
Chapter 57 - Ryuchi Cave.

On the way to Yomi's hideout, Shion had woken up and she began talking to Tendo in hopes of getting to know the young boy who saved her.

Shion: "U-um thank you again for saving me. What is your name?"

Tendo: "Tendo."

Shion: "T-tendo...tendo...tendo...tendo. I must remember! And what did you do with Moryo? Why aren't you possessed?"

Tendo: "Because we're both demons."

Shion was shocked at Tendo's response but for some reason, she wasn't scared. She had noticed the changes that had taken place on her body but she wasn't aware of the changes happening within her mind currently. Moryo's influence was still there, but she wasn't fighting it like she was before. She had accepted it so every thought felt like hers but in truth, it was Moryo's influence instead.

Shion: "You're a demon, but you look so...normal. I used to be scared of demons but since I killed my mot- I mean, Miroku, I feel like I've changed. The only things that look off about you are your eyes."

Tendo: "Hm, you did change, for the better. I promised to bring out your potential, didn't I? First, you'll have to train your body as it's too weak to handle any sort of training. When we get to Yomi's hideout, you're going to have some rest until tomorrow and then Yomi and his gang will begin your training. You will learn everything from them, including Dark Medical Ninjutsu. When you're done in about a year, then you will be able to be trained by me. There is no room for failure. Understood?"

Shion: "S-so much to do...but I'll tr-"

Tendo: "Understood?"

Shion: "Y-yes!"

Tendo nodded his head and they continued walking towards the hideout while Tendo went to tell Yomi about his plan for Shion. In about an hour, they finally got to a deep cave located inside of a mountain. As they arrived at the entrance, Yomi and his gang turned around to face Tendo, doing a slight bow as Yomi smiled at him.

Yomi: "Welcome to our hideout, Lord Tendo. We will prepare the best room for you. Shion will also have her own room. Please, step inside."

Tendo: "I'm not going inside right now, Yomi. I have some things I need to do. Remember I told you what to do with Shion. Train her well, teach her everything you know. If she fails, I will hold all of you accountable."

Yomi: "Understood sir."

Tendo turned around to Shion who suddenly looked confused and slightly sad. Tendo sent two Zetsu's towards her and they latched themselves onto her body, hiding in her clothing.

Tendo: "I'm not going to be here for a while, so if you need to contact me, use them to do so."

Shion: "Y-you're leaving already? We just got here....aren't you tired?"

Tendo: "I still have things to do. Maybe if you manage to impress me when I return, you'll be able to follow me next time."

Shion: "But-"

Tendo didn't even let her finish as he flickered away, looking for an empty spot in the forest. Ryuchi cave was his next destination, but going there on foot would be a waste of time. He decided to reverse summon himself to the cave by summoning a snake to take him there. A while later, he finally found a spot big enough that can fit a giant snake and bit his finger, activating the jutsu soon after.


A large cloud of smoke appeared as a giant white snake came out of it. It looked at Tendo and stayed still, waiting for his orders. Tendo jumped inside of its mouth and ordered it to take him back to Ryuchi cave. Immediately after, Tendo felt himself disappear from the spot and appear somewhere else. The snake opened its mouth and Tendo walked out, finding himself in front of a peculiar looking cave with multiple entrances.

Tendo: "Ryuchi Cave. Finally."

Tendo walked up to her and took a good look at her, recognizing who she was instantly. She had fair skin and dark hair that was tied into three buns, with one on the front of her head and two on the back. She wore a long, loose-fitting white robe that had green trimmings around the sleeves and neck area, with the neck area also having a green tomoe. On her head was a golden tiara that had green ribbons hanging from either end. She was beautiful, but Tendo knew that she was just a snake in human form.

Tendo: "Tagorihime."

Tagorihime: "Oh, you know my name human? I'm interested, how did you know?"

Tendo: "Don't worry about it. I came here to meet the White Snake Sage so I ȧssume you're here to give me my first trial. Let's get to it."

Tagorihime: "Hehe a feisty one eh? As you wish, let's begin the first trial.. I sincerely hope you don't fail~."

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