He flickered away, moving towards the squad with blinding speed but as soon as he got much closer to them, he slowed down considerably. A moment later, he arrived on a tree and the entire squad stopped was stopped in their tracks.

Tendo: "Stop right there! You shall pay for what you did to the leaf!"

Sound-nin: "Tch! Get out of our way before you die weakling!"

Tendo: "No! I shall live and die to protect the honor of the leaf village! You cannot leave!" {Jesus Christ, talk about cringe lmao.}

Sound-nin: "Alright, you asked for it, surround him, and kill him!"

They were about seven ninjas there. All of them were Chunin level and above. 'Tendo' knew he made the right choice confronting these guys as they would kill him faster than he could move. Tendo then drew his kunai and threw it toward the first Shinobi, only for it to be caught midair by exact same Shinobi. The man then flickered behind Tendo and as he was going to turn around to counter the man, he felt his eyes darken as his throat was already slit.

Tendo kept clawing at his throat as blood was flowing out of it like a river. The man stuck the kunai in his head and kicked him off of the tree as he flickered away immediately after. As Tendo, hit the ground, the transformation was undone and his original body was revealed. The men had already left so he wasn't worried about getting caught right now.

Kurama: 'Boy! Wake up! Use our chakra to heal yourself! If you die, we die too! Tch! What was this boys plan?!'

Shukaku: 'Oi Tendo, wake up! You can't die before I kill everyone you know! If you still want to die, at least let me out first!'

Tendo: 'The two of you, be quiet. Watch closely.'

Power started to swell up in Tendo's body as his chakra went under a drastic transformation. His hair started floating into the air as a black outline formed around his body. Veins started appearing all over his body, all of them flowing with an abundant amount of Chakra. The ground started cracking around him as he started getting up again.

As he stood up, black mist was emanating from his body. The power he felt flowing within him compared to just a few moments before was like night and day.

Tendo: 'Kurama, Shukaku, this is what I wanted. You feel it too don't you?'

Kurama: 'This chakra is just pure evil! Heh, as expected of one that hosts the mighty Kurama. But to go to such lengths to achieve're a madman, Tendo.'

Shukaku: 'Hahaha! I'm not going to die! Tendo, I like the new you better already!'


[Demonic Resurrection Complete.]

[All physical abilities enhanced drastically. Your Chakra has now become Demonic Chakra. The Demonic Techniques can now be used.]

[All souls, flesh, and blood have been ȧssimilated, host can use Wraith Execution once again.]

Tendo smiled in appreciation for his newly acquired power. All of his wounds were already healed so he was back to at full power. The first thing he did was to activate his byakugan. He found the squad that just 'killed' him immediately and activated his wraith execution. Flickering away with immense speed, Tendo found and arrived in front of the men a few seconds after he left the spot.

Sound-nin: "Who are- AGHHHHHH!!"

Tendo flew through the man's body, taking his entire being in the process. The other members of the squad tried to get away but unfortunately, their souls already in Tendo's sights. As Tendo absorbed the last man, he noticed the rate at which he ȧssimilated them was increased exponentially. His body didn't have that feeling of discomfort that he felt before.


[105 points gained.]

[Host's soul and body strengthened. All excess chakra has been turned into spiritual energy. As the host's body mȧturės, it will fuse with your spiritual energy and increase your chakra reserves because it is currently at the max capacity for your body.]

Tendo: 'Alright, that works. My next plan is to head to the Land Of Rivers, maybe even take a rest at one of the villages there. I'll find that Ranmaru child and take his Dojutsu. It'll be the perfect companion to the Byakugan. After that, the Land Of Demons is my next stop. I'll need as many souls as possible so that my soul can withstand Moryo's power.'

Tendo flickered away from the spot, going towards the Land Of Rivers with full speed. This was the finally the beginning of his own journey, there would be things that he couldn't predict as he could while in the Leaf Village. Although he doesn't feel this emotion much, he would be lying if he said he didn't feel excited about the future.


Demonic Resurrection:

Demonic Techniques:

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