
Chapter 55 - She Is No More.(1)

Black Mist started coming out of Tendo's body as he looked calmly at Shion's fearful face. He was planning to enslave her soul and use it to power one of the planned commanders of the Ghost Army. It would be better than just leaving her soul to do nothing or just letting her live. As he was going to dash through her to absorb her, Moryo quickly called out to him:

'Wait, Tendo!'

Tendo stopped in confusion and began talking to Moryo to see why he stopped him.

Tendo: 'Moryo? What's the problem?'

Moryo: 'Tendo, I just remembered a critical point about the power of these priestesses. Firstly, remember you also took the power of her mother so you should know how rich and pure that type of chakra is. Now, imagine all of that turning evil. It is said that if a priestess falls to darkness, their power will rise to unmatched heights. She could be our enforcer when we're not around, Tendo.'

Tendo: 'Hm..interesting. I don't know if I need someone like that right now, but it wouldn't hurt to have an extra ally. Now, all we need to do is corrupt her mind. Moryo, start playing with her thoughts, specifically start manifesting the thought that her mother always hated her and she was never allowed to practice ninjutsu not because her mother would protect her with her power, but instead because her mother thought she was an embarrassment. I will do the rest.'

Moryo started doing exactly what Tendo said by extending some of his dark power to Shion's body. He had done it in a stealthy manner to avoid having Shion activate her troublesome barrier again.

Tendo: 'System, purchase the illusion arts.'


[Illusion arts purchased. 200 points removed.]

Tendo felt the information flowing into his mind and everything he needed to know about the applications for the technique was included. These arts gave one the power to cast sensory illusions, ranging from simple ocular illusions (such as changing one's appearance) to overwhelming somatosensory ones (such as making someone believe they have lost a limb). Illusionists try to unsettle their opponents in various ways; the moment their opponent becomes rattled and lets their emotions get the better of them, the illusionist has already won. People who are single-mindedly driven easily succumb to even basic illusion techniques. All the illusion caster needed to do was cast his gaze into the eyes of the target and the illusion would be cast.

Unfortunately for Shion, she was still staring at Tendo, stricken in fear. Moryo had already started messing with her thoughts, causing the tears from her eyes to flow even more. Tendo just looked into her eyes and by using his mutated Byakugan to bolster the illusion, he finally cast it upon her. {A/N: We need to find a name for his new Dojutsu fellas. Some recommendations would be nice. Thanks!}

[Shion's Perspective.]

Tendo and company had started leaving the Shrine, the Zetsu that captured had let her go, she was left alive, everything seemed to be going well. This was not how she thought things would play out, especially when the young boy in front of her threatened to kill her many times. She held the bell her mother gave her tightly, crying and wishing that someone was here to comfort her. That's when, like a memory that had just been unlocked, the thought of her mother hating her came to pass. She quickly tried to dispel the thought but they came flowing in like a river, flooding her mind with negative emotions.

'No, no. She loved me! That's why she gave me this bell. To protect me!'

That's when the bell started shining brightly, illuminating the area around Shion, causing her to cover her eyes. The light then started to dim and when Shion saw the figure who appeared, happiness started to overcome her as she ran towards her mother, Miroku.

Shion: "M-mother! You're back...I knew you would be here to protect me!"


Shion fell down to the ground in indignation and confusion as her mother had never slapped her before now.

Miroku: "Shion, as my daughter I expected you to be able to keep Moryo sealed. Even with the power I gave you, you failed. Even now that you failed, you still think that I'll keep up this charade of loving you?"

As Miroku talked, she walked slowly towards Shion, who's mind was in disarray right now. Was this woman still the loving mother she knew?


Shion: "M-mother?"

Miroku: "Failure, don't you dare call me your mother. You couldn't even kill the man that came in here to take Moryo right in front of your face. Years and years of hard work as a priestess, ruined! All because of your pathetic will. I should've raised you as better. Now, because I gave you, a failure, my power, I can't even re-seal Moryo myself. You have failed the entire line of priestesses. If only I could take my-"

Shion: "Shut up! My mother would never say-"


Miroku: "Failures shouldn't talk. I wonder why that boy left you alive? So you can wallow in self-pity? If your temperament was more like his, Moryo would still be sealed. Tch! Shion, I'm disappointed in you. You're a mistake that needs to be corrected else you sully the priestess title even more. Die."

Miroku clasped her hands together and started pulling them apart slowly, causing a highly concentrated ball of chakra to be revealed.

Shion: " sorry I failed you! It's just...*sob*....i've never...killed anyone before*sob*...could I do it now?"

Miroku: "Exactly what I expected from such a weak-willed girl."

A compressed beam of light shot out from the ball with blinding speed, hitting the place where Shion was at, causing a large explosion in its wake. The place was covered with smoke but Miroku could sense someone in there with Shion. The presence was covered in darkness and it reminded her of a certain demon.

Miroku: "Oh? Little boy, you came back? Why're you protecting this failure? Ha, it must be because she gave you what you want?"

With a wave of his hand, Tendo swiped away the smoke that was covering the area. The laser had shot him but it couldn't do anything to him, not even penetrate his clothing. Tendo, being the unsung hero that he was, held his hand out towards Shion and helped her up.

Shion: "W-why...did you..?"

Tendo: "I'm going to be honest with you. You failed, magnificently. But you didn't run away even when facing death. So I think you have potential. I can bring out that potential, that's only if you join me. You only have to complete one task for me though."

Shion: " think...I have...potential? But my mother...said I'm a failure."

Miroku: "That you are."

Tendo: "Your mother is a relic of the past that blames her own weakness on you. Show her your strength. I will defend you."

Miroku: "Little boy, you're quite the talker aren't you?"

Shion started to feel slightly better about her chances when Tendo encouraged her. Maybe she did have potential and what happened before was just a mistake. When she looked at Tendo, she still couldn't believe that they were the same age as he was so different from her. She wondered what life would be like if she was like him.

Shion: "A-alright, you want me to do?"

"Simple.. I want you to kill your mother."

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