
Chapter 56 - She is no more.(2)

Shion: "E-eh? Kill her?"

Tendo: "Did I stutter?"

Shion didn't know what to do at that point. Yes, her mother wanted to kill her but doing the same in return wasn't something she considered. She looked at Tendo once again to see if he was joking but his face was still stoic after making such a heavy request.

Shion: "B-but...she's mo-"

Tendo manipulated the illusion immediately to have Miroku shoot another laser at Shion mid-sentence. Once again, Tendo defended her from the attack, causing her head that was almost filled with negative thoughts become even worse. The only positive thoughts she was having were about Tendo's selflessness because he saved her twice. Every good memory of her mother was becoming distorted at an alarming rate.

Tendo on the other hand was patient with his schemes but he wasn't about to have Shion going in circles with her answers. If he had to force it a bit more, it would be no problem for him. As Tendo was waiting for Shion to do something, she finally cracked and fell on the ground, holding her head in tears.

Shion: "M-my...mother...was...good? N-no...she...hated..No!"

Tendo: 'Good, good. Her mind is finally breaking. Now, time for the final touches and a slight change in tactics.'

Tendo manipulated the illusion once more, causing Miroku to try killing Shion by shooting her laser again and again. Tendo kept protecting her but this time, he added a slight spin on it. Every time he got hit, in Shion's eyes, it looked like he was getting weaker to add more urgency to the girl's decision.

He then fell to the ground and clutched his ċhėst to look like he was in pain. Tendo then tried hiding it when Shion saw him so that it looked like he wasn't trying to worry her, giving her the impression that he was actually putting his life on the line for her. He then stood up strong once again to face the extreme danger of the lasers and turned around with his back facing them so Shion could see his pained expression.

Tendo: "Shion, only you can prove to your mother that you're strong and not weak. As she is distracted, I want you to finish her. You may have failed earlier, but you're not a failure. I believe in you, Shion."

Shion: ""

'I believe in you.' Everything seemed to become clear when Shion heard those words. Her mind space that was surging with numerous emotions suddenly calmed down and she looked at her mother with an evil expression that Tendo would never have expected from a girl of her nature. Moryo reported back to Tendo's consciousness with a wide grin on his draconic visage.

Tendo: 'Results?'

Moryo: 'The little girl you met before, she is no more. A new priestess is born today. One that is going to be bathed in darkness.'

As soon as Moryo finished talking, Tendo saw Shion get up from the ground with her hands clasped together. She walked towards Tendo and stood next to him, her barrier then activated, covering both of them from Miroku's barrage. The girl then looked at him with a bright smile on her face as she said:

"I'm sorry for taking so long and putting you through this. Also, thank you for being here for me, if not, I would've been dead already. Please, you can take a rest now."

Tendo: "It's no problem, just finish her quickly, I think we've both grown tired of her words."

Miroku: "Hm? It seems that boys' words gave you some courage. Good, you'll die faster this way."

Shion's smile faded immediately as her eyes began turning into a much darker shade of purple and her blonde hair turned into a deep shade of red, resembling blood.

Moryo: 'Watch closely, Tendo. A physical transformation happens when their kind falls to darkness. It also signifies a large change in how they think so expect her to be much more willing to kill after this is over.'

Tendo: 'Oh? How do you know of this? I thought you said that dark priestesses were just a rumor to you?'

Moryo: 'I was just in her mind so I was able to go through her memories freely. Her mother taught her this when she was younger.'

Shion opened her palms and a large ball of compressed light appeared, one much larger, darker than her mothers'. It started absorbing the lasers that Miroku was firing instantly and ȧssimilated the energy into itself. Tendo was slightly impressed as that kind of power wasn't something that could be had naturally.

Miroku: "It looks like you're not that bad. But-"

Shion: ", that's enough. Thank you for bringing me into this world and not killing me when I was younger."

Miroku started adding elements to her attack in hope of breaking Shion's barrier but it was hopeless. Her face started to contort in disbelief and anger as she added more power into it, almost tiring herself out.

Miroku: "S-so what? Are you going to spare me and walk away because you have someone else to leech on?" [A/N, @The boys in the discord server: No, she's not gonna leech off of Tendo lmao.]

Shion: "No, nothing like that. I just thought that I would do you a similar favor by taking you out of this world."

Miroku: "Wha-"

Shion removed one of her hands and held the giant purple chakra ball in the other. She quickly shot it towards Miroku and it encased her inside of the ball, locking her movements down completely as she screamed in pain. A small tear slowly ran down Shion's cheek as she held her hand in a gripping position, compressing the ball even more and crushing Miroku's body inside of it.

Shion: "Goodbye."

And with that, she closed her hands, causing the ball to explode and Miroku's body to disappear in a rain of blood. As soon as she did that, Shion fell down to the ground, falling unconscious immediately. Tendo sent a Zetsu to pick her up and hold her on its shoulders until he got to the place Yomi was staying at. Yomi and his group were surprised at who the new member was as they didn't know about Tendo's plan, but that only made them revere him more. As the group started leaving the shrine, Moryo said with a slight laugh:

'Tendo, what do you think of her? Was her power worth that embarrassing act you had to put on? Could you survive that attack?'

Tendo: 'She has potential but I need to see more. We will know if her power will be actually worth it in the long run but I know that the last question was a joke. She would be dead before she could even start it.'

Moryo: 'I see. As expected from a demon like myself. Now, what's your next move?'

Tendo: 'Ryuchi Cave.'

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