
Chapter 51 - The Search.

The next morning, Tendo woke up feeling much better than the day before. His eyes weren't feeling as painful anymore but his body still had a slight discomfort to it. He then got up off the bed and stretched his limbs in preparation for his plans today. Looking back at the fake that was sitting in the corner, Tendo smiled at it in anticipation of his idea for its use as he put on some clothing from his sealing scroll to head downstairs.

As he went down, he expected to see Hanako at the counter but instead, he saw an attractive young woman with long brown hair that looked to be in her teenage years standing there.

Tendo: 'This must be the younger sister of the family. So this is the person that Hanako mentioned yesterday...'

When Tendo arrived in front of the counter, the girl looked up at him with a bright smile on her face, and her gaze locked on to his eyes, looking like she was trying to find out something about him.

???: "Ahh a guest! Good morning sir, how can I help you this morning?"

Tendo: "Some breakfast would be fine. Anything works, as long as it's good."

???: "Hehe, an adventurous guest huh? Okay, I will surprise you. I couldn't help but notice you came from upstairs so that must mean you're a guest right? Would you like me to put the payment on your tab?"

Tendo: "Sure, I don't mind."

???: "Great! What's your name?"

Tendo: "Yama."

???: "....Y-yama...Mister Yama?! The one who freed the village?! I thought you were older..ahh please forgive me for saying that. It's just that everyone is calling you Mister and you're so young! Hehe, I never would've known. Thank you for saving the village!"

Tendo: "It's no problem, those were my true intentions, after all."

???: "No need to be so modest! My mother didn't put on the list so you don't have to pay for anything as long as you're here! The villagers might even throw a big feast tonight in celebration of your actions! By the way, you can call me Himari. You can wait at a table of your choice for breakfast. Thank you again, Mister Yama!"

The girl then ran off into a door behind her, seemingly leading to the kitchen. Tendo chose a seat in the corner of the restaurant with his back facing the wall so that he could have his eyes on the entire restaurant at all times. He didn't know what kind of technique someone could use to sneak up on him even with all of his counters against it so he didn't drop his guard for a second.

Tendo: 'Given that I stole the body of the third Hokage and killed Hiashi Hyuga, by now I should have a bounty on my head. I doubt they would mention the fact that I stole his body as that cause people to fight me for ownership of his body instead. Losing it to another village would be catastrophic for the leaf. So their best bet would be to send someone or an elite squad after me. Their only available options would be Jiraiya, Anko, Kakashi, and maybe even Tsunade. Especially with the volatility of the mission. An educated guess would be Jiraiya though, as he was one of the closest ones to Hiruzen and he was not too far away from the village at the time. Fighting him will be quite the experience.'

As Tendo came out of his inner monologue, Himari came to the table he was sitting at with a tray filled with different foods. Namely, rice balls and a few bowls of ramen.

Himari: "Here is your breakfast, Mister Yama!"

Tendo nodded in thanks and began to eat as he hadn't had anything to eat for a few days. Himari smiled as she watched him eat for a bit then walked off to the other customers, whispering something in their ears. Every time she did that, they would turn to look at Tendo with smiles or tears on their faces. Most of them came up to even thank him with gifts or gold when they found out who he was.

Tendo just nodded in thanks when they came to him and continued eating his food. When he was done, he got up and went straight back to his room, carrying everything he got with him. As he got back into the room, he threw everything on the bed and activated his fake. 'Yama' got up from his slumber and looked intently at Tendo, waiting for his orders.

Tendo: "Indeed, you do look like 'me'. It's impressive, really. But, enough of that, here's what I want you to do. Your main goal will be to take over the entire Land of Rivers. You will start from this village, judging from their reactions to me, it wouldn't be too long before they look for a leader and you will be the one they choose, despite your age. After that, you put on a convincing act that's enough to fool the villagers by treating them extremely well, so much so that they will follow you blindly. After that, your next target will be Takumi Village. The place that makes weapons. Its leader is a joke and they keep getting attacked by other larger villages if a war is about to happen in fear of them making weapons for rival villages. Use that to your advantage and offer them a sense of security and respect that other places weren't providing, so much so that they also will follow you blindly. Do you understand everything so far?"

Yama: "Understood."

Tendo: "Good. Your next target is the Daimyo. Take over multiple smaller villages, amass your power and by that time you will already have been noticed by the higher powers. This will be simple. Kill him, use the Demonic Bone Reaver, and the Phantasmal Demonic Form to take control of his body. I will impart the technique upon you before I leave. From there, the nation will be practically yours. The only opposition will be Tanigakure. Since you're treating your people well in the villages you already have, spreading the news to people in that village will be easy. Spread your influence through it and with enough pressure from the Daimyo, the current Kage will be expelled and you will be able to take his place. The Daimyo will then officially name you, the Kage, the leader of the nation instead and he will become your advisor. The Akatsuki will notice you and maybe try to recruit you but you will deny them for now. I will talk to them at a later time. The Senju Clan will also be established here. Understood?"

Yama: "Yes, master."

Tendo: "Good. I'll impart the technique to you and then leave. I'll be back here in about..3 years and I'll be watching your progress. You might even be named one of the Great Nations by the time you're done."

Tendo then put his hand on Yama's head and imparted the two Demonic Techniques. He left a few spears so that Yama can use them and after that, he got another cloak from his sealing scrolls in preparation to take his leave.

Tendo: "No failure will be accepted, understood?"

Yama: "Yes, master."

Tendo then merged with the wall and got out of the building, flickering up the walls of the valley. When he arrived at the top, he undid his transformation and began staring at the ground as if he was searching for something.

Tendo: 'These eyes are much better than the Byakugan I had before. I got rid of that one weakness and now I have complete 360° vision and my ability to see far distances is always active. Whatever Ranmaru's dojutsu was called, it complements and improves upon the abilities of the byakugan significantly. Now, my penetrating vision should be enough to spot White Zetsu's in the ground. As I go to the Land Of Demons, searching for them.'

Tendo then flickered away towards the Land Of Demons, with his eyes on the ground and his senses pushed to the max.. He knew Zetsu's would be all over this country, especially since it's the place the base of the Akatsuki was located.

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