
Chapter 63 - S-Rank.

The entire plain that was once lush and filled with flora was now a mess from the battle that was ensuing. There was no sound to be heard except for the buzzing of red lightning traveling through the smoke. As Tendo looked at them through it, he couldn't help but slightly chuckle at the state they were. Guy's legs were severely injured as they were bleeding profusely and even some bones were showing. Lee and Gaara's injuries both got worse but Lee's head was being protected by Guy's body. It looks like he sacrificed his legs so that Lee's skull fracture couldn't be worsened even more.

Jiraiya wasn't faring any better as his entire right arm had been completely torn off. Tendo held back quite a bit so that they wouldn't die but he was still impressed by the amount of damage he caused.

Tendo: "Even one of the Legendary Sannin couldn't escape this destruction huh? I have to admit even I'm impressed by my own abilities. Guy is taken care of, Jiraiya is taken care of and now to wait for Kakas-"

'Lightning Blade!'

Tendo suddenly found a hand coursing with lightning impaling him through the ċhėst. Kakashi had come up through a hole in the ground right under Tendo so he couldn't react fast enough to dodge it, or so he thought. Kakashi's entire top was shirtless and he had injuries everywhere. His other hand was disabled, his mask had been torn off, basically, the only thing working on him were his legs and an arm. Everything else was damaged.

Kakashi: "Lord Jiraiya's summoning aided me well by shielding me with its massive body. Now, because of his sacrifice and your arrogance, you are defeated."

Tendo: "So that's the lightning blade huh? It's as simple as that and you make it sound so grand. Even the Rasengan sounds complex in theory but..."

Tendo recalled his spear, outstretched both of his hands, and a small ball of purple chakra formed in his right palm while some purple lightning formed inside of his left palm.

"'s simple in execution."

Kakashi: 'What hand signs?'

Kakashi was taken aback by Tendo's ability to learn jutsu after seeing it once but he quickly regained his composure and as a last resort he looked Tendo in the eye in hopes of capturing him in the Sharingan Genjutsu. Tendo noticed exactly what he was doing and countered it with his own illusion arts as he knew Kakashi's Genjutsu this time around was subpar.

In Kakashi's mind, the first thing he noticed was that he was a child, and next to him stood a certain girl with purple marks on her cheeks. Kakashi was stunned for a short bit before he immediately put up a hand sign and said 'Release' hoping to cancel the Genjutsu. But it was all for naught. The scenery suddenly changed and this time Kakashi was in a dark, gloomy forest tied up on a tree with thick spiky chains locking down all of his movement. He tried to escape with all his might before he noticed someone was laying on the ground with a large hole where their heart was supposed to be.


Kakashi struggled to escape even more when he saw the girl laying on the ground with tears in her eyes and a smile on her face. The thing that plagued Kakashi the most is that she wasn't dead in this illusion, she was being kept fully alive to feel the pain of a missing heart. As the girl struggled to get up, a figure suddenly appeared out of a cluster of trees with lightning in their hand. Kakashi was shocked to see that it was a copy of himself. The copy walked up to Rin as she was on her knees getting up and rammed the lightning blade into her ċhėst once again. He pulled his hand out and watched as she fell to the ground screaming in pain.

The copy walked over her body then continued to use the Lightning Blade on her again and again as she screamed for help from the original Kakashi who was speechless with tears coming out of his eyes. He couldn't even find the voice to call her name or the energy to escape because the scene in front of him was too daunting, too traumatizing for him to even think about resisting.

Back in the real world, Tendo deactivated his two new jutsu, removed Kakashi's hand from his ċhėst, and began walking away as the wound healed itself almost instantly. He was done with everything he had to do here. Kakashi was just standing in the same spot with his hand outstretched in the lightning blade position, tears flowing out of his widened eyes. Everyone else was either knocked out or too injured to move. And almost as if it was on cue:


[Transformation complete.]{Its not the ash-killing bones, but a much lesser version to it.}

Tendo's body returned to its normal comfortable state and the black markings got slightly bigger as they resumed their normal position on Tendo's arm. With one movement of his hand, a black bone popped out of his palm that gave off a large amount of natural energy. As he walked into the forest bordering the plains, he swiped the bone across a tree and watched as the cut part of the tree decayed slowly, causing him to widen his eyes in surprise.

He wished he had unlocked it sooner so that he could test it out on the unfortunate souls that he just fought. Retracting the bone, Tendo walked deeper into the forest, disappearing from sight and the senses of anyone who could be watching him.

Tsunade: "Jiraiya! You just woke up! Don't push yourself too hard!"

Jiraiya: "Hehe..T-tsunade..I'm fine..."

The 'Legendary' Tsunade Senju was currently taking care of the injured leaf shinobi that came back from the earlier mission to retrieve Sasuke. She almost cried her eyes out in worry when she first saw the abominable state of everyone, especially Jiraiya. They tried the best they can to reattach his arm and it was going well, but it would be quite a while before he could use it properly again, maybe a few years even.

Currently, the Toad Sage was pondering not on his health but what to do about Tendo. His power had grown way out of proportion in the short time that he had left the village. If left unattended, he will surely pose a severe problem for the village and the shinobi world as a whole. They had to somehow alert the other villages about him without telling them about the specifics of his crimes. Tsunade already knew what he was thinking about when she saw that look on his face but she couldn't help to ponder too when Jiraiya told her what happened. What kind of technique could he be using to increase his strength so quickly? The only possibility could be that absorption technique he spoke about but to get that much stronger so quickly meant that it wasn't as limited as Tendo claimed it to be earlier.

Tsunade took a break from mending Jiraiya's arm and gave him a serious look, causing the sage to do the same.

Jiraiya: "Tsunade, even though you both are cousins, you can't-"

Tsunade: "Jiraiya, I know. It's...disappointing that he turned out like this but in the name of the Senju Clan and the Leaf Village my grandfather established his legacy upon, we will take him out of this world."

Jiraiya: "...good, Tsunade. Let's 'promote' his status in the bingo book to S-Rank criminal. Raise his bounty to 100 million. That should make the villages keep him in their sights. He's bound to get caught soon enough."

Tsunade: "That's fine. I'll do it when I return to the office. What should we call him?"

Jiraiya: "Considering his abilities with the spear and the evil presence he exudes, how about the Devil Spear, Tendo Senju?"

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