
Chapter 58 - The Trials.

The scenery around Tendo suddenly changed and he found himself in an empty room surrounded by multiple pits. Each of the pits had a high amount of chakra flowing through them like a well. Tendo was tempted to see what was causing such a phenomenon but he knew that this was a test so he waited for Tagorihime to tell him what the rules of the test were.

Tagorihime: "Hehe, what can I call you?"

Tendo: "Call me Tendo Senju."

Tagorihime: "Tendo Senju ehh? Alright, here are the rules for the test. There is an item at the bottom of the pit that you need to retrieve. The chakra coming out of the pits come from that item. That chakra is very powerful so it will hamper your movement greatly but if you can absorb it while going down, that will lessen the burden. Do you understand, Tendo?"

Tendo: "Heh, very well. But I've noticed that you're telling me a lot of information about this trail Tagorihime, it's almost as if you want me to pass."

Tagorihime: "Hehe, maybe. I just like to be as helpful as possible to my trial participants. Well, I hope you use what I say wisely. Begin.~"

After she finished saying that, Tagorihime disappeared into the mist. Tendo already knew that she was lying to him about the entire test. He knew her true nature and goal. She looked and acted like a kind person but in reality, she was extremely deceitful. She was a snake that enjoyed eating her prey when they were full of chakra so that she could take her time and devour it. The whole point of her 'test' was to get Tendo filled with as much chakra as possible so she can devour him when he's weakened from climbing down the pit.

Using his mutated byakugan, Tendo just looked down and saw that there weren't any items down there. The only things he saw were a bunch of large open scrolls that were responsible for the powerful chakra being exuded through the pits. Tendo just chuckled and decided to give her a show. He went to the pit that gave off the most chakra and just threw himself into it, shocking Tagorihime greatly, with the latter almost jumping out of the mist to see if he was still alive, but in the end, decided against it.

Tagorihime: "Hmmm...this one is either suicidal or he's strong enough to withstand the pressure of that chakra. He had an abnormal chakra signature but because of that, I couldn't accurately pinpoint how much chakra he actually had or how powerful it was.

Hnnnnn!~ I can't wait to devour him!"

???: "Hehe, Hime calm down. If you keep saying that he might hear you."

Tagorihime: "Okay, okay I hear you. But, he smells so...delectable. I hope he fails.~"

Tendo was still going down the pit as they were talking. He was expecting the chakra to at least actually push him back a little bit, but it didn't feel like anything more than a light breeze. A few minutes later, Tendo landed in the bottom of the pit with a large explosion, causing a giant crater to form. He walked out of the crater with no visible damage from falling from such a height. Looking around slowly, Tendo didn't take long to find the scroll he was looking for. Analyzing the seal on the scroll, Tendo realized it was incredibly complex in its design.

He wondered if he could replicate it but he knew that he couldn't do it in a place like this and without a scroll. Tendo then just decided to leave the scroll there as he would ask the white snake sage to teach him fuinjutsu at a later time and this seal would definitely be something that he would learn. Looking around a bit more, Tendo just decided to go back up as there was nothing important left there to do.

Tendo just flickered up the walls and through the hole in the ceiling, moving upwards with incredible speed. Red lightning surged through the darkness of the pit with every step that Tendo made. It wasn't long before the top of the pit came into view and Tendo jumped out of it, dusting off his cloak when he landed. Tagorihime quickly came out of the mist with visible confusion on her face as she expected to see Tendo severely weakened with a scroll in his hand. She didn't even expect him to come back in the first place. But she quickly shuffled those thoughts to the back of her mind and put on a face of worry and sadness.

Tagorihime: "Tendo? You didn't find the item? Then im sorry, you've failed the test... I don't know what to say... I had hoped that you would pass but it seems that you failed. It's okay, do-"

Tendo: "Drop the act, snake. Send me to the next trial, your plan to eat me won't work. Even if I was weakened, you would still die if you tried to do it."

Tagorihime was taken aback as she didn't expect Tendo to see through her ruse. She didn't take Tendo's threats seriously as there weren't many ninjas in the world that could threaten her life. Deciding it was time to reveal her true nature, her beautiful human face started contorting into that of a snake.

Tendo, seeing this, didn't even give her the chance to transform as he knew allowing that would only cause him more hassle. Punching her in the gut, Tagorihime spat out a large amount of blood as Tendo grabbed her by the face with his left hand.

'Dark Release: Flames Of De-'

A hand suddenly grabbed Tendo's forearm and two more women appeared out of the darkness, both of them wearing traditional clothing similar to Tagorihime's.

Tendo: "Ichikishimahime and Tagitsuhime."

Ichikishimahime: "Ohhh you know us too?! Hehe, this boy is very well informed! Tendo Senjuuuu. Nice Name! Come, you passed the first test! Leave hime alone!"

Tendo: "Sigh, the annoying type huh? Whatever, let's get this over with."

Tendo dropped Tagorihime to the ground and Ichikishimahime looked at him with a weird look. She looked like she was straining to do something and started sweating profusely when it wasn't working.

Ichikishimahime: "Why?! Why isn't my genjutsu working on you?!"

Tendo: "Oh, this one involves a Genjutsu? You should've said something before. Instead of trying to use visual contact, bite me."

Ichikishimahime: "Damn human! Just because you have funny eyes you can evade my Genjutsu?! Tch! Alright, I'll bite you!"

The girl walked up to Tendo and put her hands around him in a hugging fashion, biting him on the neck. Tendo quickly felt himself falling into an illusion and room after he found himself opening his eyes in a pit filled with an innumerable amount of snakes. He was standing on a short rock in between them and he could feel all their senses locking onto him quickly.

Ichikishimahime's high pitched voice suddenly rang out in the room, causing the snakes to become even more agitated.

Ichikishimahime: "Alright, Tendo! Your second trial is to kill 10,000 snakes! If you tire out before the task is done, I'll eat you! If you get weakened enough for me to kill you, you better believe I'll do it! Alright, begin!"

Tendo was surprised at this one's honesty but other than that, the task she gave him was extremely menial. He slammed his left hand onto the ground and activated his Flames Of Desolation, sending the flames into the army snakes at maximum power. Before the snakes could even try to escape, the flames ate through them like it was burning a dry farm on a hot day, tearing through them like a hot knife through buŧŧer, devouring them faster than a certain fatso devours his chips.

The three women were watching on in fright when they saw the flames tearing through the snakes at such an incredible speed. They had never seen a jutsu like this before, especially one that looked so dark and destructive. Tagorihime shivered in fear when she realized that this was the jutsu Tendo was about to use on her. She thanked her sister inwardly as she had just realized how close to death she actually was.

In no time at all, Tendo completed the trial and cleared the entire pit of snakes, leaving it looking...desolate. He was pulled out of the Genjutsu immediately and Ichikishimahime backed off of him with sweat running down her face.

Ichikishimahime: "Y-you passed, sir! You can take the third trial..."

Tagitsuhime: "S-sir Tendo, my trial is a test of heart, please allow me to bite you so that I can start it."

Tendo: "Go ahead."

The girl walked up to Tendo slowly, and with as much care as possible, bit his neck, putting him into a Genjutsu. He soon found himself in a completely dark and isolated space with a old large door standing a few hundred feet away from him. On the door, one word was written, 'Strength.'

Tendo started walking towards the door as that was the only thing that looked like an exit. When he made his first step, an image of a familiar person appeared in front of him, blocking his path.

Tendo: "Nodama?"

Nodama nodded and smiled as he looked at Tendo, appraising his power. As soon as he was done, his smile became even brighter and he put his hand firmly on Tendo's shoulder, looking the boy in his eyes.

Nodama: "Tendo, your strength has certainly gotten to an extremely impressive level, I'm proud of you. No, not only me, you've made all of us proud, the entire Senju clan. But, you've suffered by yourself for too long, you've done enough. It's time to come home to your clan, your fam-"

Tendo: "I've done enough? Don't make me laugh, get out of my face, fake. Nodama isn't so weak."

With a swipe of his hand, Tendo erased 'Nodama' from the space, returning it to it's the earlier feeling of complete loneliness. Tendo wasn't even fazed by the words the fake spoke and continued walking to his goal. Every few steps that he took, new but familiar figures appeared in front of him to block his path. Ryutama, Anko, Hiruzen, his original father from his world, even his mother who he gave immediate respect to when he saw her. At the sight of her, Tendo could show nothing but remorse in his eyes. All of them told Tendo the same thing, that he had done enough. But he swiped away all of them as in his heart, he knew that he couldn't, no, he wouldn't allow anything to block his path to strength.

When he got into arms reach of the door, a figure who he was surprised hadn't appeared earlier finally came out.

Tendo: "Father..."

Old man: ", haha my boy! I see you've undertaken quite the journey in such an unusual world! You've even taken my name as yours eh? Tell me, how many missions did you complete in this world? Are these 'ninja' as good as they are in the movies? Hehe, did you finally lose your vɨrġɨnɨtƴ?!"

Tendo: "After all this time and this is what you say..haha, you're still as crazy as I remembered you being. I've completed quite a few missions, the ninjas in the movies don't even compare to the ones here and...sigh, no, I didn't lose my vɨrġɨnɨtƴ. I'm 12."

Old man: "They don't even compare?! Haha, that's good to hear! At least I'm hoping they provide you with good entertainment! Since you're not complaining yet, I ȧssume they do! And about your vɨrġɨnɨtƴ, son...don't disappoint me in this life! By the time you join me in the afterlife, I want to hear stories about my grandchildren! At least pass on the Way Of Heaven to one of them before you leave! Understood?!"

Tendo: "Sigh, yes, father."

Old man: "Tendo....would you like to stay here with me?"

Tendo: "Father, don't make me laugh."

Old man: "Good! An expected answer! Do you remember what I taught you? Strength..."

Tendo: "...Is the only thing that matters."

Old man: "As it should be. Now, go back and trample across this world as you see fit! Make this old man proud."

And with that, the old man stepped aside so that Tendo could pass through the door. Tendo took one long look at him and pushed open the door, stepping through it slowly. There was a bright white light and he felt himself being drawn into it gradually. Looking back at the old man, Tendo could see him whisper three words as he waved slowly at him smiling brightly. Tendo smiled and turned away from the old man to face the light, falling into it willingly. His heart never wavered in the face of his past and now it had become even stronger in the face of his future.

Not even a moment later, Tendo opened his eyes and found himself back in front of Tagitsuhime, who looked relieved when he returned. She quickly stepped away from him and cleared her throat, looking at him intently.

Tagitsuhime: "Sir, you've passed the third trial and it's time for us to take you to the White Snake Sage. Are you ready?"

Tendo: "I'm ready. Take me there and don't waste any more time. These trials have kept busy long enough already."

And with that, the four of them took off into the mist, heading to the room of the White Snake Sage.

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