
Chapter 7 - The Genin exam.

Life steal allows the user to steal the energy from opponents, in this case, it's chakra to add to their own pool and sustain themselves, eventually even attaining immortality. The more the user masters it the more things they can absorb energy from. Things like plants, rocks, animals, and even natural energy can be absorbed. At the highest level, an ability called Wraith Execution is unlocked.

[If you want to read the full ability in detail, use this link:]


Currently, Tendo was in the middle of the forest standing in the middle of multiple dead beasts, all cut up into clean pieces like they were cut with a knife. Even the trees around him were cut down in the same way. The reason for this is that he was practicing his Whirlwind Iron Cutting Fist. He was trying to fuse it with wind release in the same way that he fused water release with the Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist. It made it the style become even more fluid and deadly than it already was, as water in itself had a crushing force to it.

Tendo: "My cutting power is already powerful but I need a better result. Sigh, I can't get enough practice until I actually fight someone seriously. Maybe my sensei, whoever picks me, will fight me after the genin exam. They're all Jounin so im sure they can handle themselves in battle. Now time to get to graduation."

Tendo put on his normal gear and went straight to the Academy to take the exam. As he got there, he was slightly late but he was just in time to see naruto fail the graduation exam by summoning a low-level clone that wasn't even able to stand up straight. Tendo could only shake his head in anticipation of the future as he knew what Naruto could do. Iruka then looked down at his list once again and then called out a name.

Iruka: "Tendo Hyuga, come up."

Tendo walked out of the corner with an emotionless face and stood in front of the classroom. He then raised his hand into a sign and said:

"Clone Jutsu."

POOF! A clone appeared next to Tendo, looking exactly like him. Iruka nodded in approval.

Iruka: "Alright, Tendo Hyuga, passed! You will be called to collect your genin headbands soon and then a sensei will be chosen to lead each of you in teams of threes."

Tendo listened as Iruka rambled on and soon he had left the Academy, glad that it was finally time to get missions that would lead him outside the village. He was interested in who would pick him as their student, but he didn't care as no matter who it was, he would get what he wanted with them.

[In a certain room at night]

Two people were in a room with one kneeling down on one knee and the other with his back turned, looking out the window.

???: "Yes, it's true, he is suspected to be connected to the investigation in some way, so we need someone to keep an eye on him and find out as much as possible about him. So I will task you with staying close to him in every venture to make sure nothing slips by our eyes."

???: Yes sir! It shall be done according to your orders!"

And with that, the ninja on their knees flickered away, leaving nothing but the sounds of nature and the man there with a smile on his face.

In the coming days, Tendo had received his headband and taken his graduation picture, officially turning him into a genin. Well, his headband became more of an armband as Tendo didn't want to wrap it around his head. Currently, he was in class at the academy, waiting with the rest of the students to see which sensei they were ȧssigned to. There was the natural commotion going on between Naruto and Sasuke and this had been going on for a while until the teacher walked in.

Everyone got picked normally like how it was supposed to go in the original story but Tendo was very surprised at who his sensei was. But as he thought about it a bit more, he understood exactly why she was chosen.

Anko: "Oi! You must he Tendo huh? I'm Anko Mitarashi and I'll be your new personal sensei. Yes, that's right! That means you'll be getting me all to yourself all day long!"

His eyes didn't even flinch a bit as he had seen her antics in the show, but since she would be his gateway out of the village and possible for another experiment he hoped to carry out on her, he said:

Tendo: "I'm Tendo Hyuga, nice meeting you."

Anko was disappointed at his reaction but she expected it as she had been told everything the teachers knew about him from start to finish.

Anko: "Hey, Tendo! First lesson! You sh-"

Tendo: "Anko, when can we spar?"

Anko: "Hmph! You're bȧrėly a geni-"

Tendo: "Isn't it your job to teach me? Then do it."

Anko: "You're still going on about that? And you didn't even call me Anko sen-"

Tendo: "You need to be better than me for me to call you sensei."

Anko: "Oh, we have an arrogant one here eh? Well since you want to spar so bad, let me take you down a notch! Follow me into the training field!"

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