
Chapter 50 - Phantasmal Soul.

Tendo then picked up Raiga's body and threw it across his shoulder.

Tendo: "Good. You can show me to your house now, I need to rest. Pick up those two swords behind me when you're coming."

Hiro: "Alright, Mister Yama! By the way, what are you going to do with Raiga?"

Tendo: "I'll take care of him, it's nothing for you to worry about."

Hiro: "But Mister Yama...sigh. I guess it isn't any of my business. I apologize, Mister Yama! Right, let me take you to our house! Follow me!"

Hiro led Tendo through the town and as they went, people were all thanking him in different ways for defeating Raiga. Those who weren't bowing down in gratitude were screaming and crying profusely. It was a blessing to the hem that their troubles were now over. As Tendo was finally now out the crowd around him, he passed an old man and a little girl that were both standing in a corner of the planet.

Little girl: "Grandpa? Is this man evil too? The last time that other man freed us from the government, he started to turn us into slaves. What will happen with this one?"

Old man: "Hehe, little one, I shall use my powers to check his destiny. You can count on this old man!"

The old man twirled his walking stick in a stylish fashion and then with one powerful thrust, he hit the ground with it. His eyes shone brightly as he stared at Tendo who was still walking away with Hiro. The old man then looked to be contemplating something for a few seconds and soon after turned around to the little girl with a smile on his face.

Old man: "Little one, this man wouldn't harm a fly! His destiny is littered with good luck and karma! He will be a hero to this village and the shinobi world! Countries all over the world shall know his name!"

Little girl: "But grandpa, isn't this the same thing you said about Raiga?"

Old man: "Hehe, no, my powers weren't working that time. But I'm 100% sure this time!"

Little girl: "...Okay, grandpa. I hope you're right."

Old man: "Of course I am! But somethings not right, even though that boy has his back turned to me, I feel like he's looking straight into my eyes. Hmmm.."

The old man decided it was nothing and continued talking with his granddaughter, believing his own theory about Tendo to be correct. The latter had heard everything he had said and couldn't help but chuckle to himself. Ranmaru's dojutsu did enhance his hearing drastically so that's how he was able to understand everything the man said from such a distance. Hiro heard him chuckle and looked at him in a questioning manner as he had never seen him crack a smile since they met.

Hiro: "Mister Yama, what are you..."

Tendo: "Relax. It's nothing. How close are we to your home?"

Hiro: "Hmmm..alright Mister Yama! It's the place coming up on the left!"

The house Hiro mentioned was a reasonably large one. It was a wooden two-story high building, with the bottom floor looking like it was for business and the top being the actual living area.

Hiro: "This is my family's business, Mister Yama. The Araki Restaurant and Inn! Come in, let me introduce you to the rest of my family."

Tendo followed Hiro inside the place and when he saw inside he couldn't help but be slightly impressed with how good the place looked. It had several small round tables all surrounded with chairs and a few guests inside. The place was well lit and the wood it built with had an expensive look to it. Tendo always appreciated good architecture so he already liked the place. Hiro walked them up to the counter and a middle-aged woman that had the same brown hair as Hiro was standing there with a worried look on her face.

???: "Hiro! Are you alright? Why are you home so early?! What was that commotion with the lightning at Raiga's mansion?! Who's swords are those that you're carrying? I hope you behaved yourself at the mines so that they wouldn't hit you! And who that Raiga?!"

Hiro: "Haha mom, I'm okay, you can stop the questions! I'm home early because we've finally been freed, mom! The lightning noise was the fight between Mister Yama here and Raiga! The tyrant has finally been defeated! The proof is right here!"

Ms.Araki: " Is this true, Mister..erm..Yama?!"

Tendo: "It is true."

Hiro: "See mom I to-"

Ms.Araki: "Hiro! Be quiet! The last time we were freed, Raiga and his goons took over and turned us into slaves! Since he's as stronger than him, what's stopping him from doing the same?! Why did you come here and what do you want with us?!"

Tendo: "Sigh, I came here because I was passing by and didn't like the state the people were in. So I decided to do something about it. But, if you want me to leave I ca-"

Hiro: "Mom!"

Ms.Araki: "Alright, Hiro! I get it. Mister Yama, I apologize for what I said a few moments ago. But you understand where my worries come from right?"

Tendo: "Of course, it makes sense for you to be worried. But all I'm here for is some rest and then I will leave."

Ms.Araki: "...You wouldn't take advantage of the villagers, right?"

Tendo: "No, I won't need to do something so....heinous."

Ms. Araki: "Sigh, alright Mister Yama, I'll trust you for now. Thank you for freeing us. You can call me Hanako. Hiro! Go take him up to the best room that we have! And by the way, Mister Ya-"

Tendo: "Just call me Yama."

Hanako: "Ahh right. Yama, is Raiga dead? And if so.....what are you doing with his dead body?"

Tendo: "He's not dead. He has some questions to answer before I put him out of his misery."

Hanako: Oh, I see Yama. Well, when you do so please don't dirty my room. It's hard work to clean it. Hiro! When you're done come down and help your sister cook for our guests!"

Tendo nodded and Hiro took him upstairs, leading him towards a room at the end of the hall. As they got there, Hiro stopped in front of the room and put the swords down close to the door.

Hiro: "Mister Yama, please forgive me but we're prohibited from entering the room of our guests!"

Tendo: "It doesn't matter. You can leave, I'm getting tired."

Hiro: "Alright, Mister Yama. I will leave you to it! Thank you for saving us!"

The young man then left and went down the stairs to the rest of his family. Tendo opened the door and threw Raiga's body inside then collected his swords to bring it inside too. As soon as Tendo locked the door behind him, he blocked off Raiga's chakra points with his gentle fist and laid down on the bed. His eyes were still in pain and his body felt extremely exhausted for some reason.

Tendo: 'Even after my Demonic Ressurection, I still have problems with my body. Tch! It could be bad but it could also be good. I don't know what changes my body is going through as it looks normal when I inspect it. Sigh. I also have less than a month before I have to go find Kimimaro so I need to plan out my movements once again. Its too bad everything can't go as planned but, it doesn't matter. Alright, first whenever my eyes heal, it shouldn't take more than a day, I'll start training again. The plan after that is to go to the Land Of Demons to take Moryo and then I'll take Kimimaro. After that, then I think I'll go to Ryuchi Cave and begin my journey to sage mode.'

After Tendo finished planning his next moves, he turned his attention to Raiga.

Tendo: "Alright, I'll try the technique that I wanted to on him. Let's see if it works just as I think it will."

Tendo got up from the bed and walked towards Raiga, gripping his face tightly. Black Chakra then started swirling around his hands and suddenly the mans' face began distorting itself violently.

'Great Phantasmal Soul Technique, the 17th Move: Phantasmal Demonic Bone Reaver.'

Raiga woke up immediately and started screaming from the pain but unfortunately, his screams were cut out immediately. Not long after, Raiga's face stopped distorting itself. It wasn't even the same person anymore. 'Raiga' now looked exactly liked transformed Tendo. Even his height had changed to match Tendo's own. But, Tendo wasn't done yet.

'Phantasmal Demonic Form.'

Tendo then started pouring absurd amounts of chakra into the body of his fake to empower it. He had another set of missions for the fake to do in the country as he wasn't planning of coming back to the Land Of Rivers anytime soon.

Tendo: 'Hm, what techniques do I want him to use. I'll allow him to use all of the staff techniques I have. That should work. He will be Kage Level at least so that he could do everything that's needed comfortably. Alright, it's done.'

Tendo poured out most of his chakra into the fake as he wanted it to be extremely powerful. After he was done, Tendo fell back onto the bed, feeling even more exhausted than before but he was proud of his creation. The fake would remain unresponsive until Tendo ordered it to move so he took the time to finally get some rest. He would continue his plans the next day.


Demonic Bone Reaver: The user extends their arm towards their target while ki swirls around them before thrusting their hand forward, causing the victim's skull to violently distort, changing the facial features to whatever they dėsɨrė. When the technique is finished, the head disturbingly bursts and the corpse undergoes rapid decomposition, a distinguishing feature of Demonic Techniques. However, it appears that the victim's head does not burst when the Phantasmal Demonic Bone Reaver technique is used with the Phantasmal Demonic Form.

Phantasmal Demonic Form: This technique allows the user to take control of a corpse to do their bidding and manipulate it from a distance. When used along side the Phantasmal Demonic Bone Reaver technique, the user can reform the body in their own image and essentially make a clone of themselves.. The strength of this technique is dependent on the amount of inner ki poured into the demonic form and the clone is able to use whatever martial arts technique the user dėsɨrės.

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