
Chapter 64 - Life as a....(1)

Tendo was unaware of the developments concerning his status that were happening in the ninja world currently. At this moment in time, Tendo was in Ryuchi Cave receiving teachings from the White Snake Sage. Next to him lay two very familiar giant snakes, Manda and Garaga. Both of them were unconscious after a vicious fight with Tendo. This was their 5th time losing for the week as since Tendo got back to the cave, they continued to challenge him only to lose almost instantly.

The White Snake Sage was currently teaching him basic information about the world and the history of the sages. In their entire lifetimes, across all species and sages, there was never one dragon sage that existed. It was like a myth to all creatures as they knew that, according to legends, the dragon was the mightiest creature in existence. Some creatures didn't believe it as they needed proof if they were to believe that the dragons were so superior.

White Snake Sage: "Tendo, do you understand everything I taught you?"

Tendo: "It's understood."

White Snake Sage: "Alright it's time for us to test this theory. Understand that if this doesn't work and you get eaten, that will be the end of your journey. Are you ready?"

Tendo took a deep breath sat down cross-legged, getting into his position for absorbing natural energy through the Black Dragon Cosmic Technique. He was preparing himself mentally also as this was going to be a big step in his life, his evolution.

Tendo: "I'm ready."

The white snake sage curled herself around Tendo and but him in the neck, injecting as much of her power as she could into his body. Tendo didn't waste any time and absorbed as much as he could before he changed. Before long, he could feel his body getting smaller, and soon after, he finally turned into a small white snake with black markings on his body.

The White Snake Sage didn't stop though and continued injecting her power into him until he grew quite a bit. The sage wasn't worried about him turning into stone as his body was already accustomed to handling massive amounts of natural energy. By the time she removed get fangs, Tendo was currently the length of a full-fledged ȧduŀt. It was in stark contrast to the palm-sized length he started from.

The White Snake Sage was exhausted from transferring so much of her power at once and needed a rest. She looked at the three girls and said:

"Tagorihime, I'm going to rest for a while. Take Tendo and throw him into the snake pits. Tendo, if you can hear me, in the pits where you're going, there are snakes of all sizes and colors. Over one million of them. You will need to devour every one of them to evolve to the next level. You will need a while before you get to my length and power so you need to start as soon as you land. Remember, don't get yourself killed."

The Sage then took her leave right after that, leaving Tendo in the care of Tagorihime. The latter didn't waste any time and picked up Tendo, carrying him to the snake pits. The pit in question was extremely large and multiple caves led into it but the hole itself didnt have anywhere for the snakes to come out of, signifying that it was probably some type of breeding chamber or prison. It could even be both.

Tagorihime took him closer to the dark pit, took a deep breath, and dropped him in. She made sure she handled his body carefully as the sight of those flames that he controlled still plagued her mind every time she saw him. The last thing she wanted was to draw his anger towards herself. In his snake form, Tendo was slightly conscious he knew what he had to do and what the White Snake Sage said. He kept falling down normally and several seconds later, an opening filled with an ever-moving white substance.

Tendo fell into the substance and was surprised at what it actually was. It was just a massive amount of white snakes moving together and Tendo was dropped into the middle of them. Before he could even move, multiple snakes tried to bite him but he quickly spun around and hit them with his tail, using the moment in which they were stunned to devour them.

The other snakes noticed this and started attacking Tendo right away. He needed to become accustomed to the body of a snake so that's why he wasn't as fast as he usually is at the moment. They began fighting and biting each other as a massive amount of snakes pooled themselves upon Tendo, the latter having to fight and devour them at the same time.

All he needed to do was survive because right now, his life was on the line. He hadn't felt so pressured in a while since he left the village. He estimated how long it would take to devour all of them and when he realized that it would take roughly 5 months, he couldn't help but get himself even more excited as he continued devouring his opponents. He had a few injuries on him here and there, but they quickly healed as he still had his regeneration in his snake form. Suddenly, in the midst of battle, a familiar voice called out to him in his head.

Moryo: "Tendo, staying silent all this time is killing me! You need help controlling the body of a serpent huh? Why didn't you just ask? Did you forget what I am?"

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