
Chapter 8 - Anko Vs. Tendo

On the training field, multiple figures were there looking at the middle of the field were two separate figures were. One with a dango in her mouth and the other with a blue aura around him, waiting for the battle to begin.

Tenten: "Guy sensei, why is Tendo going to fight Anko sensei? Isn't he just a genin?"

Neji: "Some people are just too arrogant and don't know their own limits. He hasn't even been taught the gentle fist so he's a failure as a Hyuga."

Guy: "Tenten, Neji, in the pursuit of strength, one must not fear fighting someone stronger than themselves. That's how you improve! WITH THE POWER OF YOUTH!!!"

Lee: "What profound teachings! I shall listen, guy sensei!!"

Other than Guy's team, the only other teams that were there were Asuma's team and Kurenai's team, consisting of the Ino-Shika-Cho trio and Hinata, Kiba, and Shino.

Asuma: "Guys, what do you think of this battle? Kurenai's team, you're free to answer too."

Kiba: "He's going to lose, badly."

Shino: "....."

Shikamaru: "Maybe he has some type of strategy up his sleeve as he seems pretty confident. But this is gonna be a drag because we all know who's gonna win."

Asuma laughed and watched intently at the two in the middle. He had a feeling that he was going to see something incredible here today so he couldn't wait.

Anko: "Guy, come and be the proctor of our battle. Plus we need some extra eyes to make sure this little runt doesn't cheat or something!"

Guy smirked and flickered, landing in between the two combatants with one hand raised in the air.

"Ready? Begin!"

Tendo rushed forward immediately, his blue streaked hands behind him moving fluidly and steadily with every step he took.

Anko: "Sigh. What a disappointment. Typical Genin rushing into battle without knowing his opponent's strengths or weaknesses."

Anko still had her dango in her mouth as she raised her right foot and delivered an extremely fast kick right at Tendo's face, already seeing the instant when he got hit in her mind. No one could follow the speed of the kick except for the other Jounin there. Even the Hyugas using their byakugan couldn't keep up. Just when all the sensei thought that he was going to be hit, Tendo slid under her leg, dodging the kick completely.

As he dodged, he quickly spun around and did a sweeping kick, taking her off of her feet before she even knew what happened. As she was midair falling down, Tendo spun around and delivered a powerful punch to her gut, causing her to spit out some blood. But he knew that a Jounin level opponent wouldn't be taken out so easily. Her body started to get extremely soft as she turned into a bunch of snakes. The snakes started to wrap themselves around Tendo's body trying to constrict his movement entirely.

Tendo: "Substitution huh? Good move but that alone cannot fool me."

Using the fluid nature of the Water Stream Fist, Tendo quickly wriggled his arms out of the snake wraps and turned around with a powerful elbow, hitting the actual arm of Anko that had just flickered behind him.

Anko: "Your taijutsu is pretty decent newbie, but you've got a long way to go if you want to compare to me."

Anko used her Hidden Snake Hand Jutsu, turning the arm that Tendo had hit into multiple snakes. They curled around him and bit into his skin, immobilizing him completely.

Anko: "The more you wriggle, the more they constrict you so I wouldn't fight it if I were you."

Tendo: "Fight me a little more seriously or you might seriously die, sensei. Eight Trigrams: Aquatic Palm Rotation!"

Chakra burst out of every tenketsu point on Tendo's body and formed a sphere. The chakra trapped Anko and her snakes inside of it and before she even felt it, the chakra had turned into water, causing her to feel like she's drowning. He then started to spin rapidly, sending her spinning around the sphere, the crushing force on her body increasing every time he spun around. This was because as he spun, he had enough control over water to increase the pressure of it, so by doing that it felt like an immense set of weights were continuously being placed on Anko.

Anko: 'What a technique! I can't even move a muscle! But this jutsu seems to use up a lot of chakra so he won't be able to keep this up long. As a precaution, I'll encase myself in a cocoon of snakes to ward off the pressure!'

Tendo, who was still spinning rapidly, could see what she was doing clearly because of his byakugan. He could see her building up chakra in her hands and feet to perform what looked like some kind of summoning jutsu.

Tendo: "It looks like she's prepared to summon even more snakes this time, probably to protect herself from the water until I run out of chakra, is that it. But she underestimates me if she thinks that's the limit of my jutsu."

He then made a slight change in how fast he spun and the jutsu itself started taking on different properties. Adding on the increasing pressure was a suction force that was pulling Anko to the middle rapidly. When she felt it, she made her hand signs even faster and the snakes were summoned and started to wrap around her body, forming a cocoon.

Anko: "That should weaken the blow of whatever he plans to do now!"

Tendo: "Too slow!"

As soon as Anko got in range of him, he stopped spinning abruptly but a bit of the suction force was still there, causing the snakes to steadily loosen a bit.

"Eight Trigrams: 64 Ice Palms!"

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