
Chapter 62 - We Must Kill Him! (2)

Tendo was surprised to see the two who were ȧssailing him but he quickly got out of his stupor and released a large amount of chakra out of all of his tenketsu, stopping the two ȧssailants in their tracks. The demonic chakra already started damaging them and Tendo started spinning rapidly, sending the two men away crashing into the sand on the ground. The two men's bodies suddenly both turned into logs and their real bodies appeared from the forest, along with five other chunin level shinobi.

Tendo: "You guys? I didn't expect they would send both of you after me. You even brought reinforcements. I didn't know I was such a high priority target."

Jiraiya: "Cut the crap boy. What did you do with the body of the third?"

Kakashi: "A traitor to the leaf right in our midst huh? There was a small part of me that thought that you would but I thought that Anko treated you too well to do so. Do you rem-"

Jiraiya: "Kakashi. He is too far gone to be forgiven or reasoned with. We do not forgive traitors of this kind. We must kill him. Guy! Are you finished checking up on Lee? We have business to take care of."

Guy was holding the unconscious lee in his hands, slowing rubbing his head. Lee's head was bleeding profusely and he hadn't even healed yet fully from the first skull fracture so Guy knew that such bleeding signified the reopening of the wound. He tightened his grip on Lee and pulled him closer to his ċhėst, hugging him while tears came flowing out of his eyes.

Guy: "L-lee, I'm..sorry. Your sensei wasn't here to protect...this is the second time...the second time I failed you...and it was all because of this boy. But...don't worry Lee, I'm here to protect you now. Your sensei will pay him back in full...for everything he's done to you."

Guy slowly removed Lee from his ċhėst and gently put him down on the ground next to Gaara. He then stood back up and when Tendo saw Guy look at him, he could feel the fury in his eyes trying to penetrate deep into his very being. Guy then flickered towards Jiraiya and Kakashi, standing next to them ready to complete their mission.

Tendo's body was still being changed and for some reason the black marking on his hand from black Zetsu was entering into his pores, intertwining themselves with the bones. He could guess what that was happening but he wasn't sure if the result would be the same. But regardless, fighting off these opponents wouldn't be any matter in this state. Tendo re-summoned his incorporeal spear in his hands and stared at his opponents with a mocking smile on his face, ready for battle.

Jiraiya saw this and he knew that it meant that Tendo was confident in his chances of winning. It's either that or it was a big bluff on his part. Jiraiya wasn't going to take any chances though and told the other two, informing them so that they can be careful. The current level of the opponent was unknown.

Tendo decided to stop stalling and flickered towards Jiraiya who was standing in the middle, sending a powerful thrust towards his head. Jiraiya was surprised at the boy's speed and bȧrėly managed to dodge the thrust as the spear went through his hair, destroying the section it touched. Guy took this chance to send a swift kick towards Tendo's head while Kakashi drew a kunai and immediately swiped at Tendo's feet so that he would be sandwiched in between all of them.

Jiraiya put out his right hand and formed a Rasengan, sending it towards Tendo's ċhėst, hoping to finish him off with this one move. Jiraiya felt uneasy as he still saw the same mocking smile on Tendo's face so he became even more cautious as he didn't know what the boy had in mind. As close as all the attacks were, Tendo nonchalantly flickered away, appearing in front of the group of chunin who were there for extra backup just in case and he pulled back his spear while holding it with both hands. Red lightning started to flow uncontrollably over the spear as Tendo focused in on his opponents.

'Black Lancers Seven Chained Moves, Adamantine Spiraling Spear.'

Jiraiya: "No! Stop h-"

With one wide, rapid swing of his spear, Tendo generated numerous massive swirling rings of demonic chakra enhanced with power release at the chunin, obliterating all of them instantly and causing an extremely large explosion in the area.


[Seven Chunin killed. 140 points gained.]

The place was covered with smoke and three figures suddenly flew out of it, with two of them holding the bodies of Gaara and Lee. Jiraiya immediately bit his finger, wiped the blood across his palm, and did a summoning jutsu, summoning the massive Gamabunta. Jiraiya was standing on the toad with his arm severely mutilated and a look of disbelief on his face. Guy and Kakashi quickly found some safe places for the two boys then appeared next to Gamabunta, ready to continue the fight.

Kakashi and Guy both flickered towards Tendo appearing in front of him as they immediately sent multiple strikes all over his body knowing that he wouldn't be able to keep up with the onslaught. Unfortunately for them though, that wasn't the case. Tendo blocked and deflected each one with his free limbs while using the hand with the spear to attack. All this time Tendo was keeping an eye on their attacks, learning them bit by bit as time went along. His targets were Guy's strong fist, the Rasengan, and the lightning blade. He just needed to see the latter one more times and he could go get it down easy.

Guy:'Gate Of Life, open!'

Guy immediately rushed Tendo once again, this time he much better as the speed increase between now and then drastic. All Guy could think about at the moment was his him defeating Tendo and taking revenge for Lee. Kakashi joined in on the fight soon after as Tendo kept dodging and deflecting all their hits. Guy was getting restless but Tendo just kept up his superb defenses, blocking every hit. It was as if he was stalling for time. Suddenly Gamabunta raised his blade high up and swung down with incredible force. Tendo decided to meet force with force as he jumped away from the attacking duo and started swinging his spear rapidly in a circular motion around himself, wrapping himself in a ball of demonic chakra.

'Flame Spear, the 13th move: Empyrean Annihilation'

The orb around Tendo suddenly gained a massive amount of suction and pulled Guy, Kakashi and even the blade Gamabunta was swinging faster towards him. Jiraiya thought the boy was suicidal until he saw the blade hit the orb and bounce off of it, making a sound as if it was hitting steel. Suddenly the suction force stopped as numerous spikes started to form all over the orb, giving the trio a sense of dread. Kakashi immediately began to act and tried to substitute himself but it was too late.

Tendo released the technique and the orb exploded outwardly with the spikes annihilating everything in its path as the explosion got larger. The first thing Guy did was open the 5th gate and he ran towards the still unconscious bodies of Lee and Gaara, picking them up and started running away. As soon as he took his first step, a white light suddenly engulfed his vision and the last thing he heard was Kakashi calling his name.


A massive crater formed in the ground after the technique stopped. Smoke engulfed the area once again, almost covering the entire plain in darkness. If one looked closely, they could see the mutilated arm of someone lying on the ground and the body of Gamabunta laying unconscious. Tendo was still standing there stoically, waiting for his 'opponents' to get back up.. Even with the tricks that Kakashi and especially Jiraiya were known for, against overwhelming force, all was for naught.

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