
Chapter 70 - Mount Myoboku.(2)

Tendo was happy with his stats and his overall improvement, especially his current strength level. He only had a few more things he needed to collect and that would be it. Speaking about that, he remembered Shion and wondered what she would be doing at this time. He had a mission that he wanted her to complete as a test and as a way to kill two birds with one stone. Using Zetsu to contact her, it wasn't long before her excited voice appeared in his mind.

Shion: 'Tendo! Where were you?! How have you been?! Last time thing I heard about you, the white Zetsu's told me you were in some kind of meditation thing... I don't know! Are you okay?!"

Tendo: "Shion, don't worry about me, I'm fine. I was just meditating to achieve...enlightenment. What about you? How is your training progressing?"

Shion: "Enlightenment? Sigh, I'm guessing you don't want to tell me what it was but that's alright. My training is going great, it's just that taijutsu is hard because I've only gotten a year's worth of body training in my entire life. Ninjutsu comes easy but Genjutsu is kind of difficult too. I don't know if-

Tendo: "What did I say before I left?"

Shion: "...That I can't fail."

Tendo: "Good, keep that in the front of your mind. I have a mission for you in the Land Of Fire."

Shion: "Tendo? Me, a-a mission? I..i accept!"

Tendo: "Good. Not too far from the leaf village is a clan called the Kurama Clan. I want you to locate that clan and then find a girl named Yakumo who belongs to said clan. Bring her to me, dead or alive. Preferably dead though. I would've gotten her myself but I have things to do. We will meet at Yomi's hideout in the Land Of Demons. Understood?"

Shion: "We'll get to meet?! Alright, I'll bring her back! Hehe, consider her dead!"

With that, Tendo cut their communication as he was just arriving at Mount Myoboku. He was impressed with Shion's attitude towards killing as it seems Yomi probably got her accustomed to it. But that wasn't important right now, he had a sage to devour. As he walked up the mountain, although the scenery was breathtaking, he couldn't help but notice how quiet the place was. Eerily quiet. Using his mutated byakugan, he looked up the mountain to see some familiar shinobi and few powerful toads waiting for him. The shinobi were Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Yama. Behind them stood Gamabunta, "The illusion Toad" Gamariki, Gamaken, Gamahiro while on Jiraiya's shoulder stood Shima and Fukasaku. Tendo was surprised but as soon as he thought about who he was dealing with, he realized exactly what happened.

Tendo: 'Seems like the Sage probably had a vision of me killing him and he's now prepared a small army to stop me. Sigh, what a useless farce.'

Tendo decided to stop taking his time and merged with the ground, going up the mountain and arriving at the area where his opponents were in no time. As Tendo started getting out of the ground, Jiraiya and Tsunade got ready for battle immediately as they weren't ready for someone to arrive in such a manner. When Jiraiya saw the young man coming out the ground with black hair, he was surprised as the one he was expecting had white hair. Tendo had his head down as he was coming out of the ground, that's why Jiraiya didn't immediately see his face and recognize him.

As soon as he did though, Jiraiya felt his heart speed up as that same face that belonged to the man who completely decimated him the first time was indeed the one who showed up. He was already getting slightly nervous at the sight of him. Tsunade noticed this and was surprised as she had never seen Jiraiya acting like this. She put her hand on his shoulder to calm him down as she looked him in the eye, nodding. Jiraiya took a deep breath and regained his earlier expression of seriousness, looking at Lord Yama for confirmation. Then the unexpected happened.

Lord Yama: "Haha, I'm sorry Tsunade and Jiraiya. This young man is allied with Tanigakure so attacking him will not be in our best interest. I'll have to back out of this one."

Tsunade almost blew up in rage as what Yama was saying didn't make any sense. They even showed him Tendo's picture and described him well to him when they were making a plan so him backing out now felt like a stab in the back.

Tsunade: "Lord Yama, I thought you were better than this! All of those heroic deeds you accomplished in the Land Of Rivers and now you tell me you're allied with this criminal! What have you g-"

Tendo: "Oi, stop squabbling. I will only say this once...."

Tendo opened his mouth and an ancient voice came out of it, causing the ears of anyone who heard his voice to almost rupture. Of course, the only reason they weren't deafened permanently is because Tendo held back the power of it quite a bit, but it was still enough to shake the entire mountain.

Tendo: "Gamamaru! Come out here and face your death! The longer you take, the more of your toads I will cut down!"

Everyone's ears bled when they heard the demonic voice. Jiraiya braved the pain and with one clasp of his hands, activated Sage Mode as the two sage toads on his shoulder were gathering natural energy all the time. Tsunade bit her finger and summoned the Slug Katsuyu, one of her most trusted comrades. Jiraiya jumped on Gamabunta's back and two of the Legendary Sannin stood there, facing down little old Tendo by himself.

The latter gave a small smile as he unsheathed his sword, his invisible demonic chakra surging around him. Since his body had started devouring everything in his snake form, his chakra had taken on the same properties, causing it to become invisible. The chains around his arms started levitating slowly as he held his sword to the side of him.

Tendo: "Have it your way, I'll slaughter my way to you then, Gamamaru."

Tendo suddenly disappeared from his spot. Jiraiya was trying to sense him with his sage mode but nothing came out of it. That was when a scream of anger from one of the giant toads sounded out behind him. Looking back, he saw Gamariki, the illusion toad, dead on the ground, split in half with all its limbs cut off, including its tongue. No one even heard or saw Tendo move, all they saw was the death of one of their strongest toads. Jiraiya, to his horror, saw Tendo standing atop the head of Gamaken with the same friendly smile on his face.

Tendo: "One down, Gamamaru isn't here yet? Another one then."


Next chapter: Tsunade Vs. Tendo. She's going to fight for the pride and glory of the Senju Clan! Will she succeed? Will she fail? Will Tendo defeat the insurmountable enemy known as Slug Princess Tsunade? Find out next time on Dragon Ball Z!

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